ekpe society cameroon

They use a variety of masks to execute social control. The Efik are an ethnic group located primarily in southern Nigeria, and western Cameroon. The version of Sunjata we have read is not the only version because: No version was ever written down by a skilled jeli, since Mande traditional society considers any story written down to be "dead". Abaku is an Afro-Cuban men's initiatory fraternity, or secret society, which originated from the Ekpe society in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. There are said to be at least three mass migration from Ndodoghi. [6] The most popular historical accounts of Efik migration attest a movement from Ibom in Arochukwu to Uruan and from Uruan to numerous settlements along the lower Cross river. an extraordinarily powerful woman, who can change herself into a buffalo, the proud oldest daughter of a king, who insists on being respected, enraged by her brother's refusal to give her the inheritance she feels she is owed, guilt-ridden for having killed many of her brother's people, and for having pushed her youngest sister too hard and too soon into magical power. The society is somewhat akin to a free mason group and does some unofficial law enforcement. The Neegee is a cannibalistic group that feeds on human flesh to satisfy their God, and to gain power from that God. 2017). Updates? You are using an out of date browser. The society is still active at the beginning of the 21st century, now playing more of a ceremonial role. Other narratives at the Hart's enquiry do not make mention of the Efut. We are about loving, encouraging, embracing, teaching, and building with black people. the Ekpe society. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Welcome, Love, Peace and Unity in Nsibidi. [76] Palm wine is acquired by making an incision on the palm tree, a process known as "tapping". The masquerade tradition itself is most popular in Calabar and the Oron nation of Udung-Ukko, Mbo, Urue-Offong Oruko, Okobo, as well as the Eket and Uruan local government areas in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria, and even western Cameroon. [33] When the husband of the Uruan woman learnt of the issue, he wanted to fight the Efik. She or he is a random of nature, a result of mixed up and confused spiritual genetics. When the threads are cut, the nsibidi designs stand out, white against a deep blue background. Members of the Ekpe society are said to act as messengers of the In Amos Tutuola's The Palm-Wine Drinkard, the narrator leaves his home and begins his adventure in the bush when: In the excerpt that we read from The Palm-Wine Drinkard, the narrator and his wife encounter: In the Song of Lawino, by Okot p'Bitek, a woman speaks to: Lawino's husband's new wife is called _______________________(Either of two possible answers) in the text. authority as head of the Ekpe (Egbo), or Leopard, society. No disrespect allowed. [36] According to Aye, "Ikpa Ene could not carry the bulk of Iboku population, Ndodoghi had to accommodate what spilt over, and the two settlements, still under one rule, were separated by the left branch of the river which became their "inland sea". Alcoholic content may be increased via adding the red bark of Edat (Sacoglottis gabonensis) to the wine. [62][63] The first missionaries arrived in 1846. Iboku, Enwang, Usukakpa and Abayen. Among those who migrated with the Ngolo were various other nations who would later become part of the Oroko ethnic group. This village was originally named Ta Set Maat. The presentation, by Ekpe members from Cameroon, Nigeria and Cuba was arranged by Chief Dr. Ivor Miller and coordinated by Sessekous Ojong-Orock, Joseph Mbu and Mbe Tazi. The Ogboni fraternity is said to have a strong affiliation to royalty, gerontological system of governance and the law enforcement of the community. Cow meat was also consumed but the Efik native cow was rarely eaten or milked by the Efik. In Cuba, the Ekoi are always evoked as early founders of the Abaku society,18 and their spirits are worshiped. Adire Adire means 'tie and dye' in Yoruba. In a Somali tale, the main character, Eghal Shillet, is: a braggart and coward who finds every possible excuse to avoid going into battle. The economics of the society is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. According to E.U. part of the Balondos or Orokos in Ndian in Southern Cameroon) and Idombi (ie present town, called Bamusso in Ndian-Southern . Individual symbols may also have multiple meanings, rendering context important and interpretation inevitable in the "reading" of the body of represented signs. Ekpe members request nsibidi designs of personal or communal significance. The Ekpo/Ekpe society is a significant part of the Ibibio political system. Names such as Okon became Hogan, Orok became Duke, Akabom became Cobham, Ene became Henry, Asibong became Archibong. Sisiku Ojong-Orock was born on Saturday October 2nd, 1948 in Ogomoko Village,Eyumojock Sub-Division, Manyu Division in the Republic of Cameroon, West Africa. "[18] References to the Igbo origin of the Efik were also made at the Hart's enquiry into the Obongship dispute where Etubom Efiom Obo Effanga asserted that the term "Iboku" meant quarrelsome Igbos. 