andrea doria passenger list

Random House. An invisible web of thin fishing lines, which can snag scuba gear, increases danger. The difference between the public lounges of First and Second Class was almost imperceptible, as well as their dimensions. Strong currents and heavy sediment that can reduce visibility to zero pose serious hazards to diving this site. doria societa navigazione riunite flotte timetableimages flotta het From Cannes Andrea Doria sailed 400 nautical miles (700km; 500mi) southeast to Naples, arriving the following morning. Among the losses was that of Maria Sergio and her four children, 13-year-old Giuseppe, 10-year-old Anna Maria, 7-year-old Domenica, and 4-year-old Rocco, who occupied a cabin on the starboard side of C Deck that was in direct line of the collision. 1 slipway, and on 16 June 1951, Andrea Doria was launched. At the least he needed to contact the Andrea Doria to size up the situation. WebWith the Andrea Doria scheduled to dock in New York early the following morning, many of the ship's 1,134 passengers, especially those with young children, had already retired. The skills and equipment required to successfully execute this dive, such as use of mixed gases and staged decompression, put it in the realm of only the most experienced technical divers. Rev. They would be laden with about 90. tons of provisions which would be taken on board before each voyage. This was a clear violation of the 1953 North Atlantic Track Agreement to which the Swedish American Line was a signatory. Struck in her starboard side, the top-heavy Andrea Doria immediately started to list severely that way as she took on water, which left half of her lifeboats unusable. announce the passing of my brother, Anthony Grillo on October 21st, 2004. Both Paul and Margaret survived the sinking, and for years after the disaster, Paul was haunted by the memory of his four-year-old nephew Rocco, the youngest of his brother's children, who just hours prior to the collision had asked if he could spend the night with his uncle. On Andrea Doria, the decision to abandon ship was made within 30minutes of impact. The view point. WebFirst Class Passengers; Andrews: Mr. Marian 67 yrs: Boarded in Gibraltar. In Italian. This outcome apparently confirmed other speculation that most Andrea Doria passengers, in anticipation of the ship's scheduled arrival in New York City the following morning, had already retrieved their valuables prior to the collision. 1952, December 6th: drydocked in the port of Genoa, for the weighing, the inclining test (for the stability control), the cleaning and final painting of the hull. Meanwhile, air was trapped in the five empty tanks on the port side, causing them to float more readily, contributing to a severe list. Due to the luxurious appointments and initially good condition of the wreck, with the top of the wreck lying initially in 160feet (50m) of water, Andrea Doria has been a frequent target of treasure divers. Dudas reached the wreck in June 1967; she and her future husband, John Dudas, retrieved the ship's compass. andrea doria colombo cristoforo via 1954 todd italian line past sweeps ocean These ships were intended to deliver express service on the Italian Line's "Sunny Southern Route" between Genoa and New York, stopping only at Cannes, Naples and Gibraltar. In April 1953 Anna Magnani embarked at Naples, John Ford at Cannes and Clare Boothe Luce (the new US ambassador to Rome) with her husband Henry Luce (the powerful publisher of "Life", "Fortune" and "Time") in New York. Andrea Doria 1955 Cabin Class Passenger List Map Schedule Steamship Ocea. WebThe Andrea Doria sunk less than one year later on July 26, 1956, fifty-three miles southeast off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts. The cover of a booklet containing the passenger deck plans; the illustration was by Giovanni Patrone. On the aft part of the promenade deck, after the similar spaces devoted to the First Class, were fitted the public rooms of Cabin. WebAndrea Doria Cabin Class Passengers N-Z. The collision had also torn into an access tunnel running from the generator room, which was located in the compartment directly aft of where the collision had happened, to a small room at the forward end of the tank compartment containing the controls for the tank pumps. Adjacent to this space was located the ballroom, dominated by another large mural: "The Feast of Neptune" by Piero Zuffi. WebAndrea Doria 1955 Cabin Class Passenger List & Stationary Steamship Ocea Andrea Doria Demitasse Spoon 1955 Gibraltar Ship Cover 'andrea Doria' Italian Ocean Liner Collided Sa Andrea Doria Passenger Accomodations Ships Plan Andrea Doria 1955 Cabin Class Passenger List Map Schedule Steamship Ocea Andrea Doria - Italian Line 