el chino antrax wife

. So I left. Sad she died and all but maybe if she would had hung around with decent men she might had lived a lot longer. Its payback for what chino did to the arellano brother. I urge BB readers to get the word out tell your friends family and get the word out. I did not kill women or children, mothers or fathers. 3:03 respetuosamente,fierrito mojado, a 20, la tuya, safo y sin safaderas, cada que respires you know who this is, mini-lecter, so you can go and fuck yours, and her mama, and the mother of the mama of her motherfucking mama; mini-anibal when will you learn and mind your manners? El ruso had helped him get from tj to cln. En su juventud, ascendi en la jerarqua del cartel hasta llegar eventualmente a dirigir el brutal escuadrn de sicarios ntrax. u have no idea. Horas despus lo confirmaron, posteriormente comenzaron a correr los rumores de entre los elementos Policacos de que uno de los otros dos ejecutados era ni mas ni menos Jose Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, El Chino ntrax, ahora hasta nuestro correo nos han enviado la fotografa del supuesto cadver del Chino ntrax, las autoridades aun no confirman su muerte. They're a federation which comprises of several bosses not just 2. The strongest cartels rite now are Cdj, Blo, & Zetas. In 2012, the internal struggles between groups that operated for the cartel intensified and the casualties for the hitmen were increasing. However, Antrax deceived the probation officer and got away in May. She got what she deserved. Chino Antrax Jan 26, 2023 . You can white knight for her all you want, but she obviously didn't give a shit about all the people he murdered and all the families he ruined. Arechiga was extradited to San Diego in July 2014 and a year later he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana. [14], He also uploaded pictures of his sport cars, yachts, weapons, jewelry, money, and extravagant parties with famous narcocorrido bands. They attended social events together. Updates and news about all categories will send to you. The killing of Turks is a step in that direction. El cuerpo sin vida de una mujer que correspondera a la de una joven secuestrada la vspera a la salida de un gimnasio y presunta novia de "El Chino ntrax . El Chino Antrax sali libre por condicin y gracias al increble trabajo de sus abogada Frank J. Ragen, sali en libertad y pudo regresar a su pas, esencialmente a su natal Culiacn. The body is that of Yuriana Castillo Torres, wife of, Archiga Rodrigo Gamboa, aka "Chino Antrax", who is incarcerated, The body was dressed on wearing Lycra leggings, lilac top and white socks, the same clothing worn. Now, I am lower than scum.". Several people were arrested and large amounts of drugs were seized, as well as nearly $28 million in drug proceeds, prosecutors said. We are not cowboys. You destroy families and murder innocent people, and the you cry about it when it happens to your familyshut the fuck up and live with it like everyone else has to. Nasty arse troll with no life. By all appearances, Arechiga comes from a close-knit, respected family. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Yo, I wuz doing tyme in chitty azz Neanderthal itz a country and sum foo dat go by da China man Aflac was getting dp by sum bbc. It is a shame that this woman fell for a disposable criminal. Before being sentenced Thursday, Arechiga, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, expressed his remorse in court: Im truly ashamed. It was chapo revenge for chino snitching on him. According to the witnesses, a truck reversed down Paseo de las Palmas boulevard, between Juan Aldama and Ro Tabal, in the Guadalupe neighborhood. After being sentenced to house arrest, he was reported missing on May 9, 2020. [24] He also has pictures with Serafn Zambada Ortiz (alias "El Sera"), also son of "El Mayo" Zambada who was arrested by U.S. authorities in November 2013 while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. If this was done to get back at CA, I doubt he would even care, considering he wouldn't have empathy for anyone. They played together. Yuriana Castillo Torres who was also related to Javier Torres el JT and Manuel Torres el Ondeado,both leaders of the Sinaloa cartel. Is there anyone in Mexico with money that has class, and doesn't do over the top chrome on cars, gold on wrists, and gaudy leather on fake, laughably large asses and tits. ! [60], There are several narcocorridos (drug ballads) that narrate some of the exploits of Archiga Gamboa and his assassin squad Los ntrax. Chino lasted until his automatic rifle had ammo. [31], On 3 January 2014, the Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice and the Mexican Embassy in the country confirmed that a 33-year-old Mexican citizen had been arrested by the Dutch police as he arrived from Latin America to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands using a false name on 30 December 2013. The document alleged that, besides working for the drug lord "El Mayo" Zambada, Archiga Gamboa coordinated logistics and drug transportations for "El Chapo" Guzmn and worked alongside Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza (alias "El Macho