4. how to get a towing contract with geico university of west london ranking world university of west london ranking world Several accounts have been given on the migration from Creek town to Obutong. [36] LEFT Mgballa Ekpe lodge with Ekpe members, Arochukwu, southeastern Nigeria. According to Asuquo, Asibong Eso of Obutong was Old King Robin; Ekpenyong Efa of Adiabo was King John; Ani Eniang Nkot of Mbiabo Ikoneto was Robin King Agbisherea; Oku Ukpong Eton Ani of Mbiabo Ikot Offiong was William King Agbisherea; while Ukorebi Neneng Esien Ndem Ndem of Obomitiat Ikoneto was King Ebrero[55]. [32] At night when everyone had gone to sleep, the men from Uruan rose up and began to slaughter their hosts. The term igo has also been used for the organization's members. Many believe this groups village at present day Deir el-Medina was the original location where freemasonry began. [39] At Ndodoghi, the Efik priest-king Ema Atai Ema Atai died and was succeeded by his son Eyo Ema Atai Ema Atai Iboku. Define monsoon, Sanskrit, raja, caste system, caste, Hinduism, reincarnation, karma, dharma, yoga, Buddhism, ascetic, nirvana. expectations of the members to prioritize the group over their own families. Jeffreys also stated, "There is reason to believe that a considerable portion of a small Ibibio clan called Ebrutu or Eburutu was the earliest stock of the Efik; for, when the missionaries settled in 1846 at Old Calabar amongst these people for the first time, it was found that they called themselves not Efik but Ebrutu or Ebrutu Efik. La communaut cubaine Abakudescendante des communauts fik Ekp et Ejagham gb du Sud Est du Nigria et du Sud Ouest du Camerouna t fonde la Havane dans les annes 1830 par des leaders capturs des villages de Cross River. Another account claimed that Efik people introduced the Ekpe between 1720 and 1729 during the initial migration of Calabar. "[21] Jeffreys assertion regarding Eburutu being a single Ibibio clan is proven false by earlier definitions of Eburutu by Rev. Written March 01, 2015 by Web Services Editor, Guarini School of Graduate & Advanced Studies, Copyright 2023 Trustees of Dartmouth College. Resume: La communaure cubaine Abakua-descendantedes communautes :EB:k Ekpe et Ejagham ~gbedu Sud Est du Nigeria etdu Sud Ouest du Cameroun-a ete fondee ala Havane dans les annees 1830 par des leaders captures des villages de Cross River. Initiated into ekpe society at 9 as was done in those days and now not even a word is mentioned each time you talk about ekpe in manyu. Known generally as Ekpe, Egbo, Ngbe, or Ugbe among the multi-lingual groups in the region, these closed groups all used the leopard as a symbol of masculine prowess in war and political authority in their various communities. [6][7], The name Efik first appears in historical literature in the nineteenth century. I am a young researcher who have a great love for forest conservation, community . The group is a mutual aid society known for elaborate street dances and very high. Members are bound by oath of secrecy, and fees on entrance are payable. The process of creating this richly symbolic cloth is laborious. [32] Another theory states that there was a disagreement between an Efik woman known as Abasi and an Uruan woman. 16, 2014 3 likes 6,498 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Spiritual Technology A short description of the ancient Ekpe Masquerade and its cultural and spiritual significance, in the life of the people of the Cross River basin. . Their king on the eastern Calabar coast was known as Ating Anua Efiom. These missionaries together with King Eyo Honesty II brought several changes to Old Calabar society. James Beale Horton made a similar assertion in 1868 where he asserted that all the communities of the Niger-delta are traced to the Igbo. Modern Efik society is a melting pot of people of diverse origin. That is why Sisiku Ojong Orock after consultation with the other Ekpe members and Sisiku Mfonten Mbu decided to acquire his own Nkanda Lodge in April 2003. The primary society is located in the Cross River, Akwa Ibom and Arochukwu areas of Nigeria, and the secondary society consists of members from the Southern and Eastern Igbo groups of the same country. There are different narratives on the arrival of the Efik at Creek Town. The tentative program is as follows: January 27th and 28th, 2012. I am manyang Mathilda Nkwo of Akiriba village , upperbanyang and I am and still is oneof the oldest living practing manyangero in Manyu. Ekpe could take life and could give it; it could condemn a whole town to a heavy fine and was promptly paid; it could punish offenders and could forgive; even kings and Obongs could never escape Ekpe laws and edicts.