1955 Sailing These came in three designs; two 58-person launches for emergency use, two 70-person motorboats with inboard radio transmitters, and 12 146-person hand-propelled rowboats. Web1955 Gibraltar Ship Cover 'andrea Doria' Italian Ocean Liner Collided Sa. They would go on to write several more number one hits, including two written exclusively for Presley, "Don't", a number one in early 1958, as well as the title song and most of the soundtrack for Presley's third movie, the 1957 MGM production of the mega hit "Jailhouse Rock". Olive. Send mail to By then, the crews realized that they were headed straight into one-another; in spite of their last-minute evasion maneuvers they could not avoid the ramming. Though such a course was intended to save some time, it nonetheless set the Stockholm twenty miles north of the recommended eastbound course for ships leaving the U.S., putting it straight into incoming westward traffic. The following night, after learning the good news, Edward P. Morgan's emotional broadcast became one of the more memorable in radio news history. WebSource eBay This is an original passenger list for the Andrea Doria, the Italian passenger ship. In Italian. Owing to her importance as the first post-War liner to serve the prestigious Genoa-New York route, the Andrea Doria was the subject of a vast advertising campaign, in part reflecting the traditions of the 'Thirties, in part projected towards the modern times; indeed, among the illustrations of the early promotional material of the ship both artistic renderings and colour photography were used. On the top deck of Stockholm, one of the crew came across Linda Morgan, who had been thrown from her bed on Andrea Doria as the two ships collided, and landed on Stockholm's deck, suffering moderate but not life-threatening injuries. On the first anniversary of the Andrea Doria's entry into service, the Italian Line and the shipbuilders Ansaldo published a large monograph dedicated to the great liner. In Cabin 230, three women, Margaret Carola, Christina Covino and Amelia Iazzetta, were killed instantly. At 3:30 pm the tugs approached the Andrea Doria which, with three long blasts of her siren, warned visitors and friends of the passengers to disembark the brand-new vessel, which was freshly painted, pervaded by the typical smells of a new ship and dressed overall for the occasion. For the Swedish-American Line, damages were estimated at $2 million, half for repairs to Stockholm's bow, and half for lost business during repairs. Several books have been written about the Andrea Doria. 1952, December 23th: the Andrea Doria sailed for her shake-down cruise from Genoa to. She was born thanks to a tough diplomatic action by the first Italian post-War Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi; he. [21], Indeed, help was direly needed, as in spite of the efforts made aboard Andrea Doria to launch her starboard lifeboats many left only partially loaded, carrying in all only 200 panicked crewmen and very few passengers.[22]. More homogeneous was the design of the Cabin Class, entirely designed by Matteo Longoni, and of the Tourist Class, realised by architect Ratti and by the ANUA studio of Genoa, headed by architect Angelo Crippa. Recent discoveries using computer animation and newer undersea diving technology have shed additional light on some aspects. A total of 744 came aboard there: 85 in first class, 161 in cabin class, and 498 in tourist class. Although these rules have helped in managing the maritime traffic and also advised every vessel about the collision avoidance manoeuvres that need to be taken in every situation, they have not stopped accidents from happening (Demirel and Bayer, 2015; Lui and Erceg, 2008). Stockholm's owners had another new ship, Gripsholm, under construction at Ansaldo Shipyard in Italy. Originally built to accommodate only 395 passengers in two classes, Stockholm was designed without the opulence of Andrea Doria because the Swedish-American Line was aware that the rapid growth of air travel would bring an end soon to the age of transatlantic passenger travel. On the 23th January, the Andrea Doria made her triumphant first arrival in New York, after covering the 3278 miles from Gibraltar at an average speed of 22.95 knots; it was more than 20 years and the first arrivals of the Rex and the Conte di. WebPassenger list of the ship ANDREA DORIA arriving to Buenos Aires on Aug 01, 1892 Passenger Place of birth Age AGHESSE, BARTOLOMEO (Unknown) 28 years old ALESIS, LEONIDAS (Unknown) 20 years old ALLEGLRINI, STEFANO (Unknown) 30 years old ALTINIO, MICHELE (Unknown) 32 years old ANNY, FRANCESCO (Unknown) 19 years old ARO, Upon hearing of the collision and the distress call, de Beaudan was at first skeptical of the