Prieto"), another Sinaloa Cartel high-ranking enforcer who was killed in Sonora in December 2013. Went to Jardin de Humaya yesterday and saw this incredible beautiful ladys photos and ended up here, What a horrific and sad affair. Your pathetic go to USA and those are your junky street gangs ,AFO provides those gangs with drugs, they might not move as much as others but they are still suppliers to USA STREET GANGS. Very, very few - capos, flunkys or lords - will get out alive and ALL will "snitch" sometime along the way. Que estupida la vieja. and when chino got buster started running around with ivan [chino fucked his wife and half of culiacan too]. May 9, 2014 at 5:21 PM dude pretty much said his friend worked at the coroner and that she had burnt marks, got hit with maybe a bat, had no bullet wounds and had a disfigured ass. its called self preservation.all part of the game. Anonymous May 20, 2014 at 7:19 PM. Aprendan que si quieren andar en ese negocio tienen que tener un perfil bajo. Do u really wanna wrk for such criminal org. [7][12] Local media outlets alleged that the killings stemmed from an internal power struggle within the Sinaloa Cartel, specifically from a group commanded by "El Chapo" Guzmn. El chino ntrax ha sido uno de los sicarios de los que ms se ha hablado durante las ltimas semanas, pues tras su escape de su confinamiento en Estados Unidos, este narco regres a Mxico, presuntamente para regresa al crtel de Sinaloa.. Tras un enfrentamiento donde el chino ntrax se defendi con todo, finalmente fue secuestrado por los sicarios junto a su hermana y otra persona . Karma. Pura gente de huevos cabrones!!!! They, too, know the business and embrace it, because of the corruption of their souls by wealth and power. I have a 2014 dodge durango, nices than taht jeep. He was one of the leaders and the founder of Los ntrax, an armed enforcement group that protected Sinaloa cartel leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and his sons. [34][36] The arrest of the drug lord was officially confirmed later that day by the U.S. [11] Following the death of Arce Rubio, "El Mayo" Zambada withdrew El Chino ntrax from the day-to-day activities of Los ntrax until he sorted things out. [56], His romantic partner Yuriana Castillo Torres was reportedly kidnapped by armed men while heading to her vehicle after leaving a gym in Culiacn, Sinaloa on 6 May 2014. Cry more Maybe if she didn't hang out with scumbag murdering kidnappers she wouldn't have been found on the side of a road, lit up like a Christmas treeall you narcos make me laugh. Mexico is a beautiful country full of genuinely fantastic people, but the narco bullshit is a joke. However, the reality is that he was married to a loving partner, Yuriana Castillo Torres. CDS is bleeding and the bleeding needs to stop. just a little insight on whats really going on. The defense of El Chino ntrax, who was not present during the hearing, was allowed by law to appeal the decision, a process that could have taken months. Most people don't because of common morality and a deep desire to avoid a grisly death for themselves and for their loved ones. Serafin Zambada Ortiz, born in San Diego, pleaded guilty to a drug distribution conspiracy and was sentenced last year to 5 years in prison. RIP Yuriana =( dios cuide de tus bebes y fortaleza a tu familia. Conscious_Guess4229 El chivo horneado 420 . September 20, 2019 8:09am. Its leaderwas already in the sights of the United States authorities, so it was necessary to remove its founder from the scene to keep him safe. Maybe chino did this!, she was probably fucking around with other men enjoying chinos money! Karma doesn't forget. No tena ningun balazo la morra. I have not heard she was dismembered. Eso les pasa por andar enseando lo que tienen y fotos de ustedes. This story has been shared 160,327 times. Las cosas cambian. I know plentyshe loved the cartel lifestyle and knew full well what Chino did for a living. So, basically, they are whores, or prostitutes, or whatever you want to call them; they fuck for money. He acknowledged directly participating in and ordering others to commit violence for the benefit of the cartel. Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa (15 June 1980 - 15 May 2020), commonly referred to by his alias "El Chino ntrax", was a Mexican drug lord, a professional hitman, and a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal organization based in Sinaloa.. It was later reported that his murder was likely ordered by senior leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. You need to take some grammar classes. Do what you can. He has spent the past 32 months in solitary confinement while awaiting sentencing, conditions that have made him suffer auditory hallucinations, lose weight and stay awake much of the night, his lawyer said. The zambadas on the other hand!!! Yuriana Castillo Torres: What Caused the death of El Chino ntraxs Partner, Megan Benton Lewis: Truth about Phill Lewis wife, Peter Andrew Baryshnikov: Facts About Mikhail Baryshnikovs son, Trippie Redd Girlfriend: Facts About Trippie Redds Girlfriend, Filippa Kumlin Dorey: Facts About Arne Naess Jrs Ex-wife, Matilda Kent Tarleton: How Did She Die?