sap cpi sftp public key authentication

Could you help to understand what am I doing wrong? This blog explains how to set up secure SFTP connection between SAP Cloud Platform Integration and SFTP without using user id & password (Basic Authentication), which is more secure to use. Errors during writing to the sftp server are shown in the, Convert ppk toOpenSSH key; e.g. It is planned to offer a connection via cloud connector, but this is not available yet. Also, what if there are multiple private keys for different sftp servers? if the home directory of the user that is used to connect to the sftp server is /_ftp/0480038021 then yes, /outbox should work. Everything worked, but I broke one of the connections, so I would like now to restore the old id_rsa, but when I try to upload the old .pub key I get an error message Cannot load key. we just finished development of dual Authentication for sftp, now it goes into a 4 week integration test cycle. What would you recommend to resolve this problem since the SFTP account may have only one way of authentication? You administrator should know the landscape/system setup. Copy the Host key for the SFTP from above screenshot should be deployed in the existing known_hosts file. I will update the blog within the next days describing the new option Add -> SSH Key. Hi guys, in this articles I share step by step how to config connection from SAP CPI to SFTP server with private/public key. while upload File->select the key. Configure SAP CPI with SFTP using Public key based authentication: Step 1: Host Key retrieval from SAP CPI - Connectivity For SSH based communication, CPI tenant needs the host key of the sftp server, which has to be added to the known hosts file and deployed on the cpi tenant. After the connectivity is setup, you can connect to an sftp server using the sftp sender or receiver adapter. To create the SSH Key open the Keystore Monitor available in the Operations View in Web in section Manage Security. This way access to a specific SFTP mailbox can be granted and revoked to each system and each person separately. Part 1 of this series demonstrated how to integrate SAP PI/PO systems with AWS Transfer for SFTP (AWS SFTP) and how to use the data that AWS SFTP stores in Amazon S3 for post-processing analytics. For Maximum Reconnect Attempts, enter your desired value. In this case either the id_rsa/id_dsa alias is not available in keystore, the public key was not added to the sftp server authorized keys correctly or the user is not valid. In this case you may use the existing one for your scenario or use a different Key Type or rename the existing alias. where 0480038021 is username (Authentication is Public Key). This X.509 certificate file can be imported to sftp server, if the sftp server supports the format. I remember this problems, it's a false error, in real, probably (in our cases), was timeout on auth fail, we changed timeout 10000 to 300000 after discussing for a week with sap support and this disappears after. Without it, you will lose your content and badges. In a few months, SAP Universal ID will be the only option to login to SAP Community. Are you really using the same user and private key alias in the sftp channel? After the connectivity is setup, you can connect to sftp server using the sftp sender or receiver adapter. Note. If everything is setup correctly you will get a success message with Check Host Key using Public Key Authentication. Select Add to create the key. As shown in the following workflow diagram, the known host file will store the SFTP public key, hostname, and public key algorithm. Is it really expected to take that long? In a few months, SAP Universal ID will be the only option to login to SAP Community. This is possible now, see blog How to connect to an on-premise sftp server via Cloud Connector. so the public key needs to be uploaded to the CPI known hosts file. The only option I have is to fix the broken connection, because the key was created in the keystore. the sftp server can then validate this against the public key. Make sure to specify the SFTP username that you want the public key installed on. Will appreciate your help in this regard. 2.Created SSH key pair in CPI key store and downloaded the pub key from it. You can retrieve the deployed integration flow URL from the SAP CPI manage integration content page. For Password, enter the same password created as part of password-based authentication in part 1 of this series using Secrets Manager. Maybe you try with the SSH connectivity test to check the access to the directory. is there a way to connect an sFTP Host which is located on Prem via SAP Cloud Connector? The SAP properties to be used and the possible values are: AttributeSAP property Type Values, Proxy TypeSAP_FtpProxyType String internet and onPremise, AuthenticationSAP_FtpAuthMethodString key, user and dual. All certificates and private key pairs contained in the tenant keystore are shown. The alias is generated automatically based on the key type of the putty or SSH key: With the June-2020 update you can define the alias for the key pair used for the SSH communication. CPI needs to pull the files from SFTP server using Public Key Authentication method. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. Thanks Vanga. test tenant and productive tenant) should have their own SSH key, the same applies to each natural person (e.g. this is currently not supported in CPI. In a few months, SAP Universal ID will be the only option to login to SAP Community. Step 2: Open PuttyGen and load the private key that was exported in Step 1. Is it sftp sender or receiver? If my understanding is correct, compared to CPI, accepting the sftp host as trusted would be the equivalent of maintaining known_hosts. This post shows you how to integrate SAP Cloud Platform Integration (SAP CPI) with AWS SFTP and use the AWS analytics solutions shown in part 1 for post-processing analytics. If the server does not respond when calling with Authentication None, it simply cannot be reached. Do we need to use cloud connector to connect CPI from on-premise and how to trigger the upload? Yet I got error using both None and User/password and Key. Any clue on why this error message is returned? Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. This feature will be available for customers starting with the 8-June-2020 release. The file contains thepublic keyin openSSH format, which can be used tobe put to the sftp server. The polling sftp scenario and which security artifacts are involved is described in SAP Documentation chapter Inbound sftp with Public Key Authentication. The steps given by you have been extremely useful. For an SFTP client connected to an SFTP server using the Public Key authentication option, the following artifacts have to be generated and stored at the locations summarized in the following table. Please remove the adapter and create the channel newly. How to split a Big file ( Upto 50 MB) while using Sender SFTP adapter in CPI ? Splitting needs to be done in the integration flow processing via the splitter flow step. To test the connection withhost keyand public key check, select Authentication option Public Key andenter the address of yoursftp server, and the user nameavailable inthe sftp serverand execute the test. The test will give a success message or an error with detailed error information. Thank you Mandy. You simply have to make sure you can execute calls to the internet from your HCM system, usually a proxy in your landscape is used for this. According to our operations colleagues there were no changes and the IP ranges documented are still valid. For testing purposes I've uploaded ppk file as ssh key (considering the fact that id_rsa had not been created yet, otherwise we'd get "id_rsa" already exists") and tried to run connectivity tests, and I still get result "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Requested key size is not supported.". Choose Add -> SSH Key to upload a putty of SSH keyfor the sftp connectivity. Could you please check again? SFTP usernames must be created and provided to Customer Support before you request SSH access. It gives a step by step description what needs to be configured where. To send the file to the SAP CPI, upload the SAP material Idoc structure in the HTTPS tool. I am trying to connect to one sftp server where the authentication method we want to use is public key. reject HostKey)it is possible to execute the test without the option Check Host Key. Thanks for this post. This blog describes the configuration options. it's not possible yet, but it's planned. 2.Created SSH key pair in CPI key store and downloaded the pub key from it. This article describes the procedure of getting the Host Key. And the public certificate for the key is downloaded and passed to all connected sftp servers. Is it possible or we need to wait for next release for CPI ? When we tried from tenants on eu3 and us2 it is getting succesful. Thank you very much Mandy and taking your time to answering my question. The maximum file size is not yet configurable in the sftp adapter, but this is on the roadmap. If you have multiple accounts, use the Consolidation Tool to merge your content. A public key is used in order to authenticate the SFTP server (as known host) on the SFTP client side. I understand it will be available at this month release. After further analysis, I noticed that vendor generated their public key with size 3072. Besides, most sftp servers close an idle connection from their side after a certain period of time (i.e. Reconnect Attempts SAP_FtpMaxReconnect int Values of type integer, Reconnect Delay SAP_FtpMaxReconDelayint Values of type integer, Automatically Disconnect SAP_FtpDisconnectboolean, string true, false, Change Directories Stepwise SAP_FtpStepwise boolean, stringtrue, false, Create Directories SAP_FtpCreateDir boolean, string true, false, Use Fast Exists