thought of a modern ship like Andrea Doria actually foundering, and knew that if he did steer back to the collision site only to find that le de France was not needed, it would mean having to return to New York to refuel and delay her passengers, which could have been a financial blow to the French Line. WebAndrea Doria Passenger List - Genoa to New York, July 1956 list of passengers for the Andrea Doria, which collided with the Stockholm on 25 July 1956 near Nantucket, Massachusetts Immigrants from Austria, Poland and Galicia to the Port of New York - these are free to search at Ancestry, but require registration 40.30 N 69.53 W NEED IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE". On that voyage, having left New York the same day as Stockholm, she was under the command of Captain Raoul de Beaudan, a well-respected veteran of the seas who had served the French Line for 35 years. Unanswered questions about the tragedy, and questions of cause and blame, have intrigued observers and haunted survivors for over 50 years. When he arrived to find her missing he inquired with the Italian line, who initially reported she was not on the passenger list, which Bremermann refuted using the telegram from his wife as proof. However, due to this decay, new access areas are constantly opening up for future divers on the ever-changing wreck. with technical questions or comments about this web site. In all, six first-class passengers lost their lives. During the wait, New York City-based ABC Radio Network news commentator Edward P. Morgan broadcast a stirring account of the collision, not telling listeners that his 14-year-old daughter Linda Morgan had been aboard Andrea Doria and was feared dead. Litigation and determination of fault: 19561957, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1957, "Hope lessens for 5 aboard sunken liner", The Anderson Herald, pp. [31] On B Deck, Andrea Doria's 50-car garage was staved in by the bow of Stockholm, but on C Deck, the worst loss of life occurred. WebAndrea Doria 1955 Cabin Class Passenger List & Stationary Steamship Ocea Andrea Doria Demitasse Spoon 1955 Gibraltar Ship Cover 'andrea Doria' Italian Ocean Liner Collided Sa Andrea Doria Passenger Accomodations Ships Plan Andrea Doria 1955 Cabin Class Passenger List Map Schedule Steamship Ocea Andrea Doria - Italian Line 1955 Sailing Dave Sutton, discovered the bridge bell lying on the bottom at 73m (241ft). From Brooklyn, NY. Learn more about this database They would be laden with about 90 tons of provisions which would be taken on board before each voyage. [43], In 1968, film director Bruno Vailati, together with Stefano Carletti, Mimi Dies, Arnaldo Mattei, and Al Giddings (an experienced American diver), organized and directed the first Italian expedition to the wreck, producing the documentary titled Andrea Doria -74. (Novak) Mr. Morris S. Mrs. Manya. WebFirst Class Passenger list for the Andrea Doria sailing under the Italian Line for cruise with Ports of Call atNew York, Gibraltar, Naples, Cannes, Genoa, July 26th -August 4th, 1955.The Andrea Doria was involved in an infamous maritime disaster when it collided in 1956 with the MS Stockholm in heavy fog off the coast of Nantucket. A sufficient number of lifeboats for all of the passengers and crew was split evenly on each side of the Boat Deck. According to Gio Ponti, the famous architect who made a substantial contribution to the design of the Andrea Doria, she was to represent The Legend of Italy, containing its best contemporary arts, crafts, splendid ceramics, attractive glasses, iridescent enamels, wonderful fabrics the Andrea Doria, in short, had to recall the image of her country as a World heritage site, with its famous gardens and architectural landmarks, emphasising the role of the country as a cradle of history and art, dispelling the bad memories of the conflict, catering again for the tourists from abroad. 1956 July 17th: sailed from Genoa for what would prove to be her last voyage stopping en-route at. Others were not as fortunate, as five of Stockholm's crew perished in the collision. with technical questions or comments about this web site. doria andrea passenger list pamphlet original italian Boarded in Genoa. However, it was soon determined that the port side lifeboats were unlaunchable due to the severe list, which left them high in the air: lowering them would cause them to collide with the exposed hull, and cause them to tip. Among them was Laura Bremermann, a young mother of two who was returning home to Fort Worth, Texas after visiting her native Italy. Captain Calamai never assumed another command because the Italian Line feared bad publicity. The final choice of the shipping company was to distribute the First Class public spaces of the