examples of antithesis in atticus closing argument

He uses this by saying there is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie =, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman without desire. By saying this Atticus is forcing the jury to feel compassionate because they realize their own fault. That is, a butterfly is light and airy while a . Example in Atticus's closing argument: "all men are created equal" parallelism LitCharts Teacher Editions. examples of antithesis in atticus closing argument. Speakers use antithesis to drive home the stakes of what they are saying, sometimes by contrasting two distinct visions of the future. Argument essays following this approach focus on establishing the need for action president obama primarily focused his speeches on health care reform on the ways depending on the essay's purpose and the topic under consideration. From the moment Atticus accepts Robinson 's case, he knew he would have a slim chance of winning the court 's vote, yet if Atticus decided to not defend Robinson, all the times he told Scout and Jem to do the right thing would have been prodigal. In the name of God, do your duty. This is the strongest point that Atticus makes that alludes to the jury's sense of ethics, because when Atticus says God, it makes any of the jury who believes in a God which at that time most did it draws to their attention that Tom Robinson is a man with a family, that he is a human being and that is what God wants them to do. Should I stay or should I go now? Atticus Finch begins his closing statement with his claim "to begin with, this case should have never come to trial." Here are the two reasons he gives to develop his argument. First, the structure is parallel. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men (217). That institution, gentlemen, is a court. She did something every child has doneshe tried to put the evidence of her offense away from her. There are different ways a speaker or writer can appeal to his or her audience: 1) logic or reason (logos ), 2) emotion ( pathos ), and/or 3) ethics and morals ( ethos Logos: Honor is crucial no matter the situation, so to compress the film version of To Kill a Mockingbird by eliminating scenes that encourage honor, discards a valuable principle for viewers to grasp. . Sometimes, characters in literary works are the antithesis of each other. Perplexed by what he means, Scout asks Atticus, who explains that he is simply defending a negro (p. 83). A common syntax throughout the piece is the word "negro". In everyone's mind Tom is bad because he is Black, through this quote Atticus tries to make the audience see that Tom is a man, and that some men are bad and some are good but Atticus just wants them to look at the evidence to decide if Toms guilty or not, and to try to make them see that everyone is capable of making mistakes not just black people. Student Response by Danielle Buckner. . He is known for being dedicated to truth and justice, and he lives his life by doing what he believes is right. I guess it was because Atticus wasn't a thunderer. Structurally, the contrasting ideas (be it concepts, words, phrases or sentences) are placed in sharp juxtaposition and sustained tension, i.e. In the opening lines of his beautiful novel, A Tale . The brilliant lawyer is nearing the end of his closing statement and strives to drive his point home. I have asked my client to leave the courtroom, as I had asked him not to be here during the medical . Lucifer makes the very poignant argument that it is ''Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven . Antithesis Example by Unknown -3 " Rude words bring about sadness, but kind words inspire joy." No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards. One example of the diction is: "The Radley Place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house. For this reason, Atticus Finch was appointed to be his lawyer. she has merely broken a time honored code of our society. Antithesis is the term used to refer to an author's use of two contrasting or opposite terms in a sentence for effect. Name four key points of Atticus' closing arguments. This helps draw emphasis to important ideas. Get a quick-reference PDF with concise definitions of all 136 Lit Terms we cover. The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is. Examples in Atticus's closing argument: "he did what any God-fearing, persevering, respectable white man would do" "a quiet, respectable, humble Negro" hyperbole Definition: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. For instance, Neil Armstrong used antithesis when he stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969 and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." To sum it all up, even though Atticuss view of trial was negative, he gave hope to the blacks in the court room and that is what, Examples Of Atticus Closing Speech In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finchs closing remarks to the jury consisting of white men, towards a case involving the accused rape of a young woman by a black man, are arguably the strongest words spoken within the entirety of To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and in the jury system--that is no ideal to me, it is a living, working reality. Although Atticus lost the trial, readers can learn from his. And, as unfortunate as this was, he accepted that for he had tried his best. During his speech he says time and time again that Tom Robinson is not guilty and that the entire case was futile. Each uses a verb followed by a simile. Atticus, Examples Of Atticus Finch's Ethos In To Kill A Mockingbird, Attorney Atticus Finch relies on ethos persuasion in the closing argument containing the intention to connect with the jury by highlighting the code of society along with the trustworthiness of the courtroom. Often, but not always, antithesis works in tandem with parallelism. (84)"Popped me like a cork on pavement." 