characteristics of a seer

He was very detailed as to what his vision was concerning me that he had prayed for. This doesnt mean what they see is from God or that their interpretation is absolutely true: its just revelation about the spirit realm. The bottom line is to train your mind to think about things above and not below. There are subsets of seers, and some see much more than just spirits. His language is pathos which means that he employs relational energy in order to nagivate life. I am still confused about the blood and the art bit, and he said it about 6 months ago. Whatever it is that they are seeing (if they are) I would sure like to know. NOw we know a lot! This entity had two red lights attached to its right side, one stacked upon another. Should I just leave it alone or is there some kind of delicate way to ask one or both of them if they see or what they see? Western diet, fluoridated water, and constant visual stimulation (constant television programming) tends to calcify or numb the pineal glands ability to function. Those teenage celebrity crushes are real. Within the overall realm of the prophet lies the particular and distinctive realm of the seer. I am a Seer also ; I see Spirits sometimes/ but I am a born again Christian; Spirit filled, I pray 5am also 12 am because of my Seeing ability and my close connection with God / he did not give me this gift for my own gratification but to glory Gods kingdom/ also a loner but I know God is with me he never left me ; just want to learn more about my abilities which surprises me from time to time, Please add me to your email [emailprotected]. Many times fires in the image because I was taking pictures of altars with wedding flowers, but even in a natural setting. 1 The advancing of Gods intention is the advancing of the Kingdom of God. I have a strong urgency to see people delivered and for theres shes fo be open to deception. But it made very little sense to me and still makes little sense. These cookies do not store any personal information. I am a seer. Its not just one thing like Demons but Other Spirits also. Learn more about the SEER program. Just to add to what you mentioned and not take away from it. I have had one to manifest parsley. People do think your crazy. Everybody wants to tell me there story. See this post for some suggestions: I see the spirit realm constantly (started a few months ago). I no longer see the spirit that would peek around the corner at me and walk into my hallway. A seer is a person who sees. In the Bible, a seer is another name for a prophet (see 1 Samuel 9:9). All believers need to know God is a Spirit that you can not see. God bless to u and my prayer is that you will repent and lay it all at the cross and if your heart and soul is clean. WebNCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program provides information on cancer statistics that underpins efforts to reduce the cancer burden among the U.S. population. If you see demons, you need help in the blood of Christ. Some see into the spirit world. Neither the SEER data nor the Medicare files include individual-level socioeconomic characteristics, which have been demonstrated to be strongly associated with health-care use and outcomes (19,20). seer rating efficiency introduction but overall part just Starting with the 1975-2017 SEER Research Data, SEER no longer provides databases with varying registries and years of data. My ex-wife did something to me. tnet seer gcc srcc His boss, whom he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. I learned that my mother has had dreams all her life and was called different or odd when she said something. sizes tumor probability distribution pdf parameters corresponding data fit functions plots fitted estimates identified distributions along Obtaining the SEER-Medicare Data. I trust God. Such a person has the tendency to sympathize with both the animate and the inanimate. Some seers can see events before they happen, or possible events, because time is not static and not set. WebSEER recommends that when performing an analysis, you subset based on year or registry so you have consistent geographic coverage for the period of the analysis. Which of course I denied saying, ya right. Because a few days ago, I interpreted things accurately about the things that were about to happen. I see things in my mind .. images, I sense good and evil in people sometimes its physically painful to look into someones eyes. GREAT BOOKS TO READ LOVE THEN GOD BLESS YOU. dont try sharing your proof with anyone they cant see the images. what am I? You are right. God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. I just came across this article after praying for God to send me an answer and this is it! Thank you so much for this, Doug. However I came to this site for a different reason. The colors were on the ground. I have always, and still do, see different size circles and different colors of them just appearing and disappearing in 1 second. Your health situation sounds horrific. seer ethnicity characteristics disease Very Interesting Seer is NOT a word used often, well especially in the Christian realm. Today for first time ever, I saw a mans round sad face in tree foliage. It real.. It might help me to better understand some things and I can know what to ask for in prayers. Thank you . I believe i am being drawn to have fellowship with a preacher and a seer. I know He will not put no more than I can bare. Since humans have so botched their mission to be Gods Imagers, Jesus came to restore human destiny and authority and to demonstrate the Way to live. God spoke to His people through prophets in different ways, and one way was Let me know how I can help you. God knows just what we need. Some see the sins people struggle with, or the demons they wrestle with. No they dont about the gift. Do your research my life has never been the same. I am happy to know that I am not the only one with this gift. However, both data sources do include geographic information (eg, SEER: residential census tract and ZIP code at cancer I have assignment that Im very passionate about. Learn more about the SEER program. I also believe that many of the evil things (mass shootings) etc. I just want to be ready and please God. Over the years, as my wife and I struggled to parent someone who sometimes sees in the spirit realm, I have learned that there are a lot of people who can see in the spirit realm. While many character traits can contribute to career success, here are some of the top ones that can help you advance in the workplace: 1. I thought I had an article on this, but looks like its only in Draft form. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE COMMON GRAMMAR DEBATES? The gift can also show you things of this world that has nothing to do with the advancement of the kingdom of God. Ive had some of my own experiences in the past so I know that if I have had this ability, then surely others do. WebNCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program provides information on cancer statistics that underpins efforts to reduce the cancer burden among the U.S. population. This is great knowledge Doug, thank you for how you explain things, So are you saying that the seer gift and discerning of spirits usually goes together, Not exactly check out this article on the gift of discerning of spirits for more on this. I saw a vision of a women whom I believe my younger sister went to consult her to cast magic on me, and the vision was clear and that women could see that I saw her and she was even scarred that I was looking at her. God had a different answer! Zachary you need to ask for baptism of the holy spirit who Jesus Christ personally does. I knew l could probably get answer from here. Where Gods enemies rule is called the Domain of Darkness. The ability to see in the Spirt World. My husband sees so much more than I. I started putting a brake on the whole thing because we got so scared. I was recently looking into other faiths because of this thinking that maybe Im being drawn to another path, yet nothing has made since to me like the gospel.This opened my eyes to see that I can be spiritual TO God and serve Him through His wonders of creation. It just occured to me today that maybe these 2 people are seers. Where is your spiritual protective shield to save you from such deceptions? THE SEER REALM. Thanks so much for sharing! They see what God is doing and revealing, rather than just hearing his words. His language is pathos which means that he employs relational energy in order to nagivate life. There is another reality where angels, miracles, and the supernatural are being orchestrated by God. All with no power. 1 Samuel 9:9Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, Come, and let us go to the seer; for he who is called a prophet now was formerly called a seer. Some visions are very detailed. Christ & Mary Magdalena, Simeon and Gomer, He is married to the back slider. WebProphetic Personalities - Seer Personality - Truth to Table You are a Seer! I would love to be able to see or hear god spirits but what do I have to do to get there. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. a person who is reputed to have special powers of divination, as a crystal gazer or palmist. I am not. Lord Jesus, I pray that You put Andrews life in order, his health in order and please give Andrew eyes to see with your clarity. His answer was very simple Well then you are a seer. You know, the bible has seers. Ive experienced a lot. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I could write a book, and I might just do that for other seers. God created humans to be the image of God here on the planet, and some of us have greater gifts of leading, or building, or thinking, or loving, or whatever. a person who is reputed to have special powers of There is another reality where angels, miracles, and the supernatural are being orchestrated by God. 1 Samuel 9:9Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, Come, and let us go to the seer; for he who is called a prophet now was formerly called a seer. The page has has links to several articles with ideas on house cleansing. We define oversold territory using the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which is a technical analysis indicator used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100. SEER-Medicare Sample Size Estimator; Thank you again for helping me have confidents in my rainbow of lights:). However, seers are wired more sensitively. The population covered by SEER is comparable to the general U.S. population with regard to measures of poverty and education. He has a broad ministry experience from planting churches to speaking at stadium events. Once you find the proper medications to treat your pain, if they knock out your spiritual gifts, work with your neurologist to find the proper dosage to deal with your pain while still allowing a spiritual walk. I had believed that they could not alter or effect this realm, but they surely can. I look up to the sky and see it; I look at many images and see it; I watch TV/Movies and see it constantly. It certainly makes me feel so much better in that I am not alone. If your someone that likes to read, the book is called, The Journey To Righteousness by Luckenna Allison. This invisible world is hidden right in front of our eyes, but God is looking for those who will seek to see what He is hiding in plain sight! Im different from anyone Ive ever met. I, This is a great question. Without exaggeration, he manages to suggest the intervening aerial medium between the seer and the thing seen. I cant focus on anything else then her because everything around her is blurry. I wrote a post with some suggestions about this: 8 Steps to Enhance Your Spiritual Gifts. When I praise,pray or read I do see flickers of light. I know people who interact with God, and once they start on these meds, they instantly find their ability to interact with God blocked. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Ive had this strange way about me for as long as I remember. I still dont understand why this happens, why Ive seen people die in dreams then years later see the exact dream headline a newspaper. I see spirits in day / night in some environments, had encounters where things have physically moved, dreamed of things coming true and had the ability to discern between people since I was a little girl. It happens all the time. They are seeing the unseen realm or the spirit realm. Children and people know their truth in their heart. He is a sought after prophetic communicator and is involved in various media projects that highlight the move of God for our generation. MY husband and I were heavily involved with many ministries for years, and then we burnt out from hypocrisy and attacks from our fellow members who were believed total lies about us, from brand new members.we never understood this, because the Lord used us to reach so many children. Be careful not to curse LGBT too. It freaks people out so Ive tried for many years to hide this about myself. When I was in my 20s I was a victim of foul play. Then that my art would be used to further gods glory by explaining things to others. I just see the little black blobs in front of me. I been fighting depression for 20 years. He will sweep the floor of your soul so true holiness will be indwelling in you.Peace be unto you and enjoy your walk. Are you discouraged? I think much of what exists on the Internet about people who see is misinformation based on feelings, experiences, and largely rooted in Gnosticism, with little truth underlying it. Then in my 20s I started constantly finding heart shaped rocks any natural God made thing. I am a soap maker. They are seeing the unseen realm or the spirit realm. strange I have had similar things happen to me i see dots everywhere especially at night and even in day light and portals. Riverside Assembly of God. We have so many photos and videos that were altered, deleted, and changed to show us what they already did to us. There is another reality where angels, miracles, and the supernatural are being orchestrated by God. Before I was a Seer, I despised silly rich celebrities. Ive seen the end of a rainbow. There is more to the plan that God will not reveal . Some Modern Challenges to Seers Faith: UFOs, Monism, Magic, Past Lives, and Quantum Mechanics. This invisible world is hidden right in front of our eyes, but God is looking for those who will seek to see what He is hiding in plain sight! When you see something, you know what you are supposed to do. You dont know me and I do not know you either..God has only given you a piece of the puzzle..Read the bible , live your life etc. He wrote a book (several and some of them so scriptural it is amazing) His book Heaven & Hell describes his going to both heaven (Celestial heaven) and hell with angels as guides. Think about the word run. If I say, Tomorrow, Im running a marathon, what will you think Im doing? I believe that over time, you have become more in tune with prophetic things. Sandra I have also captured many images on traditional film, not digital. Parents please dont curse your childrens hearts desire. Why I can walk into a building and can feel the energy of an electronic device such as tv being on in another room or different floor of the building without actually seeing it or how I can sense a presence more often then not an evil presence if their near me. Do I tell them of my dream or just not say anything? They know we see them and yes we must stay as close to Christ our Savior as possible. So it is awesome to read your biblical opinion! TMI. View and Print Infographic. For instance, it can be extremely creepy for some people when a friend or a stranger comes up to them, and seems to know something hidden about their lives. WebProphetic Personalities - Seer Personality - Truth to Table You are a Seer! Recently, the American tool for diagnosing mental illnesses, the DSM-5, has reclassified the concept of seeing spirits (within a religious context), such that this symptom can no longer be counted towards a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Thank you David. But, I am a bit confused. This invisible world is hidden right in front of our eyes, but God is looking for those who will seek to see what He is hiding in plain sight! Stood at the foot of it. Andrew, God does not come at you with fear and intimidation. Going from place to place as I run around to complete errands? I started praying to God / Jesus at a very young age because these things frightened me and I felt it was more of a curse than a blessing. It was very big about a building floating, so bright you couldnt stop staring at it. Please help, Zachary, God gets to choose who he gives this ability to and who he doesnt. Its a spectrum, like some peoples radios are better able to tune in to distant frequenciesthan others. seer characteristics colorectal seer cancer seer variables I have been having some problems at home and thought maybe it had to do with that. Im waiting to hear the sermon The Ministry of Impartations. Apparently, some in the mental health field are recognizing that people who say they can see spirits arent necessarily crazy. I have no power. Yes I am empathetic. Some people actually see into this world and how it interacts with the physical reality the rest of us experience. I will be praying for you. I want to develop this gift to help other people. Obtaining the SEER-Medicare Data. Its always been hard to describe it exactly. God spoke to His people through prophets in different ways, and one way was I know men and woman that are Seers and it is only curse if you are not a Christian. In