when will the next james bond be announced

Thats why it works for a thirtysomething.. ) Think about it. Daniel Craig is ready to leave, which feels almost impossible. Sound as he is, we're leaning towards a no for Evans. Entertainment. You might as well get the Ouija board out to ask the spirit of Cubby Broccoli what he reckons. Bridgerton was his first major TV role, and he hasnt fronted a big budget film yet (although he was in Mortal Engines, and will lead in the 2023 Dungeons & Dragons reboot (?!!)) At 30 years old hes a little young. But next year is even more likely. Maybe. James Bond producer, Michael G. Wilson, has revealed the next actor to take on the 007 mantle will be in their 30s. They just lost confidence in it, he told us. A measured, non-committal response that will only fuel rumours. For some reason, nobody's really talking about Kaluuya as an outside shout for Bond at the minute, but all the ingredients are there. Heughan's from Balmaclellan in the Dumfries and Galloway, and he reckons it's time to cast Bond north of Hadrian's Wall again. According to new reports, we have finally found a James Bond worthy enough to succeed the wonderful Daniel Craig, and it's a woman! The new "Bond 25" film's cast has just been announced, and it's jam-packed with stars. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is the latest star to see his name at the head of the betting after a flurry of interest from punters over the last two days, notes Alex Apati of UK bookmakers Ladbrokes. They might well do. You'll need a history of hefty, critically respected film parts these days too. Everyone likes Riz. He has been married to Amelia Warner since April 27, 2013. Previous to that, Pierce Brosnan was announced as the new Bond on June 7, 1994. It's a fresh angle to come at Bond servant of the crown, member of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George from. We're not saying that the foppish spy he played in Tenet is definitely a James Bond audition tape. It's not real. The Bond question was put to him recently too. And when we cast Bond, it's a 10-, 12-year commitment. At 34, hes young enough to star in a Yung Bond reboot, as the franchise pivots away from Craigs grizzled veteran. Cavill hasnt got that memo. "It's incredible to have the opportunity . The pair were awarded their fellowships by series regulars Ralph . So who will be the . Along with these pointers, there are a few Bond casting orthodoxies to guide us. There have also been reports about actors like, Aaron Taylor-Johnson being favored for the role. "Thats why it works for a thirty-something. Hmm? We uncover the best of the city and put it all in an email for you. It's speculative," Norton told the Sunday Times. The problem: he's 42 now, so pretty much definitively out of the picture regardless of how fascinating his character studies may be. It was reported in The Sun that Taylor-Johnson recently went for a secret screen test with the producers including Barbara Broccoli at Pinewood studios, and apparently he smashed it: "Aaron went for a screen test to be the next Bond in September and producers and Barbara loved him. The case against? Tom Hardy, John Boyega, Sam Heughan and more are all in the running for the keys to the DB5. If playing Elvis in Sofia Coppola's upcoming Priscilla does anything like what playing Elvis in Elvis did for Austin 'The Pelvis and also The Mad Accent' Butler, then he'll be a hotter property than ever soon. He's solid and he can sell a quip with the best of them, but there are a few roadblocks in the way. Traditionally, its been a role which elevates actors to the A-list rather than being an A-list vehicle. "I mean, any British actor will be lying if they say that James Bond wasnt up there as a dream role. The problem is, he doesn't really want it. Hes a person who has been through the wars, so to speak. But don't expect the next actor to play the iconic spy to be announced any time soon. Cavills name has been bouncing around Bond for more than a decade: he was Casino Royale director Martin Campbells pick to succeed Pierce Brosnan, but he lost out to Daniel Craig as he was considered too young at 23. Tom Hardy. One James Bond has handed in his Walter PPK, licence to kill and loyalty card at the MI6 staff caf, and the process of replacing him is underway. According to the Daily Mail, British star Lashana Lynch has been given a license to kill and will take over '007 in the 25th instalment of the legendary spy movie franchise. Eventually, when we have to think about it, well find the right person.". Norton's the right age, the right level of hotness, and it'd certainly be an elevation. In the nearly 60 years since 007 hit the big screen, hes been played by five actors (Sean,George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan,andDaniel Craig) across 25 movies. Actor | The Fall. Pam Grier Turned Down Playing 'Octopussy' Bond Girl: She's 'an Afterthought' Daniel Craig Needed to 'Move on' from James Bond After 15 Years: 'I Don't Want to Go Back' There will be no James Bond Jr reboot. We like a bit of Will Poulter over here, and the 29-year-old is exactly the kind of left-field choice it's fun to slap on the table when the conversation comes up. But trying to visualise it doesnt work. It's not real. And I feel it is beyond me at this juncture. There are no calling cards more gigantic than Bond, and youd think that the wet thud with which Dark Phoenix ended the X-Men saga is just about far enough in the rear view mirror for Hoult to consider saddling up in a massive franchise again