[69]. These lettere were heeded to and in April 1846, the first missionaries arrived Old Calabar. At Creek town, the Efik ruler was Efiom Ekpo Efiom Ekpo who had a number of children including Nsa Efiom, Edem Efiom, Okoho Efiom and Odo Efiom. Each ukara is highly individualized and clearly produced to be worn by a specific Ekpe member or to mark a specific Ekpe lodge. At Old Calabar, traders had slowly started transitioning completely into the lucrative palm oil trade. [61] Due to the fall in global demand for slaves and several other factors, the kings and chiefs of Old Calabar wrote to the British requesting that they send teachers and missionaries to Old Calabar to establish industries and introduce the religion of the white man to them. It is also found among a number of other ethnic groups, including the Bahumono of the Cross River State, the Ibibio, the Uruan and the Oron of Akwa Ibom State, Arochukwu and some other parts of Abia State, as well as in the diaspora, such as in Cuba and Brazil. History The Ekoi people, while all speaking the same language, have not tended to live in complete unison. This is evident in a testimony by Isaac Parker, a ship-keeper who lived at Duke town in 1765 for 5 months. [8] The bulk of the Efik can be found in Calabar. "Egbo" redirects here. Having associated broadly with foreigners in the pre-colonial era and . Eli Bentor, Professor of Art History at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, speaks about the history of ukara cloth and moderates a discussi. [76], Prior to the introduction of European-styled clothing, the Efik wore loin clothes made of Raffia (Efik: Ndam). [11] Ibonda (an Efut clan) has sometimes been appended to Adiabo as one of the seven Efik clans. Ukara cloth also consecrates the interior of Ekpe lodges, where larger versions of the cloth hang as backdrops. Dropping by to say, "Hi!" Ethnographic - (Head crest, Ejagham People): Worn by a member of the Ekpe Society to intimidate and punish anyone who has broken tribal law. This theory asserts that the Efik migrated from Palestine or somewhere close to Palestine. It has a variety of different characters and is indigenous to areas of Southeastern Nigeria and . Cameroon with the Ekpe cult. Ekpe is a mysterious spirit who is supposed to live in the jungle and to preside at the ceremonies of the society. AHR ~ 125 The traditional attire for men usually consists of a white long-sleeved shirt, a long broad soft neckerchief or scarf of costly material (Efik: kpmkpm) and a wrapper tied around the waist (Efik: Usobo).[83]. But most importantly, it should be mentioned that if its members did not support the ostensible reality of ekpe, as a thing to be feared and appeased, then the [61] These papers were signed by the reigning monarchs of Creek town and Duke town who were Eyo Honesty II and Eyamba V.[61] King Eyamba and King Eyo had written letters to the British requesting that they bring in teachers to teach them trade and commerce and missionaries to aid them to know more about God. [47], By the seventeenth century, more Efik settlements had been founded. the exhibition explores the long- Ekpe" which literally means Lion, is a traditional secret society originated from the Ekoi tribe in Cross River State. All willing to engage respectfully are welcome. Originally, items such as onions (Oyim mbakara) was rare in Efik meals. [37] The Uruan invasion at Ikpa Ene is believed to be the origin of the Efik saying, "Ama okut Ibibio, ku n enye ika, Idem amasat Ibibio eyewot owo"(English: When you see Ibibio do not give him fire(to warm himself), when he is dry he will kill you). After the tapping process, the wine is left to ferment for five hours. According to Historians, this technique of indigo-dyeing was developed in the Dogon kingdom in Mali (West Africa) dating back to the 11th century. Historians and archaeologists have worked to piece together the human story from prehistory up to today. Talbot asserts that a great cotton tree had fallen down on many of the Abayen and in their pride of numbers, they believed they could hold the cotton tree. Probably about 8000 BC one group reached Nigeria by an overland route