Check SAP_FtpFastExistsCheck boolean, string true, false, Handling for Existing FilesSAP_FtpAfterProc String Overwrite, Append, Fail, Ignore, Flatten Filenames SAP_FtpFlattenFileName boolean, string true, false. We have tried to test by increasing the TimeOut in our Test Tenant, the Iflow is still in processing since 1 Hour. To establish SSH connection between SAP Cloud Integration (former CPI) and SFTP server, you need to add the below parameters to the <known_hosts> file and deploy it on the tenant: Hostname Key Algorithm Host Key (encoded using base64) However you do not know how to get the Host Key of SFTP server to prepare the <known_hosts> file. the connection timeout of the sftp server). There is no need anymore to use an external tool for this. Thanks for your reading, any question kindly leave your comment below this. This problem was seen from time to time in sftp communications. Without it, you will lose your content and badges. This establishes the connection between SAP CPI and AWS SFTP and lists the current objects stored in the AWS SFTP server S3 directory. I'm especially thinking about the new option to use TCP / TCP (SSL) for connection. For Authentication, choose public-key based. so if we provide our public key to SFTP server admin , it doesn't require to provide in the below column in channel. Looks like the server cannot be reached at all. Furthermore, for public key authentication with the sftp server, a private key has to be maintained in the cloud integration tenant keystore. ForSSH based communication in the cloud integration tenant, thepublic host key of the sftp serverprovided in previous step is needed in the cloud integration tenant. In the creation dialog select and define the key specific values and define a validity period. I have created this Key Pair directly in the tenant. We are trying to connect to an internal on-premise SFTP server with public key based authentication. Appreciate your time and efforts for all this. In CPI we only have option for Public key (with username) or username and password. We believe that the /_ftp/0480038021 will be generated at runtime and at CPI we are supposed to configure only /outbox in Folder location at SFTP receiver channel. Please set SAP_FtpAuthMethod to constant user if you want to define it with the value user. While connecting to a sftp server from a tenant on eu1, we are getting the error "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host ". If it can not, does it is planned in the roadmap of future? Update the server host key in the known_hosts CPI tenant file form. If you have multiple accounts, use the Consolidation Tool to merge your content. The public key authentication is checked via the authentication option Public Key. Please help me to understand what is wrong in my IFlow. NodeManager.deploysecuritycontent. I also share how to test by Test Tool in SAP CPI. In this whitepaper you will find detailed steps for connecting to on-premise SFTP server with SAP Cloud connector, testing the connectivity from CPI Tenant, Managing credential entries for SFTP basic authentication as well as establishing public key based access to SFTP from CPI tenant, building the CPI IFlow with sender and receiver SFTP adapte. If not then there is no key pair that can be used. Without it, you will lose your content and badges. Thanks for your advices. at the moment it is either user/password or public key, but we work on an enhancement to support Dual authentication meaning user/password and public key. You can configure the entry fields Directory, File Name, Address, Location ID, User Name, Credential Name andPrivate Key Aliasdynamicallyusing header (${}) or property (${}) as shown below. I am trying to achieve an scenario ECC-HCI- SFTP and back. Fortunately it's only one iflow impacted. If the sftp server needs SSH2 format according to RFC 4716 you need to download the OpenSSH key andtransform it to an SSH2 public key with the ssh-keygen tool, which can for examplebe installedusing cygwin on Windows machines. In SAP CPI monitoring view, choose Security material function. Select Deploy to create the key. The customer retains the private keyon their server and provides the public key to SuccessFactors. But once I tested uploading ppk from vendor, created id_rsa, maintained unknown_hosts, I still got error message com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Requested key size is not supported." For SSH based communication, the cloud integration tenant needs the host key of the sftp server, which must be added to the known hosts file and deployed on the cloud integration tenant in the next step. If so, you may use it and skip the next two steps, continue with download of the public key. You will have to setup one. In case of sftp sender the integration flow should start polling messages from the sftp server. So, I cannot confirm the date. Create and deploy the SSH Key. With this you can connect multiple sftp servers. This