our culture, this is really hard. basically being genuinely interested in the lives of people, while hanging onto the hidden knowledge that youve received, and then waiting for the Lord to show you how to use it or not. Im so sorry I havent replied earlier. On this site, I discuss the seeing gift specifically regarding those who visually see spirits, auras, multi-colored lights (such as rainbow-colored dots), angels, demons, and other spiritual phenomena that are in fact difficult to quantify in a society which embraces merely a scientific materialist worldview. Not so easy when you either get an answer of maybe its floaters or they look at you with that questioning lifted eyebrow face. You dont have to be religious to be a seer. You are highly gifted, and God has granted you these abilities because Jesus is calling you into a plan to use your gifts to bring Gods peace to this world particularly the areas around you that you impact. I just want to be in the room and hear somebody else talk. His sheep hear His voice. Middle English word dating back to 13501400; see origin at, Unabridged Broadly speaking, a seer is someone who receives spiritual revelation visually. I did go on FB and sought out Gardenia P. Hicks. SEER-Medicare Policies; Instructions and Data Use Agreements; Proposal Review Process; Requirements Following Receipt of Data; Cost of Acquiring SEER-Medicare Data; SEER-Medicare Data Cost Calculator; Analytic Support for Researchers. They see what God is doing and revealing, rather than just hearing his words. This is only a handful of stuff. Please study the 6 genders of old classical Judaism of the Talmud. WebCharacteristics of the SEER Population Compared with the Total United States Population. I am really happy to have found this website. WebCharacteristics of a Prophet, The Seer Brenda J. Medley 1.14K subscribers Subscribe 502 12K views 1 year ago In biblical times, prophets were called Seers. I am there myself. we just kept praising Jesus and praying against the evil, and it can be anywhere or any-thing! Im a seer too and have had a lot of horrifying experiences, but also a lot of good! Hey Nevadan I have come to know just how lonely Jesus is with this gift. Ive met people that can sense things but nothing to the level I can. I am a child of God and I believe the enemy is trying to scare me but I strongly believe if the Lord is allowing me to see darkness that the Angels are with me also. Seers can use their ability to expose the wiles of the enemy for the Kingdom of God. Desired or not, this rewiring is a gift. Where can I speak to those with this seer ability I want to find those like me please contact me I have many questions [emailprotected], Thank you sooo much for this website! Many religionsconsider the pineal gland to be a gateway to spiritual consciousness. What is going on with me ????. Thanks so much. seer thyroid survival Ambitious An ambitious person has a strong desire to achieve success by meeting their goals. You and I (and other seers) know we must stay close to Christ because we see the spiritual battle that is going on in the world. A dark demonic ship think watching me in the night sky and then what I believe was an angel. I have recently learned that the dreams I have been having are indeed of the future. <3, Please email me, Ive had something like this happen too. As I was walking down the hallway to go past them to my apartment as they looked my way coming down the hall it became a long stare and then sort of laughed and averted their eyes. So he could see in thr spirit how else could he have known that magician was actually under the spell of witchcraft and cast it out. But, more specifically, a seer was a prophet who saw visionspictures or scenes seen in the minds eye, in dreams, or even with ones natural eye. View and Print Infographic. She is on facebook Gardenia P. Hicks is her name, you should look her up. You may show ambition when you apply hard work and dedication to overcome a challenge or exceed Please do not consider comment above. Generally after this I just left it alone and not worried about it, but a few days ago I saw another person from the building I dont know. What can I do to not loose this gift. Nam June Paik predicted the Internet, YouTube and Instagram. Anyway the reason Im here is because I had ran into an incident where someone in my building has looked at me strangely. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I only see visons of my futur or past. Ive noticed that since they know I can see, its like they make known to me there around. In North Jersey plz call 516-561-6122. Some seers can actually see what God or other spirits are doing, or what God wants to do or what will or could happen. Warning though, its a book about my 44 years of life in Babylon. Some seers have the ability to see beyong visions and dreams. We define oversold territory using the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which is a technical analysis indicator used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100. 317 3rd Str. Unfortunately for me it took 44 years now 47 till I finally surrendered to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are four dimensions of the seers vision in the prophetic realm: Prophetic Insight the ability to understand root issues in any situation or circumstance.They understand peoples Prophetic Foresight the ability to see into the future and see things before they happen. Id be glad to set up a phone appointment with you to discuss. WebCharacteristics of a Prophet, The Seer Brenda J. Medley 1.14K subscribers Subscribe 502 12K views 1 year ago In biblical times, prophets were called Seers. Seer-Medicare Sample size Estimator ; Thank you again for helping me have confidents in my 20s started... Or hear God spirits but what do I have a strong urgency see! 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characteristics of a seer