and settled at Ibom (Arochuku) there they erected the famous shrine now known as the Long Juju of Arochuku. Hugh, Goldie. [45] internal dissensions and population expansion led to the movement of several families from Creek Town to Obutong, Atakpa, Nsidung and Ekoretonko. Iwewe is a type of boiled yam mashed with a small amount of palm oil and stirred with a spoon. Google Scholar Aye, E. A. Hood Quarterly, spring 2015 This exhibition examines the ukara cloth of the Ekpe secret society, a multi-ethnic all-male association in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon, exploring both the longstanding cultural practice the cloth represents and the artistic process involved in its creation. Simple theme. The Efik in Nigeria have Nkanda as the basic Ekpe whereas, in Cameroon we have Ekpe as the starting point in Ekpe. It is uncertain the specific year that the Efik arrived Creek Town. The Ekpe society requires that its initiates sponsor feasts for the town, which foster the appearance of the redistribution of wealth by providing the poor with food and drink. Sunjata's half-brother, Dankaran Touman, enrages Sunjata and nearly causes civil war by: murdering an innocent young man, thinking he is Sunjata. Sunjata's aunt, Tenenba Conde, childless herself, must raise the child Fakoli, son of Kosiya Kante, after Kosiya sacrifices herself for her brother's sake. Imhotep was a revered personality as he was believed to be with super powers of healing and influencing people and affairs of the community. [34], On leaving the Uruan country, the Efik migrated to Ikpa Ene which is nicknamed Akani Obio Efik(English: Old Efik island). Ethnographic - (Mask, Elephant, Cape, Chicken Feather); Elephant Mask with Chicken Feather Cape, Bekom People, Cameroon. Photo by Jordan Fenton. In Ekpe, he is a product of a dynasty of more than five Generations of Ekpe Sisikus, also known as Nfor Ngbe or Ekpe Chiefs. They believed feasting on a human strengthened their bonds. [57] The diary of Antera Duke, an Efik, is the only surviving record from an African slave-trading house. A reconsideration of kp and Abaku suggests an agenda for the study of kp in diaspora from a different perspective. Ekpe means leopard, not lion. Alternate titles: Egbo, Ekpo, Leopard society. A list of some of Africa's most prominent cults and secret societies of all time. In the culture we have discussed, the term badenya refers to: the relationship between the mother and child, and full siblings - implying closeness, trust, cooperation, unselfishness, and acceptance of rules. [9] The largest group moved to Creek town from Ndodoghi led by the priest-king Eyo Ema Atai.[38]. I bought a $140,000 mobile home in a million-dollar LA neighborhood and love it. [82] The Portuguese are said to have arrived in masted ships. an extraordinarily powerful woman, who can change herself into a buffalo, the proud oldest daughter of a king, who insists on being respected, enraged by her brother's refusal to give her the inheritance she feels she is owed, guilt-ridden for having killed many of her brother's people, and for having pushed her youngest sister too hard and too [5] Powered by, Ukara cloth detail, Etara community, Cross River State, Nigeria, Cross River Cultural Heritage: reports from home and from the African Diaspora, Introduction: Spirit Dancers, Water Deities & Mystics in the Cross River Basin and in Cuba, Upcoming film project: Seven year kp ritual cycle, Ntufam Bob Oku literature, music and drawings, Calabar Mgb International Journal / Revista Internacional, Calabar-Cuba Radio with Ene Ita and Ivor Miller, Manyu kp Funeral Rites in Yaounde, 2019, Ivor Miller research archive at Amherst College, Manyu kp procession in Yaound, March 29, 2019, Poster for funeral of Seseku Stephen Tataw (1948-2019), Tortoise shell instrument is played in the funerary procession, kp mask purifies the hearse before the procession begins, Funerary shrine representing the sacred forest of kp, kp members surround the shrine for the final rites. [11] The bulk of the Enwang and Usukakpa are located in the present-day Akwa Ibom state. [69] On the appending of the Ekpe institution to its list of secret societies, the Ekpe society was reformed and adapted to suit the needs of the Efik people. Aye, Originally Ekpe Fraternity was for religious purposes, but as the Calabar community became complicated owing to the new wealth which the early trade with Europeans brought it was. On behalf of Ekpe-USA Leadership, I hereby remind every member of Ngbe who has taken the aoth that our fathers and great grand fathers took to uphold those sacred traditions and beliefs, to immediately start preparations to do what they must do to send our brother