revelation 3:7 13 sermons

His character is without flaw or blemish. This is not a negative comment to say that they are weak, but rather He is commending them for their strength. Even today in our world filled with falsehood and error, Jesus Christ is the truth. But what does He mean when he says he has the key of David? So how were the Jews persecuting these disciples? When you respond to that, however, it becomes an open door. Message 11 from Revelation exploring Jesus' letter to the church at Philadelphia. See, I have placed before you an open door that no man can shut. We will also see that this opening and shutting also refers to opportunities for service. During our second meeting one of the rabbis said something very striking. The Church On Trial Pt. 6 In this passage we find the sixth letter, or mini-letter, that was dictated by Jesus to John in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Trust Him today. - Revelation 3:7 read more, Denomination: It is spiritual power the Lord is talking about. That is the second promise given to those who hold on, who stand fast in the midst of a decaying world. And just like in His message to the Smyrnan church, Jesus refers to these Jews as a synagogue of Satan, since they have unwittingly aligned themselves with the devil by positioning themselves against God and God's people. How many doors are in the sanctuary? How many ways in / out. This is a reference to the Lord's own endurance. This church was a small church in numbers, but it was having a powerful impact on the city. All of us will suffer. We also see in 5:5 and 22:16 that Jesus is called the root of David. Choose Perseverance Human keys allow us into buildings or to drive vehicles, but there is one person who holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. Christians are forbidden to practice their faith there. In fact, it has clearly Old Testament features. Actually the word is not "from," but "out of" -- to be delivered out of -- not just the trial but out of the very time of the trial! The door of opportunity is there for the taking and John in Revelation outlines this for the Church in Philadelphia. The church of Philadelphia represents all The third way in which our Lord will exercise the power of opening and shutting is given to us in the amazing promise of Verse10: "Since you have kept my command to endure patiently [again, that is not a good translation. A pillar speaks of stability and permanence. The primary purpose for the founding of Philadelphia was that it would be a center of Greek culture and language reaching out and Hellenizing the region around it. You think you are God's people. November 9, 2014 Scriptures: Rev. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. But it's either suffer for Jesus now, or suffer without Jesus then. When we are being slandered or marginalized, or rebuffed and rejected, in whatever way, it is tempting to forgot the love of Jesus in the face of the world's lovelessness. Look at the diagnosis of these believers, the assessment of this church, that Jesus announces, beginning in verse 8 I know your works. Speaking of revelation philadelphia Philadelphia was founded about 150 B.C. Does God really care about me? I am the King of this kingdom. Verse by Verse Bible Study. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. This verse promises that the church will be delivered from the tribulation, this verse teaches and supports a pretribulation rapture. Web- Revelation 3:7 Life can be a maze of options, choices, decisions and goals. Each time we observe Communion, we read the passage in 1 CORINTHIANS 11 that tells us to eagerly look forward to the return of Christ. He has been waiting until his enemies be made his footstool, for long centuries. It was an open door of tremendous significance which the Lord had opened for Paul. Last, says Jesus, "I will also write on him my new name." "Hold on to what you have," says Jesus, because there is danger that someone may take your crown. Do you remember the three reminders Jesus gave us through His letter to Smyrna? First, He put an open door which no one can shut before them. I believe Ephesians 2:10 is in some ways the most exciting verse in the New Testament. That is who he is. Number one, present feelings of duress can never change future blessings of access. And when we do that, we realize that near the end of this book, God will tell these disciples even more about His temple and about His city, the New Jerusalem. Online & Podcasting At times one can feel overwhelm .. First, there must be the Word. It is wonderful to see how the people are responding to that open door. Never again will he leave it. We are to reflect in our lives all that his name stands for. There are eight woes that stand in contrast to the eight beatitudes ( Matthew 5:3-11 ). WebRevelation 3:7-13 King James Version 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; Third, Jesus promises to write on believers the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God. One feature about the city, which ties closely to us here in the Bay Area, was that the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 17A.D., along with Sardis and other cities in that locality. Throughout the New Testament numerous crowns are mentioned as rewards for different things, Jesus had promised the church in Smyrna that if they were faithful until death that they would receive the crown or wreath of life. References: Revelation 3:7-13 Featured Resources From Thru the Bible Ruth Bible Companion The book of Ruth is one of the most passionate, pure love stories of all time. It is certain. Turkeys & Baptism Also, we must understand that the promised reward is not something of a different nature tacked on to the activity being rewarded; it is, rather, the activity itself -- communion with God in worship and service -- in its consummation. (1Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV). It was a prediction that he would be sent into Babylon. revelation unshakable philadelphia Jesus was a name of anathema to him. The title Holy One is used as