too. Every profile of Dev Patel has to mention that we all remember him starting out as the lanky, awkward Anwar in Skins, so here that is. But it's off the table. Daniel Craig stepped down from the role after 2021s No Time To Die.. While Bond 26 has many challenges ahead of it, the next James Bond movie's biggest problem has nothing to do with who plays 007 in the franchise outing. Come on, stop stalling. will be a hard reset for the franchise and for Bond himself. Phase three Pattinson would make for a very interesting 007 indeed. Related: Will his relative lack of big-screen experience rule him out. . But hes handsome, British, and has won acclaim for his performances, but importantly isnt too much of a mainstream draw just yet. She also added: The folks in London loved him when he was just there with the premiere of Top Gun: Maverick. He's veeeeery young. Hes been in a couple of arty favourites in The Favourite and True History of the Kelly Gang. His current odds 2/1 are low enough to make Le Chiffres eyes water. The new James Bond reportedly must be aged under 40 and taller than 5ft 10 inches. He also appears to be just a lovely boy. Broccoli's comments were made during a BFI Fellowship dinner where she and Michael G. Wilson were honored for their fellowship. James told Sirius XM in January 2023. "He's had . Tom Hardy is one of the bookies' favourites to take over from Craig. With Daniel Craig no longer playing James Bond, if the plots from his movies continue, Lashana can surely keep the story going as the all-new 007. In the meantime, check out the schedule of 2022 movie . This content is imported from {embed-name}. The 26-year-old actors name hasnt been mentioned in the Bond debate very much, if at all, but we predict that will change very soon. Perhaps as importantly, he's got the Connery factor. Hes an actor, my dear. she told a fan on Twitter. He signed up to oversee Bond 25 in February 2018 with his long-time screenwriting partner John Hodge, but it didnt take long for the wheels to come off. Broccoli appeared as a guest on BBC Radio 4's Today . Alberto E. Rodriguez. Also working perfectly in his favour is his age. At 6'3, he'd be the tallest Bond yet too. You never know where things will head with the next wheel spin. . The spate of BBC thrillers in the last few years has raised a certain echelon of British leading man toward the top of the Bond reckoning. Isnt 007 supposed to handsome? You dont know which direction they want to take Bond in and so I like to say that everythings always on the table.". I look pretty good in a suit. Turner hasn't been exactly prolific since Poldark sheathed his scythe and popped its shirt back on his last film was Love is Blind in 2019, and there was last year's starring role in a historical drama about Leonardo Da Vinci but since rocking up the police thriller The Suspect things have got a bit more spicy again. But he can't for now, at least be a woman. Reg-Jean Page, Bridgerton 's dashing Duke of Hastings; Henry Golding, who won hearts in Crazy Rich Asians; and Lashana Lynch, who took on the 007 code name in the latest blockbuster while Bond was in exile. Related. Another one to file under 'definitely could do it, but why would you when you could just do a Marvel cameo every other year for the next decade and make some nice character pieces in between'. He's said as much in the past too: "I don't know what I would like to play," he admitted in a 2016 roundtable, "but I know what I'm afraid of playing: those big studio movies.". View gallery. If he gets the role, the magnificently-haired Londoner would represent the most luxuriantly-maned Bond since Brosnan. Tom Hardy, John Boyega, Sam Heughan and more are all in the running for the keys to the DB5. At 32, he fits within the new parameters of the casting for 007. The boy's got it all in his locker. Another insider shared details withThe Sunin November. But we will point out he pulls off a double-breasted suit even better than Roger Moore. 7. I don't want to say yes or no. The Londoners recent conscious uncoupling from, and the DC universe and to lesser extent, his departure from Netflixs smash hit series. There's been no fresh interview with him where he laid out his yearning for Bond, no role announced that's basically a Bond audition by stealth. He revealed that hed tried out for the part in a June interview on the podcast Just The Facts With Alex Zane. Will Aaron Taylor-Johnson be the next 007? While nothing official has been announced about who will play Bond next, fans have naturally chimed in with all sorts of discussions about what actors could encapsulate the super spy. Dont expect any youngsters in the running was the gist of his comments in 2022.Weve tried looking at younger people in the past, he told Deadline. Here, then, is a look at actors, from long-rumored contenders to off-the-wall suggestions, who could be next to introduce themselves as "Bond, James Bond." Advertisement Previous Slide The post-F9 Bond years? Hes had some experience. We are without an incumbant Bond so it's only natural that one of the hottest topics of conversation in the fandom is who is the best man to follow Daniel Cr. Suave, charming and a big cricket lover, Dan Stevens seems like the kind of James Bond that Ian Fleming might have cast. If he gets the role, the magnificently-haired Londoner would represent the most luxuriantly-maned Bond since Brosnan. The tough but conflicted but fragile but dutiful thing is solid Bond training, and Madden's silence on the subject feels more like a 'something is about