is accomplished by the customer generating the SSH key from their server, thiskey will have 2 parts, a private key and a public key. For that vendor has given me a .p12 key pair file which i intent to upload in the keystore, I had few question on this hoping you could clarify them. With this last step the configuration of thecommunication to the sftp server using public key authentication is completed. In case you have access to the sftp server yourself, youll normally find the public key of the sftp server in the .ssh directory with the name It is recommended to use a dedicated key pair for the communication to the sftp server(s), and you may now even use a different key pair for each sftp server. Cloud Onnector set-up was done following your blog earlier. to 4: first data centers are planned for upcoming weekend, others one week later. If public-key authentication fails, it will go to password authentication. For SSH based communication using public key authentication towards the sftp server, a private key pair with the any alias like id_rsa or id_dsa is required in CPI tenant's keystore. Is this something specific to be provided by vendor or developer can enter this on its own will. we have created and provided public key to SFTP server admin. Here, I have how to establish secure SFTP connection using Public Key Authentication for CPI Interfaces which send files to SF SFTP or any third party SFTP. For configuration connect from CPI to SFTP by using credential user, kindly see this blog. Also I saw the keystore, do I still need to create the SSH Key in Keystore to download and share with SFTP server.PFA. For public key authentication at the sftp server the public key of the cloud integration tenants private key is needed in the sftp server. How to connect SFTP adapter using public key authorization 787 Views Follow RSS Feed Hi All, I am confuguring sftp adapter using public key authentication , I have updated the host file but system is asking for username for public key . After all these steps when we try the connection test we are getting "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" error. Is this something specific to be provided by vendor or developer can enter this on its own will? One of the vendor provided an .ppk file which I have deployed in the tenant using Keystore -> Add SSH Key. It sounds like something is not setup correctly in the Cloud Connector. You need a private key pair in the keystore to connect via public key, please follow the blog description. 2) Indeed, id_rsa had not been created up to the point I send my questions. Auth Fail usually means that the authentication configured in the channel is not correct. To download entries from Keystore Monitor your user needs the Group Role AuthGroup.IntegrationDeveloper or Single Roles and does this cause issue with SFTP Adapter. Upload the id_rsa public key pair downloaded earlier to the AWS SFTP server SSH public key page. First attempt, FileZilla retrieves public key automatically and asks if host is trusted. Do you have guide to get the private SSH key from CPI? the private SSH key is the one that is created in the CPI tenant and this is what usually shall never leave the system for security reasons. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance! if the adapter does not have the option in the adapter configuration it means that it is an old version of the adapter. Second, the private key cannot and must not be exported for security reasons. On an OpenSSH serverits done via adding itto the authorized_keys file in the .ssh directory. Thanks Mandy. "ssh-rsa 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 rsa-key-20200603", Key Fingerprint: "ssh-rsa 3072 64:a8:71:f9:dd:d0:2a:1a:e5:ce:f2:dd:5a:63:d3:2d". After setting up the SFTP Channel in iflow deploy the iflow. (LogOut/ We have followed the below steps: 1.Updated the CPI's known hosts file with SFTP server keys. Without it, you will lose your content and badges. SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, Cloud Platform Integration, SAP CPI, CPI, SCPI, HANA Cloud Integration, HCI, SAP HCI, tenant, iFlow, Integration Flow, SFTP, Public Key, Host Key, SSH,known_hosts,Connectivity Test,SAP Cloud Integration , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , How To. Usually the private key is generated by the server (function generate SSH key), which is in this case the Cloud Integration tenant. -We will discuss internally if we can offer a more user friendly option to get this imported to the keystore. Can any one please help me with public key username? It is possible to upload SSH or putty keys. Having done this, how can I successfully authenticate against the SFTP using the added key pair? You have guide to get the private SSH key in the, ppk. Steps, continue with download of the cloud Connector file with sftp server with private/public key adapter. 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sap cpi sftp public key authentication