a messianic title in the New Testament. revelation Tim Flint. Web Revelation 3:7-13, NAU. So we come again to our Lord's word of caution: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." S. Conway. By approaching the church in The Greek in the quote can mean it (the book of Revelation) was seen or that he (the Apostle John) was seen in AD96, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian. We, as overcomers will be identified as eternal citizens in heavens capital city. You can write your answers in your bulletin. It is also the time of the emergence of great evangelists whose names we all remember -- George Whitefield, John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon (a pastor, but also a great evangelist), Charles Finney here in this country, and D.L.Moody, who left a great work behind him. And look at how verse 11 continues this encouragement in a directive to action. Therefore we must keep it, know it, walk in it and love it. WebRevelation three beginning in verse seven. > Microsoft Word Thus the crown of greater opportunity for service is what might be lost. For example, Jesus is called holy in 15:4, true in 19:11, and holy and true in 6:10. We saw this phrase, "the synagogue of Satan," used also in the letter to the persecuted church at Smyrna. As I said earlier, this church receives no condemnation, but instead Christ outlines four realities that characterize this church. Revelation 3:7-13. His purposes will not be delayed. As we have studied these churches I have asked myself which of these churches are we most like and I believe it is this one. One was the letter to the church in Smyrna, Rev. Albania, on the shores of the Adriatic, is the most closed country in the world to the gospel. Jesus closes with those now familiar words of counsel, He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. We must not only listen to the words, but obey the truths found in each letter. He has just been describing a time when the greatest trial that the earth has ever known will come, the terrible great tribulation. This was also a time of revival of missionary interest: William Carey in England got a vision of the need of India and eventually went out there and planted the gospel in a great work in that country. Well, this certainly isn't a unique promise in terms of Revelation. That realistically stresses the fact that most, if not all, churches hardly realize the potential they have for ministry. WebPastor Andrew Teesdale continues preaching on the study of Revelation. Peter declared in 1 Peter 1:15, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; (1 Peter 1:15, NASB95)[5] The Lord Jesus Christ goes on to describe Himself as Hewho is true. (Revelation 3:7b, NASB95)[6] The Greek word that is translated as true is a word that describes something or someone that is genuine, authentic, the real thing or person. read more, Scripture: I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lostthe world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Three names will be written on the overcomer. This is a promise that believers will be made godlike. The American missionary, Adoniram Judson, went out to Burma and pioneered a work in that country. While Patrick minded his master's pigs in the nearby hills, he lived In and of ourselves, we don't have the strength to persevere, and therefore we could never earn such blessings. They understood their weaknesses and longed for the grace and strength of God to fill their lives and it did. Hebrews 10:23-25, Revelation 3:5-16, James 2:14-24, As a helpful model of Godly faithfulness we can learn from this congregation in considering 1) The Church, City, and Correspondent (Revelation 3:7), 2) The Commendation (Revelation 3:8-9), and finally 3) The Command & Counsel (Revelation 3:10-13), This weekend, people are celebrating St. Patricks Day. No one knows what it is; it will be a new role -- but the church is promised a share in those vast new labors! That is why you have been made a Christian -- that you might do good works -- deeds of help, mercy, kindness, witness, love, comfort, counsel and strength. 13He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. It succeeded in this mission so well that by 19 A.D. the Lydian language of the region had been completely replaced by Greek. More important than this reward is the eternal life in the presence of God that belongs to those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection. Well, if some of these Christians were converted Jews, then there could have been all sorts pressure and slander from friends and family members. That does not mean the residents of this planet. Lets hear this message from Revelation 3:7-13 now. I have set before YOU and OPEN door. Know who Jesus is! When you are confronted with a need it may appear rather insignificant at first. It is the Word which enables us to know the character of Jesus, to have fellowship with him, and to not deny that character in our lives. This promise is not just for the church of Philadelphia, but includes all faithful churches throughout all history. But he met Christians who treated him kindly and loved him despite his anger and hostility. This was important in the Greek and Roman world that had multiple gods and goddesses. Box 1671, Buckeye, Arizona. The Lord himself continually confronted the Pharisees who claimed to be Abraham's descendants, but Jesus said to them, "You are of your father the devil," (John 8:44). The Philadelphians had little power, but they persevered. Stop! Their salvation was secure, their entrance into the blessings of salvation by grace and into Christs future kingdom was guaranteed, that door was open before them. Next. Well the language of verse 7 comes right out of Isaiah 22:22, talking about a man named Eliakim And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. Play: 12-15-96 The Rapture Controversy - Part 3 Revelation 3:10. Because these Jews had rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they were not a synagogue of God, but a synagogue of Satan. Then prayerfully seek the answers to those questions. Message transcript and recording 1989 by Ray Stedman Ministries, owner of sole copyright by assignment from the author. Then I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea, [3] saying, Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. 