to happen' kind of silence than a 'nothing is about to happen' void. (Do track down Live Wire if you can. If anyone could show that Bond can move with the times and, if necessary, sit down the kind of baby-men who'd freak out at the idea of a Muslim Bond with a combo of grace and righteous force, he can. Sharing a black and white photo of the typewriter, with a piece of paper reading '5th October 2022 . The much yearned-for moment when the new James Bond is whisked along the Thames in a speedboat feels about as remote as it did just after No Time To Die. "They need to really go with a reinvention of it in a different way". suddenly leaves space on his schedule for the kind of heavy-lifting (and publicity duties) demanded by playing Ian Flemings legendary spy. What's happened here is a bit of confusion between a job title, and a character. By Jack King. No Time to Die explained: All your James Bond plot questions answered. Photo: Getty. Ejiofor's Bond would, you feel, make for a more cerebral spy than Craig's man mountain. Id say that filming is at least two years away., Co-producer Michael G Wilson has also stressed that. He's heard about the Bond speculation though. if you have any doubts he could do all the nastier stuff Bond gets up to between saving his country and annoying M. . He even charmed William & Kate.. The 32-year-old author of Testament, a novel about the Holocaust, will be the first woman to write a Bond sequel authorised by the Ian Fleming estate. Keep your eyes peeled for the next James Bond betting odds update, readers! I'd be like a really short James Bond." Hopper's highest profile role so far is as Luther Hargreeves in Netflix's The Umbrella Academy, though he also popped up in Game of Thrones as Dickon (stop it) Tarly for a few episodes. George Lazenby was a car salesman turned chocolate advert mascot who bumped into Broccoli at the barbers. Plus, Barbara Broccoli doesnt like Tom Hiddleston, hes a bit too smug and not tough enough to play James Bond, the source said. Hed never really been thought of as a contender before, which was strange when you think about it, as hes already proven his acting chops as Action Man in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Godzilla and Tenet, while simultaneously showing thespian range in movies like Anna Karenina, A Million Little Pieces, and his breakthrough smash in which he starred as a young John Lennon, Nowhere Boy. I don't know. Ever since Daniel Craig announced that he would be turning in the tuxedo and putting down the martini glass, the race has been on to decide who will be chosen as the next James Bond. Its all very secret service. Its hard to find a character more iconic than James Bond. Dismiss him at your peril. He even missed out on a chance of a role in 300 because he was so focussed on getting the Bond gig. Hes a person who has been through the wars, so to speak. I mean, yeah perfect, I think we're actors, you know, so maybe you can mix it up a little bit.. What can I say that you dont already know? he said when asked about the speculation, via Independent. Right now, the long-running James Bond franchise is in a transition phase as fans await the casting of the next 007. Naomie Harris is in favour and no Bond ever got anywhere without Moneypenny on board but his age would seem to count against him. As the kind of A-lister who makes other A-listers look like boring nerds, he doesn't need the role to elevate him any further, so Bond would be an odd fit. Daniel Craig. We already have this email. Lashana Lynch,35, has already made history as the first Black woman to take up the 007 codename. The 39-year-old actor, known for his role in Man of Steel remains a leading contender for a role as the next James Bond. Theres precedent for an Irish Bond in Pierce Brosnan, and of the mooted Irishmen who've been and gone in the running Cillian Murphy and Michael Fassbender being the others Turners the one with the best shot. Its that time again. If you believe the bookmakers, hes now the hot favourite to play Bond. "Well, that aint gonna work.". The 26th official James Bond film is unlikely to be in cinemas . "It was the origin story of James Bond. And as weve mentioned previously, its probably time to get a Short King in the role (Daniel Craig, at 5 foot 10, is the shortest to take on the role so far.). Lovely Dev Patel isnt the only first gen Skins alumnus who might be in the running to play Bond next. To kill some time before we find out for sure, though, we've got some guesses of differing degrees of wildness. Well, alright then. "I went in with a script and they were like: 'We might get you to read something from this scene' but they dont tell you what its from. Very astute. He also shared an awks selfie of him and Daniel Craig at an award show in 2019, clearly having fun with the rumors. "I mean, ultimately, as a young British lad who loves cinema, I'd love to be James Bond, the 25-year-old told Variety in February 2021. It was hard enough getting [Daniel Craig to do it].". Good age, good-looking, and he'd be the first vegan Bond. Who knows. James Norton. Aaron went for a screen test to be the next Bond in September and producers and Barbara loved him, they said. What Will James Bond's Next Car Be? He's done that often enough, but none of his actioners have really clicked like his more thinky, quiet films have. Daniel Craig's final James Bond film, "No Time to Die," is finally due to have its world premiere in the U.K. later this week, but Craig's replacement won't be announced anytime soon . Hull-born Aramayo