- Everything About Bob Barkers Mother, Thomas William Black: Truth About Jack Blacks father, Emilia Merkell: Everything About Patsy Palmers Daughter. According to local media, the alleged assassin worked as a model and was romantically linked to Jose Rodrigo Arechiga, better known as 'El Chino Antrax' ('The Chinese Anthrax'), who headed the . Jos Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, "El Chino Antrax" se fug esta semana de un domicilio de San Diego California donde purgara el resto de su condena en libertad (Foto: Especial) Luego de meses de . So get your heads out of your asses, false caballeros. the book of proverbs predicts the fate of all drug dealers and crooks as well as describing how they live its interesting how much it is relevant today. This became a problem for both sides because el chapo was working a truce with colombians in the Netherlands. The Torres and Chino Antrax all work/worked for El Mayo. En otro video difundido por el sitio Diario del narco, que asegura que fue tomando en el funeral de "el Chino ntrax", se puede ver a varios jvenes cantando msica banda e incluso la publicacin menciona que pareca una fiesta. When he is released, he hopes to work in construction and home remodeling. chino_.antrax. Its all about the evil.. no morality just evil processed beings that worship evil. . Why is she a bitch? [58] Post-mortem reports showed that Castillo Torres had been tortured, received several blows to the head, and that her hands and legs were tied with an electric cable. Claudia Ochoa Felix, known as the Empress of Los Antrax. -El Nemesis. She was 23 years old of American Nationality and also a very dedicated model. If you hate them so much why the hell are you here? With 6 watches, Rolex ranks before Hublot in terms of appearances, but their total value is well below, at only 118 750 euros. ./\__/\ (=';'=) (")_("), Lmao just to let you know you didn't want to make it look like she had money tf am her sister I should know more and to all those talking shyt quit it thus ain't your business so just leave and stay off this page and my sister dose have a daughter of chino antrax so what they were married. Music Gift For Wife | Wooden Box | Music Gift 5 out of 5 stars (273) Add to Favorites $ 4.87. Will return with a rose. And just take up space on radio stations. "La 69" features a catchy enough tune: some evocative Spanish guitar licks set against a backdrop of head-bobbing corr. She was la emperatriz she was affiliated from what i read.. 12:18 no I havent, can you please send a link? Tenia marcas de quemada y como k le dieron con un bate. Is she a Torres, from the Torres Felix clan? Impactos de bala en la casa de Sinaloa donde fue secuestrado "El Chino ntrax", la cual fue atacada por un comando de gatilleros.Fotos: JUAN CARLOS CRUZ/CUARTOSCURO.COM. The real players in the sinaloa federation are all the real people that push the most weight and the sinaloanese politicians but the the major drug movers get pushed around like girls to do dirt for the sinaloa politicians and that's how it all started either you pay your tax to the people high up or you get downed. 15 posts. Upon his arrival, he was taken into custody and booked for his drug-related charges. The height of the violence occurred in 2008 and 2009, as three cartels Sinaloa, Beltran-Leyva and Arellano Felix waged a bloody war. En el 2008, tras la captura de Vicente Zambada Niebla . Barely some few monthsafter the arrest of Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, alias El Chino ntrax, at the Amsterdam airport,his partner and mother of his son, Yuriana Castillo Torres was murdered. Pinches Sinaloas se creen bien vergas y son bien fanfarrones. Somehow , some sick way when people think of victims in Mexico everyone is a bad guy . [48][47], On the morning of 21 August 2014, he reappeared in court for a twenty-minute hearing. The bodies of Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa known as El Chino Antrax, or the Chinese Anthrax his sister Ada Jimena Arechiga Gamboa, and her husband, Juan Garcia, were discovered in Adas BMW Saturday, abandoned on a dirt road in Culiacn, Sinaloa, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. What happened to the Sinaloan credo of respecting women, children and the elderly? Will they clean out the singers also,like Commander,Gerardo Ortiz,and all those shitty singers.I don't wish anything bad on them,but damn,can they make them stop singing,can't stand it anymore!! Rolex. He wouldn't be the first. El Chino Antrax Wife. El Chino Antrax ya haba sido amenazado por 'Los Chapitos' debido a que dio informacin de integrantes del Crtel de Sinaloa a agentes de la DEA. La Fiscala General del Estado de Sinaloa confirm que Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, "el Chino ntrax" es una de las 3 personas que fueron abatidas el pasado 16 de mayo en . Or maybe MZ gave up his lifelong partner so his son could seal the deal with the DEA Es neta en un corrido dice que hay un trato para que Vicente regrese, pendejo le crees todo lo k dicen lo corridos, The "drug war" was concocted in hell by Satan himself and foisted upon the world.

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