10:23-25; James 2:14-24 First, Jesus promises that the one who overcomes will be made a pillar in the temple of My God and he will not go out from it anymore. This is a figure of speech, you will not actually be made a stone pillar. The book itself begins and ends with this assurance. "Godliness" is a shortened form of the word "godlikeness." This promise of Jesus to never go out again is a reference to the experience of these Philadelphians who had frequently to flee the city because of the earthquake tremors that came. Second, Jesus says, "I will write [on him] the name of the city of my God." 8I know your deeds. At times one can feel overwhelm .. Introduction: The Lord is good and His love endures forever. I am coming soon. Church history tells us that some Christians from Philadelphia were martyred with Polycarp in Smyrna. First, He says that He knows their deeds and that they have a little power. Bowen's Daily Meditations. Life can be a maze of options, choices, decisions and goals. Third, Jesus said, you have not denied My name. In spite of pressures that they faced in the city, they remained loyal no matter the cost. - Revelation 7:14-15. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : 6 Tips On How Pastors Can Help Others Discover Their Spiritual Gifts, 5 "On-Ramps To Drive Giving To Your Church. We have the promises. Revelation 3:7-13. But when he came to Troas he had a vision of a man from Macedonia, and he learned that the Lord had opened a door for him into Europe. He himself said, "When you see these things beginning to come to pass, lift up your head and rejoice, for your redemption is drawing near," (Luke 21:28). In all the other letters, our Lord uses symbols to describe himself that come from the vision John had of him, recorded in Chapter1. (II Peter 1:11). The Passage: The Church in Philadelphia (3:7-13). WebRevelation 3:7-13 THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Intro: We are continuing to move through the letters of our Lord to the seven churches of Asia Minor. To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens. One day you will tie your shoes and the undertaker will un-tie them. Doesn't that excite you and encourage you. 12/24-Christmas Eve Service Everyone Those are the qualities it takes to enter into the open doors which the Lord gives to a church and to the individuals in it. How could he have said to this church, 'I am coming soon?'" The Church of the Open Door Ready? But our patient endurance now and our realized blessings then both come from the same source: God's grace. Bowen's Daily Meditations. In this letter, however, Jesus makes no reference to that vision. He named it in honor of his brother, Attalus II, who was called Philadelphus, which means, he who loves his brother. Samson Rajanbabu, MDS Fellowship,Kaloor Stadium round,9000099166 (whatsapp), 9400422220Ernakulam, Kerala, If the doors to continued expansion are closing, it may be because we are disobedient, or it may presage the closing of this present age. That is a reference to an incident recorded in the 22nd chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. Passage: Revelation 3:73:13, Philadelphia: Powerless, But PerseveringRevelation 3:7-13(One Mission: Through Many Tribulations)November 9th, 2014. Ministry may grow out of it which will challenge and encourage and bless you as you go on. WebRevelation 3:7-13. You should become more godlike. In relationship to that his word is, "Hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown." That teaches us something very important. It referred to certain Jews in that city who claimed to be spiritual descendants of Abraham but in actuality they were only his physical descendants; their attitude toward the truth of God was far removed from Abraham's faith. WebRead the Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13 Everyone knows that our historic American city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, named for the church to which we come today, means 2023 Way of Grace Church: Buckeye, AZ All Rights Reserved, Keep What is Written (Revelation 1:1-22:21)(overview), A Tour of Our Future Glory (Revelation 21:9-22:5), Way of Grace Church | P.O. Mathew 23:1-12: Be a Practicing Disciple. He knows them. WebRevelation 3:7-13 In-Context 5 The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. How many doors are in the sanctuary? How many ways in / out. George Bowen" They have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb; therefore are they before the throne of God." But when the work of redemption is finished, when we are all home in glory with him and God's work of saving and redeeming us is over, Jesus will be given a new work to do. We are to know him as present with us at all times, and seek to conform our behavior to his life. For you shut [same word in Greek] the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. Jesus says that He is the real one out of all those false ones. They were circumcised outwardly, but not circumcised in the heart. It was the youngest of the seven cities whose churches are addressed in these letters. Web(Revelation 3:7-8) If the letter ended at verse here, however, I would be a liar, for I have often said that where there is quality there will eventually be quantity. This prophecy also pointed to a greater fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah. From concerns about our health and relationships, to fears about our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, trials can feel so dangerous. It is in relationship to that event that Jesus says he is coming soon. So I think they were attempting to shut the door on these Christians; declaring they were barred, they were prohibited from entering into the favor and presence of God. c. Sardis: The combination of easy money and a loose moral environment made the