would be the first Yorkshire Bond, which would push that particular county beyond being simply insufferable and to the point where we should start investigating whether we can saw it off and cast it into the North Sea. Hed make his own kind of history if he were to get the gig too Hoult would be the first former child actor to play Bond. Then again, he was saying that about M Night Shyamalan's famously bobbins The Last Airbender, which would scar anyone. Euphoria's Nate Jacobs is one of the hottest young actors around and the other Aussie Bond has been through a bit of a critical renaissance over the last few years not least within the Bond universe itself, having been given his flowers about 50 years late in all the nods and references in No Time To Die. And aside from the seismic impact of casting an actor of colour as James Bond, Page is a fast-rising performer whose magnetism will be on show on the big screen this summer in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves alongside Star Treks Chris Pine. The rumor could be announced in March or April next year. Boyega did a Google Assistant ad which toyed with the idea of him playing Bond he's in a tux, does the classic pre-credits Bond crouch-and-gun-point pose, and likes what he sees so much he calls his agent and managed to come across as both a laugh and a real contender to take Bond and make him funny, dashing and buoyant. Tom Hardy is one of the bookies' favourites to take over from Craig. "But trying to visualise it doesnt work. Another fan favorite to takeover the franchise has beenAvengersstarTom Hiddleston,41. The boy is 25 years old, and he really looks it too. Reg-Jean Page. 4. Image Credit: Everett Collection. Hes probably been in the SAS or something. You can try and tell us that starring as a young version of Liam Neeson in NBC's Taken TV series is a calling card. By Callum Crumlish. saucepot Aidan Turner would be the second Irishman to play 007 if he landed the gig. Jamie Dornan was born on May 1, 1982 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Age: 37. But then again, is he? Two: He . Will that represent James Bond and James Kirk sharing a screen? The former Ross Poldark keeps edging back to the top of the betting again after a couple of years drifting toward the back of the pack. But at 45, he doesnt seem to fit the profile Michael G Wilson has set out of a thirtysomething actor. He also explained that he felt like hes now the right age for the part. So, you know, I'm just putting that out there. PA Media. They have three children. He might insist on wearing a mask, though. Academy Award-winning Austrian actor Christoph Waltz is joining the cast, while Andrew Scott . Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! Clive Standen feels like a bit of an outsider at this point, regardless of his odds. The next James Bond is set to be a younger actor who will stick around for at least three films. Until that time comes, theres a tonne of fun to be had in speculating who will commit near-on a decade to playing MI6s finest. "It's bizarre and quite flattering to be even considered in that world, but beyond that? to lead the field is Taylor-Johnson, who is said to have had a hugely impressive recent meeting with Barbara Broccoli. But there's a reason why the British actor's currently one of the bookies' favorites to take over from Daniel Craig. On the plus side, it does open up the possibility of a Nomi spin-off, perhaps penned by No Time to Die scriptwriter Phoebe Waller-Bridge, which would jibe with Broccoli's preference to create new female characters rather than recast old males ones. Hes also got an in with REM in case anyone fancies opening Bond 26 with some moody Americana. One is Robert Pattinson someone who has been suggested many times before and the other is Paapa Essiedu, the award-winning actor from Michaela Coels I May Destroy You and Alex Garlands Men. After playing icon withSuperman,Henry Cavill,39, has shown interest in taking up the Bond role now that Daniel Craig is finished. At 39, he's just about the right age and he's absolutely able to look a million quid in some tailoring. It's a question that's been on the lips of the film industry's kingmakers since Daniel Craig first discussed hanging up his tuxedo . At 36 he's the right kind of age, clean cut, ripped to a frankly terrifying degree but he's yet to have the breakout critical hit that a 21st century Bond probably needs. "It will definitely satisfy the will of a nation, I'm not going to lie. You're already halfway to having the name of the character people want you to play, but you're going to blow it back in their faces are you? ), Hip Hollywood put it to him that hed make a perfect successor to Daniel Craig. Had Ahmed been in the running in 2005, he might have been considered just a bit too interesting and outspoken for the part, but whether it's on Twitter or via his music with Swet Shop Boys or as Riz MC, he's always been an intelligent and considered voice in conversations about representation in TV and film and as such would be exactly the right guy to play the first Bond of colour. Weve tried looking at younger people in the past, when we had a chat with him a couple of years back, It's crazy. The number of times Tom Hardy's been 'announced' as James Bond is getting silly now, but despite him being (along with Idris) the people's choice, we can probably him to bed as a future Bond now we know it'll be a thirty-something actor.

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when will the next james bond be announced