10 thesis statement examples to . Present a stark choice between two alternatives. 9.02 EXAMPLE OF A CLOSING ARGUMENT The following example should give you a feeling for the scope and structure of a closing argument. Do you think this story is mainly about a case of cruelty, about Mrs. Donovan, or about the life of a vet in a small town? Unformatted text preview: Part 1 Individually, read through Atticus's closing argument. examples of antithesis in atticus closing argument. Example 2 Examples Of Ethos In To Kill A Mockingbird man, was chosen to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. We must, as moral people, take ourselves out of our bodies, and place our minds into another man's mind, a human being's mind, one of Tom Robinson and imagine the trials and tribulations he must face as an innocent man. In his closing speech to the jury Atticus expressed his perspective on Tom Robinsons case and the prejudice against all black people. Atticus uses ethos many times throughout his closing argument, His most powerful ones are I would like to remind you that this case is not a difficult one but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant. The purpose of antithesis is to make the reader better understand the point the author is . Some examples of oxymorons include: The focus of antithesis is opposites rather than contradictions. It most definitely bothered his children. Despite knowing the true cause of Mayella Ewells injuries, Atticus knew he would lose the case. Parallelism is an important part of antithesis. Rhetorical Analysis of Atticus Finch's Closing Statement (Movie Version) To Kill a Mockingbird is known to many as one of the best pieces of American literature. Atticus Finch's Closing Argument in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird . (advertising slogan) "There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today." Heres a quick and simple definition: Antithesis is a figure of speech that juxtaposes two contrasting or opposing ideas, usually within parallel grammatical structures. The passage contains many examples of antithesis, each consisting of one pair of contrasting ideas that we've highlighted to make the structure clearer. Iago uses antithesis to contrast the two opposite potential outcomes of his villainous plot: either events will transpire in Iago's favor and he will come out on top, or his treachery will be discovered, ruining him. Repeitition Tom Robinson, guilty, pity Pathos She is the victim of cruel poverty and ignorance. - Muhammed Ali. Even though Atticus says in our courts all men are created equal he knows that truly they are not. Atticus uses pathos when he tries to convince the jury that it is their religious duty to not convict Tom, logos when he shows that not everyone is equal, and uses logos and ethos when he shows the jury that everyone should be equal in court. The structure of the words around the contrasting ideas is usually identical, at least in part. sbright@schr.org What follows are excerpts from the proceedings in the case of State of Georgia v. William Anthony Brooks tried in 1991 in the Full text and audio mp3 of movie speech To Kill A Mockingbird - Atticus Finch Closing Argument in the Trial of Tom Robinson For example, his beginning paragraph in the speech pertain to what the court knows and progressively as the speech continues opens up new ideas and thoughts that the jury and judge can go on when coming to a decision. He goes on to say that Tom is not guilty but someone in the room is. Atticus uses words like "honorable" and "great" because they elevate the importance of maintaining the long lived code of equality in the courts. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other wayin short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Another encounter that the. Atticus' Closing Remarks Essay. In an oxymoron, two seemingly contradictory words are placed together because their unlikely combination reveals a deeper truth. These are the exact traits that Atticus exhibits by representing Tom, which is why he is a modern-day hero. He argues that everyone should be treated equally with dignity and respect regardless of race or beliefs. The following is a good example of both antithesis and parallelism: To err is human, to forgive divine. When he became the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong said that it was a " small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind." Atticus said that, You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of viewuntil you climb into his skin and walk around in it, (Lee, 30). Mr. Underwood, the publisher of Maycomb 's newspaper as well as a respected all of Atticus, sadly compares Tom 's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds (pg.244) stating another reference to the ever-present mockingbird, Toms case was extremely unfair because the jury was all prejudice people. Refine any search. Instead of making his speech specifically about Tom Robinson, Atticus stated that some people of a race may lie, but that is true for all humans, no matter what the color of their skin is. The mirroring of these elements then works to emphasize the contrast in their content, particularly in the very strong opposite contrast between "human" and "divine.". Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal. This relates to Atticus's belief that all people should be treated equally especially in a court of law, where people should not be convicted solely the race they are, but rather the evidence against them.

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examples of antithesis in atticus closing argument