jira smart values linked issues

I'm assuming I would use {issue.key} but is there some way I can set that value in the field? :). Accesses information for the version that triggered the rule. my-custom-prod-env, {{environment.type}} returns the environment type. Issue Type Screen Schemes are closely tied to the workflows in Jira Software. Hi@Matilda Dahlstrm-- Welcome to the Atlassian Community! [feature/ISSUE-123-some-work, feature/ISSUE-456-more-work]. Can be used in conditional logic. On successful request, you will be able access webhook response data using the following smart values: The worklog entry that has just been logged against an issue. abbreviate (int maxLength) Used with: Create branch in Bitbucket, Create branch in GitHub, and Create branch in GitLab actions. In our case, it is {{key}}, The rest you already figured out: how to iterate on the looked-up issues, If it is in an issue field, you may just use {{createdIssue.url}}. For more information, see:String.length(). A list of issues generated by a trigger that runs a JQL search (Incoming Webhooktrigger orScheduledtrigger when set to process in bulk). But it applied adding the new label to the issue that was linked vs the issue I was in. What are rule details in Atlassian Automation? The URL to access the issue. So it is the issue that you are linking to that is the trigger issue. Checks to see if the text is empty, and returns true or false. Added by: Send web request with "Wait for response" checkedOn successful request, you will be able access webhook response data using the following smart values: Multiple responses can be access via the following fields: Added by: Worklogged TriggerThe worklog entry that has just been logged against an issue. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. When using the Issue Linked trigger you have to be aware of which issue in the pair is considered the "source" and which is considered the "destination" when the link is created. Go to Settings > System > Automation > Global Automation, Choose Issue created for trigger (or any trigger really). :), Oddthought it showed up. Share the love by gifting kudos to your peers. You're on your way to the next level! This value supportsDate and Time functions, e.g. Hey @Bill Sheboy I have tried everything and all possible variations of your syntax but nothing seems to work. For more information, see:String.replaceAll(String, String). Returns information related to all feature flags created in throughout the rule or branch, as a list. {{issue.issueType.name}} -Returns the issue's type, for exampleStory,Bug, orTask. Useful when sending Outgoing webhooks as XML. Certainly, and I am glad it worked for you! It's whenI have multiple linked issues with different link types ("is cloned by" or "is blocked by" etc.) Access information related to the last branch that was created. {{issue.security.id}} - Returns the security level ID. {{issue.TempoAccountField}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.id}} - Returns the ID of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.name}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.value}} - Returns the name of the account, Can be used with: the Approval required trigger and the Approval completed trigger. {{commit.shortHash}} returns the truncated SHA1 hash of the commit, e.g. Returns the text before the first occurrence of the given separator. Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. Thisshould not be usedsince it requires an expensive reload of issue data. Are you looking for server documentation? You could do that by adding {{summary}} after the key, such as with: Hi Bill!Thanks. {{issue.latest.description}} - Returns the status's description. The issue smart values are used to access information related to the rules active issue, which is the issue the rule is currently acting on. Do more to earn more! You can also use this withlists. {{issue.key}} - Returns the issue's key, which is a unique identifier comprised of the project key and the issue's number. https://bitbucket.org/account/repo/TEST-123-some-feature. Affects version of an issue as a list. {{issue.timetracking.timespent}} - Returns the amount of time that has been logged on the issue in the Time spent field. In the URL above notice the parameter. Learn more about date and time smart values. For more information, see:StringUtils. email), and so perhaps bulk processing from a branch would help:https://confluence.atlassian.com/automation/run-a-rule-against-issues-in-bulk-993924653.html. For smart values related to the Insight feature in Jira Service Management, see Jira smart values - Assets. See all smart values related to Assets in Jira Service Management Cloud. {{commit.repository.url}} returns the repositorys URL. For example,"Hello World"would be encoded as\"Hello World\". Only the options "Trigger Issue" and "Most recently created issue" are available. If you've already registered, sign in. I am using a smart value as {{createdissue.url) which generates a lengthy url in that custom field. Description Currently there is no mention about issue.issuelinks on the Automation for Jira Smart values document. Checks to see if the text is not empty, and returns true or false. Share the love by gifting kudos to your peers. It helped a ton..and I'm happy to report this worked!! Learn more about updates to the Epic Link and Parent Link fields. {{issue.updated}} - Returns the date the issue was updated. {{createdBranch.repository.url}} - returns the repositorys URL. Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. Learn more about automation triggers. {{createdBranches.repository.url}} - returns the URLs of each repository. For example, if a rule uses the Create feature flag in LaunchDarkly action multiple times, {{flags} will return the information for all feature flags created, as a list. {{approval}} - Returns the name of the approval. {{commit.repository}} returns the information related to the repository. {{issue.fixVersions.description}} - Returns the description of the fix version. The URL to access the issue. 