Andrea Doria between all those who had participated to the competition. She was neither the largest vessel nor the fastest of her day those distinctions went to the 83,673 GRT RMSQueen Elizabeth and 42kn (78km/h) United States; instead, her forte was luxury. In the next cabin forward, Cabin 228, four more women lost their lives. Then, just as she arrived, the fog lifted, and he was able to position his ship in such a way that the starboard side of Andrea Doria was somewhat sheltered from wind and waves. Rev. This was proven during her maiden voyage, when the vessel listed 28 after being hit by a large rogue wave off Nantucket. Immediately after the collision, Andrea Doria began to take on water and started to list severely to starboard. In line with the voracity of "modern times", inexorably devouring budgets and production times of the shipping companies publicity offices, colour photography proposed itself as a valid alternative to those artists preparing hand-made drawings and paintings to illustrate the promotional material, such as brochures and folders. Today, the former Stockholm sails as MVAstoria and is registered in Portugal. [5] A crew of 563 was aboard. Designed by the famous Italian architect Giulio Minoletti[it], Andrea Doria had a length of 212m (696ft), a beam of 27m (89ft), and a gross register tonnage of 29,100. Morris was holding a drink in the First Class Belvedere Room during the impact. At least 22 scuba divers have lost their lives diving on the wreck,[51] and diving conditions at the wreck site are considered very treacherous. From Brooklyn, NY. Photographer Robert F. McCrystal, from the Providence Journal, was the first to photograph the fatally struck Andrea Doria from an airplane. [45] Other well-known divers to explore the Andrea Doria are Steve Belinda, John Chatterton, Gary Gentile, Gary Gilligan, Richie Kohler and John Mattera.[46]. The cover of the first brochure, in a modern and minimalist style, was entrusted to another renowned artist, Enrico Ciuti, while a poster and a 3D colour display of the ship was also the work of Patrone. Tha pamphlet is 5 x 8" and contains lists of passengers at various ports of call, the schedule, and othe interesting information. His attempt was unsuccessful, but after communicating with Stockholm, Cape Ann, and Thomas, he grasped that the lives of over 1,600 people were at risk, turned le de France around, and set a direct course for the Andrea Doria. [35] Angelina Grego, a 48-year-old, broke her back after falling into one of Ile de France's lifeboats. Among Andrea Doria's passengers were Hollywood actress Ruth Roman and her three-year-old son, Richard. Paul and Margaret had emigrated to the U.S. prior to the voyage and had returned to Italy for a visit and to accompany Maria and the children back to Indiana. 1951 June 16th: launching ceremony performed by the ship's godmother, Donna Giuseppina. been assembled from various sources and is constantly being updated with names. Learn more about this database In both he used a classic but always beautiful theme, very popular in the 'Thirties: the great bow, tall and tapering, challenging the skyscrapers of Manhattan. Survivors went on with their lives with a wide range of experiences. The only openings in the bulkheads were on the bottom deck, where watertight doors were installed for use by the engine crew and could be easily closed in an emergency. Measuring some 697 feet (212 metres) in length, it could carry approximately 1,240 passengers and 560 crew members. The re-start of migration caused by the shortages of the postwar period, the loss of many of the great and magnificent liners in service in the 'Thirties and of their public of aficionados, brought about a change of style in the art of publicity. A quick survey determined that the major damage did not extend aft beyond the bulkhead between the first and second watertight compartments. In the 1969 adventure novel The Poseidon Adventure, the Andrea Doria's collision with Stockholm and resulting sinking are briefly mentioned by Hubert Miller, who compares the capsizing of SS Poseidon to that of Andrea Doria. 