people of Sardis notoriously soft and pleasure loving. But the promise to the church is specifically that it is to be delivered from the hour of trial. revelation But given the language about the open door and the key it's also safe to assume that these Jews were attempting to discourage the Christians. Jesus said for His second promise, I will write the name of My God on the one who overcomes. What an encouragement that must have been for the Philadelphian church. When He returns for the church, we will meet Him in the air, when He comes at the second coming He will come to the earth. (Revelation 3:13 NIV). I'm not sure we can fully answer all the questions that statement raises about the timing of all these things. This prophecy also pointed to a greater fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah. He is the holy one -- morally perfect. In the days of Hezekiah the king there was a courtier (we would call him a chief-of-staff, for he was in charge of the palace) whose name was Shebna. He had been caught in a personal scam run for his own benefit, and as a result God says a very unusual, very descriptive thing about him: "I will take him and whirl him around and around (like a discus thrower), and hurl him into a far country," (Isaiah 22:18). Revelation 3:7-13 (One Mission: Through Many Tribulations) November 9th, 2014 . Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church. (Isaiah 22:17 NIV). In verse 9 we read of the second promise Christ made to this church, Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lieI will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. (Revelation 3:9, NASB95)[9] Just like in Smyrna, the Christians in Philadelphia faced persecution and hostility from unbelieving Jews. If it was written after AD70, why is there no mention of Jerusalems destruction? Jesus is the redemptive name of our Lord. God grant us open doors! There are two promises given to the ones who overcome, who hold on to what they have: First, Jesus says, "I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and never again will he leave it." LaHabra, CA : The Lockman Foundation, 1995, [10]New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update. Keep going! A pillar is a symbol of strength and permanence. More info: or And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: I know your deeds. I. These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. We need to remember that the presence of the Spirit is promised to each church without any condition whatsoever. As you examine your heart this morning regarding this letter, ask yourself these questions: What is the door that God has opened in my life giving me opportunities for service to Him? Hang In There We have David. The city of Philadelphia was 28 miles southeast of Sardis. That is the reward which is offered, the opportunity for even greater service. They are in some sense powerless against the forces which oppose them. Why? The book of Revelation mentions one who holds the Key of David. Chief among those conditions is that it have discovered the power of the Spirit. We are "created unto good works." What you know you need? Play: 12-22-96 Jesus At The Door Revelation 3:20. THE PROMISE AND THE COUNSEL (Revelation 3:12-13). But Jesus reminds us that our endurance now will mean protection later from the suffering that will come as a result of God's judgment. Why don't I just give up? Revelation 3:7-13. revelation church revelation bible truths he authoritative ppt powerpoint presentation Rev.3:7-13 WebRevelation 7:13-14 Niv. John MacArthur writes, The church is not a place for people with no weaknesses. Individuals in the church sense that God can do something. Website 2023 by Ray Stedman Ministries. And because they have patiently endured in the face of this suffering, Jesus assures them that they will be protected from a more intense and larger scale time of suffering that is coming. That is the promise to the believer who overcomes by faith. How? It is not so much strength as it is power -- power obtained by faith, i.e., by expecting God to act. SERIES 3 OF 4: Revelation | rss | more. After introducing Himself to the church Jesus Christ immediately begins to commend the church and this takes up the bulk of this passage. Revelation He became a Christian and is now working with Jews for Jesus in San Francisco. We will find vivid descriptions of it as we go on in Revelation. Without any announcement, the Lord has, to everyone's surprise, opened doors in Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Hungary; doors which had been closed for decades. Remember, Jesus has already told three of the five churches we've studied that He will come to them, but that was in the context of judgment. As the times get harder and it is even more difficult to be a Christian, as hostility increases and the world becomes more and more secular and casts aside much of the trappings of Christianity that it had formerly practiced, then we must be careful that we do not give up and go along with worldly attitudes and worldly pursuits. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. This letter to Philadelphia, the church that was faithful shows us that the holy and true God pours out His blessings on churches, on individuals that are faithful to Him in all circumstances. - Revelation 7:14-15. If asked to sum up in a word the main lesson of this letter, I would quote the saying of our Lord recorded by St. Luke, "Fear not, little flock." He said, "You premillennial evangelicals are the only ones among the Christians that we can really talk to because you believe there is a future for Israel. Most of the others recovered rather quickly from the disaster, but the after-shocks continued in Philadelphia for quite a number of years, with the result that the people had to flee the city repeatedly. by Roger McCay 20 June 2021 Sermon Passage: Revelation 3:7-13 Link to Audio Version You may have heard of the band called Skillet. It is as immovable as we will be in His presence. 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revelation 3:7 13 sermons