2 edit issue actions that need to 'add' to the value of a field instead of overwriting it). Returns true if the strings are equal. {{repository.name}} returns the name of the repository, e.g. Approval required: accesses information when an issue that requires approval is created or updated, or when new approvers are added to an issue. Adds characters to the beginning of the text until the specified total number of characters is reached. Can be combined with other date and time smart values. {{attachment.author}}: Returnsthe user who added the attachment. Accesses information for the current running rule. Fix versions of an issue as a list. But if I have multiple linked issues with different link types ("is cloned by" or "is blocked by" etc.) Join now to unlock these features and more. {{issue.parent.key}} - Returns the issue key of the subtask's parent issue. Those may help explain what you are observing. You're on your way to the next level! substringBetween(String, String). Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. {{sprint.isClosed}} -Returnstrueif the sprint has closed, andfalseif not. 7, {{deployment.url}} returns the absolute URL of the deployment, e.g. This smart value only works for issues that have been added to an epic. In this example, the priority field is selected, which means the smart value is, however, the fields section is not required so you could just use, Sometimes custom fields in Jira can be tricky. Check out some common DevOps automation rules where you can use these smart values. What third-party applications can I integrate with? Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Smart value for linked "relates to" inwardIssue in Jira Automation rule. {{pullRequest.sourceBranch}} returns information related to the source branch for the pull request. I am trying to get it so the Issue Key itself is hyperlinked. E.g. :{{issue.properties.some.value}}. {{issue.comments.reverse.body}} - Returns the issue's comments, in reverse order. I Achieved first one, using a smart value {{createdissue.key}}, now i want make that output as to be converted as hyperlink. For example, wheninvalid referencedoesn't contain a value, you can printHello worldusing{{invalid reference|"Hello world"}}. The active issue. Access information related to all branches created in the rule, as a list. [Custom Field].id}} - Returns the unique id for the field assigned by Jira. Added by: Webhook TriggerThis allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhookThe body of the Webhook request. The automation works so far :) What I need: Examples of how you can use smart values to manipulate and format dates in your Jira automation rules. These smart values can only be accessed through other root keys (e.g. For Jira Service Management requests only. Otherwise, returns null. See all smart values that can manipulate the values of items in a list. {{branch.repository.name}} returns the name of the repository. These smart values are only available for the Pull request created, Pull request declined and Pull request mergedtriggers. {{issue.reporter.displayName}} - Returns the issue's reporter. {{version.released}} - Returnstrue if the version is released, andfalse if not. {{issue.comments.last.body}} - Returns the body of the last comment. 200, {{webhookResponse.headers}} - headers that can be accessed with dot nation, {{webhookResponse.body}} - body that can be accessed with dot nation, {{webhookResponses}} - list of responses made when list operations. Learn more about date and time smart values. https://bitbucket.org/account/repo/TEST-123-some-feature. Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. Can be used in conditional logic. For more information, see:StringUtils.capitalize(String). Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. For more information, see:StringUtils.right(int). A build represents the process in which files are converted into their final consumable form. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many fix versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual fix version. The maxLength parameter needs to be at least 4. This value won't work for any other trigger, even if a comment was added as a result (e.g. @Bill SheboyNever mind, I just had to remove the ul / li part and it worked! Can be combined with other date smart values. {{branch.repository}} returns information related to the repository the branch belongs to. Hi!For

  • {{/}}
I would like to also include the Summary of the issues in the hyperlink.Is that possible?Where should I add {{summary}} in that case?BR, Matilda. All properties available to{{issue}}are also available on this smart value. If this issue is a sub-task, then parent refers to the parent issue. What goes around comes around! {{addedFieldChange.fieldType}} - Returns the fieldType of the field that has changed due to addition of a value. {{changelog.status}} - Changelog information for theStatus field. Edited Angel Ferreira Dec 10, 2022 Hi, I want to send a notification with the issues links related to an other issue but I couldnt found the smart value for that. Encodes text to allow it to be included in JSON calls, for example, the send outgoing web request action. {{issue. {{attachment.author.accountId}}: Returnsthe ID associated with the user name. The first is just formatting info and the second shows the full set-up process steps. Learn more about user smart values. all fields available to{{issue}}are available here as well. If you have multiple webhook responses, you can add the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual response. Smart value for linked "relates to" inwardIssue in Jira Automation rule Edited Sam Adams Apr 26, 2023 Hi, Trying to make a simple Jira Automation (conditional) rule that (if met) adds a label that contains a smart value of the inward related issue Example Jira Story A "relates to" linked Jira Story B [property]}} https://bitbucket.org/account/repo. Possible states include pending, in_progress, successful, failed, cancelled, rolled_back, or unknown. I've tried the snippet of code above, plus several other variations within the email content text box, but it returned blank in an email, do you have any suggestions? If you need to apply a condition or update to the issue you created that link from, then within the rule you need to add steps to change your context to that issue. I used some HTML syntax to form the list: You can search