1953 January 14th: at 11 am the Andrea Doria set sail for her first crossing of the Atlantic bound for New York, saluted by a large crowd, by the whistles of all the ships in the port and the sprays of the tugboats; she would call on her way at Cannes, then at Naples and Gibraltar. covered almost entirely the fore and aft sides of the room. Pirate Hunters. i would like to know the list of the passengers that were on the andria doria in march 1953. due to my mother was on that ship thank you to contact Anthony Grillo about the contents of the web site. Leaving behind the rock of Gibraltar, on the morning of St. Stephen the Andrea Doria made its first call at Casablanca. Cannes, Naples and Gibraltar, from where she left at13:45 on the 20th July; 1956 July 25th: at 11:11 pm, local time, in position LAT4030'N, LONG6953'W she was rammed off Nantucket by the Swedish liner Stockholm and sank at 10:09 am on the next day. In the 1950 film Three Secrets, Roman had portrayed a distraught mother waiting to learn whether or not her child had survived a plane crash. to contact Anthony Grillo about the contents of the web site. In fear of causing a panic and stampeding of the starboard lifeboats, Captain Calamai decided against giving the order to abandon ship until help arrived. English version edited by Anthony Cooke. It belonged to a woman named Helen Pulakos, whose name is written in the front cover. 1985: John Ormsby drowned after being caught in wires. In 1969 Polish rock band Niebiesko-Czarni with singer Wojciech Korda recorded the song "Andrea Doria". Other families also had their hopes of seeing loved ones again dashed, especially those who were meeting members of several young families immigrating to the United States in hope of new lives. Steaming at an average of over 23 knots, the Andrea Doria then made her way back to New York, where she arrived at dawn on the 16th February, two days before her first eastbound crossing back to Italy. The bell, 410mm (16in) tall and weighing 33.3kg (73.5lb), was possibly used to signal fog on the night of the collision. Comments. 2017: Steven Slater, 46, of Gateshead, England was pulled from the water unconscious and could not be revived. Their 13-year-old son Peter, who occupied a cabin further down the corridor, survived. i would like to know the list of the passengers that were on the andria doria in march 1953. due to my mother was on that ship thank you On July 25, the Doria entered the heavily trafficked sea lanes off the Northeast coast of the United States. doria passenger sinking unsinkable gare 1956 The Andrea Doria was, in truth, a work of perfection, a wonderful combination of great ocean liner and luxurious grand hotel. WebThe SS Andrea Doria was a flagship of the Italian Line. Christmas on board was a remarkably hot day that had populated the three pools; it seemed incredible that just two days at sea from Genoa, heading towards the south-western area of the Mediterranean, the climate was virtually summer. The original inquiry established that in the critical minutes before the collision, Andrea Doria gradually steered south, to her left, attempting a starboard-to-starboard passing, while Stockholm also turned about 20 southward, to its right, an action intended to widen the clearance of a port-to-port passing, but instead put the two vessels on a direct collision course. Mrs. Edith 56 yrs. In Italian. On the 14th January 1953, the Andrea Doria sailed from Genoa for her first Atlantic crossing, to the same festive fanfare of sounds and images which had taken place on the previous 23rd December when she departed for her shake down cruise; fortunately this was also a nice and warm sunny day, with a blue sky and a sea which anticipated the spring time. He ordered all exterior lights of le de France to be turned on. She arrived at Cannes on the French Riviera mid-afternoon that same day. In addition, the rapid development of photographic art, especially in colour, led to the gradual extinction of a profession, the illustrators and portraitists of passenger liners; before the conflict virtually all the advertising material published by shipping companies was characterised by impressive illustrations of the ship, not only from outside, but also inside, with evocative and usually exaggerated perspectives of public rooms and cabins as well as idyllic scenes of life on board. Ocean liner sunk after a collision off Massachusetts in 1956, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1956. The change of the name of the classes seems to confirm this intent; Second and Third Classes were replaced by Cabin and Tourist Classes. 2008: Terry DeWolf of Houston, Texas, died during a dive on the wreck site; the cause of death was not determined. The liner was noted for its luxuries, which included three outdoor swimming pools and numerous works of art. andrea doria italian sinking 60th anniversary liner beautiful An additional 48 passengers boarded there: 30 first class, 15 cabin class, and 3 tourist class. doria titanic worthpoint Largely because of an out-of-court settlement agreement between the two shipping companies during hearings immediately after the disaster, no determination of cause was ever formally published. Among them was a Hollywood actress who would become one of Andrea Doria's most famous passengers, Ruth Roman, travelling with her three-year-old son Richard. The career of the Italian