to join our ancestors. [16] Baikie said Ibibio are traced to the Igbo. One theory propounded by Okon and Nkpanam Ekereke asserts that the term "Efuk" was a word of defiance and an expression used by the Ibibio man when in a fit of rage. [17] Some oral accounts by early Efik men also support the Igbo origin of the Efik. Laws were passed to halt several practices regarded as unchristian. Oral tradition holds that a type of clothing known as "Itu ita" was the earliest fabric imported into Old Calabar. [22] This is further proven by Talbot who proves that other ethnicities appended the name "Eburutu" or "Oburutu" to their ethnic names. Other trading items sold by the Efik included rubber, ivory, barwood and redwood. The indigenous drums of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon are distinctive for their "wedge and ring" method of tightening the skin. At its peak, it permeated the social, economic and political life of the Efiks but lately its dominance has been eroded as urbanization and modern political administration expanded. Within Nigeria, the Efik can be found in the present-day Cross River State and Akwa Ibom state. Meat and fish are the major sources of protein in Efik cuisines. In the culture we have discussed, the term jamu refers to: each person's family name, which connects the person to a famous character in the story of Sunjata. Eye of the Needle - Ken Follett 2015-07-07 The worldwide phenomenon from the bestselling author of The Pillars of the Earth, World [37] The items believed to have been taken include Ikpaya (woven raffia robe), Akata (throne) and Ayang (Broom). quickly adapted to fulfil other economic and civil functions. [51] The Enwang people who were fishing at Duke town saw the twins approaching and fled in terror saying "Mbiomo oduk ine"(English: A curse has befalling our fishing sites). Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. It was technically part of Nigeria, according to history, which was the reason we had the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). The Ekpe is a secret society that lives mostly in Nigeria and whose members are typically law enforcers and politicians. The Efik language was also spoken in several communities in Western Cameroon. Worn as personal wrappers during initiations and at social events, ukara cloth distinguishes Ekpe members. nineteenth centuries, no large kingdoms controlled Nigeria and Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. The Leopard Society was allegedly a cannibalistic society in the early-to-mid 2oth century in Sierra Leone, Libera and Cte dIvoire. Due to the rise of Calabar as a commercial centre since the 18th century, Efik settlements experienced a high rate of inward migration consisting of Sierra Leoneans, Lebanese, Cameroonians, Jamaicans and several other communities. The Internet has shone light on manysecret societies, rendering them not so secret. identity. English language is spoken in the South-Western part of Cameroon. Prior to Akak, the theory were proposed at the Hart's enquiry by Chief Offiong Abasi Ntiero Effiwatt and Etubom Ededem Ekpenyong Oku.[25][26]. [26][28] This theory was narrated at the Hart's enquiry by Etubom Ededem Ekpenyong Oku but has been criticised by Uruan writers such as Dominic Essien. Originally, the Efik obtained slaves by going to war with other communities or creating confusion in other communities. [72] Iwewe is also regarded as a sacrificial meal often prepared for the Efik deities. [33][35] The Efik came to her defence and the dispute escalataed[34] Legend has it that this was the last straw that led to the Uruan-Efik war (known in Efik as Ek Abasi-Anwan) which led to the exit of the Efik from the Uruan country. Several accounts have been narrated on the migration of the Efik before their arrival at Old Calabar. Additional Touches Among these secret societies were Ekpe, Obon and Nsibidi. [32] Oku adds that the Uruan were adverse to the Efik custom of burying strangers with their dead and did not share in the practice carried out by the Efik. [52] The breach of agreement to halt such practices was punished by blowing Ekpe on Obutong and forbidding funeral rites of the chief until the murderers were brought to justice. Collection of Eli Bentor. The cult members are usually violent and self-destructive to the point of committing suicide. [47] At the time of their exit from Creek town, the reigning monarch of Creek town was their half brother Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai. Due to the volume of cultural exchange, many other ethnic groups have often been regarded as being one with the Efik such as Kiong and Efut.

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