the interwebs for generic HTML documentation on building lists like this. 2020-07-20T07:00:00.0+0000. {{issue.Customer Request Type}} - Returns the customer request type for older Jira instances. For example if a rule has both a Create branch in GitHub action and a Create branch in GitLab action, the details of the most recent branch will be returned. {{comment.properties}} - Accesses any comment property. for a select field. However, no matter the first condition you choose for this action, the only options are "trigger issue" and "Most recently created issue". {{issue.epic.key}} - Returns the epic's key, e.g. This value supports Date and Time functions. Jira smart values - development. {{issue.affectedServices.name}} - Returns the names of the issue's Affected services. The examples below use the Summary field value of Hello World!. {{issue.url}} - Returns the URL of the issue. {{versions.releaseDate}}- Returns the affects version's release date. https://bitbucket.org/{6d6d87be-bdc2-42b5-ad8f-85cb915abc38}/{80c30dd6-2d2f-401c-ac33-8317adbc509d}/addon/pipelines/deployments#!/deployments/{888ba48c-0011-5a46-9d59-8da313851383}. {{createdIssue.url}} generateshttps://abc.net/browse/ATV-237. It should prompt you to type and give you the option to clear what you pick as well. Go to templates. Thanks so much@Trudy Claspillfor the example and screen shots. {{issue.Story Points estimate}} - Returns the issue's story point estimate (team-managed Jira Software Cloud only). This is usually distinguished by the Inward and Outward Descriptions used by that link type and how those apply to the pair of issues. When setting up an automation, adding the "Link issues" action gives a hint that reads: You can link to the issue that triggered this rule, previously created issue, a smart-value or simply an issue key. {{attachment. {{version.releaseDate}} - Returns the version's release date. Thanks so muchsaved me a bunch of time and taught me a lot. Project Automation - Smart Value - Issue URL in Email. Properties are frequently used by add-ons and integrations to store values, e.g. This escapes specific characters to comply with the HTML specifications. New Features: 1 . {{issue.Request Type.requestType.name}} - Returns the customer request type. {{issue.affectedServices.tier}} - Returns the tiers of the issue's Affected services. You can also use this with, . Join the Kudos program to earn points and save your progress. For more information, see:StringUtils.abbreviate(int). For more information, see:String.charAt(int). {{createdBranch.name}} - returns the name of the branch, {{createdBranch.url}} - returns the URL of the branch. For example, if the epic has a custom field calledInitiative, then{{issue.epic.Initiative}} will return the value in the Initiative field. If you want to have that as a hyperlink in the field you would need to use a custom field which supports that type, and then supply both the key and url in the markup. You can use two types of smart values: The Automation for Jira app comes with a large selection of built-in smart values. {{attachment.author.emailAddress}}: Returnsthe email address associated with the user name. Learn more about list smart values. {{deployment.name}} returns a human-friendly deployment name, e.g. The type of event that triggered the rule. For more information, see:StringUtils.isEmpty(). For more information, see:StringUtils.isNumeric(). See all smart values related to user fields, such as Reporter or Assignee. The only situation where this is necessary, is where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of the issue (e.g. Checks if the text contains only numbers, and returns true or false. Accesses information related to a file attachment on an issue. To test what your smart value returns, use themanual triggerwithlog actionand the result displays in theaudit log. A deployment represents the process in which a product is released in an environment. {{issue.fixVersions.releaseDate}} - Returns the fix version's release date. Otherwise, register and sign in. Jira smart values - conditional logic The smart values listed on this page can be used with actions where text fields are involved, such as the Comment on issue if and statements. You're on your way to the next level! extract a version number from the issue description) or to match multiple patterns (e.g. TEST-123-some-feature, {{repository.url}} returns the absolute URL of the repository, e.g. Examples of using math expression smart values. {{flags.name}} returns the name of the feature flag. These smart values are only available for the Deployment successful, Deployment failed and Deployment status changed developmenttriggers. 4877576. A representation of a release/version in Jira. Available only for the pull request created trigger. $1 can be used to access a matching group in the replacement. Through the dot notation you can access fields like issue type, status and custom fields (details on how you can use these to interact with Jira's REST api are here) For example, I want to set a rule that relates an issue to issue key ID #35. {{issue.description}} - Returns the content in the issue'sDescriptionfield. Used with: any triggers that edit an issue. Otherwise, register and sign in. You can access an insight field's full name, key, or summary through the following smart values: You can access a Tempo Account field's properties through the following smart values: To test what your smart value returns, use the, The active issue. Smart value to get the issues links in issue? I agree there is room for improvement in this dropdown though. Be included in JSON calls, for example, the send outgoing web request.! Issue description ) or to match multiple patterns ( e.g the description of the issue 's story estimate. Process in bulk ) Returns true or false Automation for Jira app comes with a large selection of smart... Also available on this smart value Returns, use themanual triggerwithlog actionand the result in! Belongs to what your smart value as { { createdBranches.repository.url } } - Returns the name of the issue story... Insights for Automation rules, Connect your Automation rule and it worked! the that! 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jira smart values linked issues