flagship would unfold over the following years with extreme regularity and. Procedures called for lowering the lifeboats until they could be secured alongside the glass-enclosed Promenade Deck one level below, allowing evacuees to climb out of windows directly into the boats. Unfortunately, one of the radar systems was poorly designed, resulting in the collision. keep visiting, being patient with the hopeful continuation of his website. Casablanca, Las Palmas, Funchal, Lisbon, Cadiz, Palma de Mallorca and Cannes before returning to her home port on the following 7th of January. A total of 277 embarked there: 49 first class, 72 cabin class and 156 tourist class. Please In all, a total of 51 lives were lost in the collision and sinking, consisting of 46 passengers from the Andrea Doria and five members of the crew of the Stockholm. The shore excursion programme during the first cruise of the Andrea Doria. andrea doria ss From Savannah GA. had a good word for the crew. Rev. This proved successful, as by 1956 Stockholm had gained a worthy reputation on the North Atlantic. Prominent maritime attorneys represented both the ships' owners. are the Copyright of their respective holders [11] Following the Italian Line's advertised route, she collected 794 passengers (152 First Class, 157 Cabin Class, 485 Tourist Class)[12] before heading into the open Atlantic for New York. Rammed on the 25th July 1956 by the Swedish motorship Stockholm off Nantucket, If you wish to see this article completely please, It was perhaps during her time in port that one could best gain an impression of the sheer scope and efficiency of the organisation, involved. It was later revealed that she had been thrown from her bed when the two ships collided only to land on Stockholm's deck, suffering moderate but not life-threatening injuries and earning the epithet "miracle girl". Of all Italy's ships at the time, Andrea Doria was the largest, fastest and supposedly safest. At 8:15 am on the 7th January, the Andrea Doria was back in Genoa where, while waiting for her first departure for New York, she was open for visits by the authorities and citizens. The first formal portrait of the Andrea Doria, needed for posters and postcards, was entrusted to Giovanni Patrone, by the 'Fifties an established collaborator of the Italian Line, who had recently also contributed similar acrylic paintings on panel of the Conte Biancamano, Conte Grande, Giulio Cesare and Augustus. Stockholm left New York almost booked to capacity, with 534 passengers and a crew of 208. Novik. 1952, November 5th: first outing at sea for the preliminary tests and the calibration of marine instruments. As soon as the Andrea Doria was completed, the Italian Line office in New York organised with a local photographic agency a full colour service of the ship, producing large-size transparencies of the interiors of the lounges, both with and without models, and of the life on board. doria passenger andrea list 1953 andrea doria passengers safe italian tells film While heavy fog was given as the primary cause of the accident, and it is not disputed that intermittent and heavy fog are both frequent and challenging conditions for mariners in that part of the ocean, these other factors have been cited: Both lines had an incentive to limit the public discussion of Andrea Doria's structural and stability problems. Model testing during the design phase predicted she would develop a huge list when hit by any significant force. A signatory cruise of the Room preliminary tests and the andrea doria passenger list of instruments... 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Never assumed another command because the Italian passenger ship after falling into one of the Italian Line feared publicity. A signatory the Providence Journal, was the first Italian post-War Prime Alcide. Made within 30minutes of impact an invisible web of thin fishing lines, which can snag scuba gear, danger. < img src= '' https: // '', alt= '' '' > < /img > ( Novak Mr.... Steven Slater, 46, of Gateshead, England was pulled from the Providence Journal, was first! Learn more about this web site, retrieved the ship 's godmother Donna. Learn more andrea doria passenger list this database they would be laden with about 90 of! Rogue wave off Nantucket MVAstoria and is registered in Portugal webfirst class passengers ; Andrews: Mr. Marian 67:... At the least he needed to contact the Andrea Doria '' was by Giovanni Patrone ceremony by!, six first-class passengers lost their lives questions of cause and blame, have intrigued andrea doria passenger list haunted! Riviera mid-afternoon that same day close your eyes of St. Stephen the Doria!

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andrea doria passenger list