plural of index legal writing

The second meaning comes from sequences or related sets of numbers. –, I/we index: first person singular and plural present, You index: second person singular and plural present, He/she/it indexes: third person singular present, David Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the index committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said the low stock of existing homes for sale — currently about 3.8 months worth of supply at current sales rates — is bolstering the price increases across the board. What does indices mean? Facebook; Twitter; How difficult was this activity? Indexes is the non-technical plural form of index, which is a noun that means an alphabetical list or, more broadly, an indicator. Learn more. 4. To form the plural for words of foreign origin ending in -ix or -ex, change -ix or -ex to -ices for formal usage. –. This usage is incorrect; index is the proper singular form of both indices and indexes. In essence, it teaches straight thinking--a skill inseparable from good writing. As with a lot of other Latin plurals, the standard English way of marking the plural, using -s or -es, has progressively been taking over, making indexes. Cambridge English: Key is a basic-level qualification. Words in Case Names; Case Histories; Omissions in Case Names; Reporters & Courts 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 23.83: μὴ ἐμὰ σῶν ἀπάνευθε τιθήμεναι ὀστέ’ Ἀχιλλεῦ mḕ emà sôn apáneuthe tithḗmenai osté’ Akhilleû Lay not my bones apart from thine, Achilles. Indices is a more technical version of the same plural noun. *There is an exception to this rule: If your last name ends in ch but is pronounced with a hard /k/ sound, like the word monarch, add only an -s rather than -es. In two unusual cases, ‘s is used to form a plural noun. Never so in the work of Bert van Roermund, whose new book Law in the First Person Plural takes us back to Rousseau, just in time. Too easy . An alphabetical listing of items and their location. It is common in many mathematical and technical contexts. In Latin, the plural form of the word is indices. Plural of the nouns: regular and irregular plurals in English In formal writing settings not related to mathematics, though, indexes is probably the better choice. Certain nouns in English belong to both classes: they have both a noncount and a count meaning. 2006 … Law dictionary. Correct: The car in question … Related Posts. It eliminates any confusion between it and the verb indexes. But when you zoom in to the phrase book indexes/book indices, indexes comes out ahead. Regular and irregular plurals of nouns. (printing) A symbolresembling a poin… In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be writing.. 3. For most names, add an -s to make them plural. This version more closely approximates the original Latin form. ... Register for one of my online courses to learn more about grammar and writing. Material; Arbitrations; Court Rules; Books; Law Journal Writing; ABBREVIATIONS & OMISSIONS USED IN CITATIONS. Check this rule for yourself before reading further. Indexes is also a present tense verb, but indices cannot be used that way. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. 2013). “It” as an Abstract Noun. (both pronounced MIZZes) can be used.. With a long list of names, it is better to use the plural … As a verb, indexes is the singular third person present conjugation of the verb index, which means to record names in a list or to serve as an indicator. "Indices" is a plural noun, one of the plural forms for "index", but only in a particular situation: when "index" refers to a system. The noun writing can be countable or uncountable.. After all, most communication takes place in reports, emails, and instant messages. lunch – lunches. When words have more than one variant, choosing between them can be difficult. writings: translation. Plural Possessives. A Index is one of those rare oddball words with two different plurals in English. My retirement account is built from ETFs that track major stock and bond market indexes. Indices only functions as a noun. What does indices mean? index definition: 1. an alphabetical list, such as one printed at the back of a book showing which page a subject…. The index finger; the forefinger. . The Index from A Collection of Practical Forms in Suits at Law, by Charles Humphrey (1845). Charlie Rapple on May 14, 2008 9:45 am. Indexes." It is unclear which word is more popular overall, but indexes seems to be more common in everyday English. Web. Practise plural endings. Total 20 mixed and subject-wise online tests of 100 MCQs each + PDFs of these test questions and their correct answers. Plurals: Worksheets printable exercises, handouts to print pdf. Search the index to find the address of the data file. See more. However, before diving into the plural, it is important to define the word mister. Etymology and plural. "Indices" and "indexes" can refer to systems for recording changes and comparing values, usually in the financial domain. For those writers adhering to AP Style, you should use this spelling and this spelling alone, as AP prefers indexes over indices. Garner, Legal Writing in Plain English 135 (2d ed. Wellbeing or Well-Being – Which is Correct? Normally the … This occurs when you want the plural form of a single letter or of a word referred to as the word itself, as in the following examples: I will use each of the two words in example sentences that will display them in context. Many books include indexes of commonly used terms, and the S&P 500 is an indicator of the overall performance of U.S. stocks. Lastly, you might see writers or speakers using indice as a singular noun, as a backformation of the plural indices. For informal writing, you can choose whichever version of the word seems more natural. In ordinary writing, in graphical interfaces, and in technical documentation, I don't think it's necessary at all. The topic I was interested in didn't appear in the index. The indexof a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found. both those already enacted in writing and those still to be enacted. Some nouns do not have plural forms, and these are usually nouns that come in groups or those that are abstract. A pronoun must agree in number with its antecedent. If the singular form of the noun ends with an o preceded by another vowel or vowel sound, then the plural morphological suffix is -s . The passive voice makes sentences longer and roundabout. Home » Indexes or Indices – What’s the Difference? Used really only in written communication, the prefix Messrs., from messieurs, is usually reserved for legal communication, business communication, or other related written memoranda. 2. In this post, I will show you the difference between indices and indexes. PLURAL. FIND OUT ABOUT CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: KEY. Admirably clear, concise, down-to-earth, and powerful—all too often, legal writing embodies none of these qualities. Improve your grammar, vocabulary, and writing -- and it's FREE! See writing. I/we index: first person singular and plural present; You index: second person singular and plural present; He/she/it indexes: third person singular present; They index: third person plural present; Indexing: present participle; Indexed: simple past; When to Use Indices. In the plural, Mr.becomes Messrs. (pronounced MESSers), and Mrs. becomes Mmes. Index definition, (in a nonfiction book, monograph, etc.) Write in the active voice. The word is derived from Latin, in which index means "one who points out", an "indication", or a "forefinger". Sometimes, however, it may be so expressed that it means only one, as, if a man were to devise to another all he was worth, if he, the testator, died without children, and he died leaving one child, the devise would not take effect. "Indices vs. In some mathematical contexts, indices is the preferred form. Black's law dictionary. Fortunately, scholars produce legal writing guides to help new legal writers know where to begin and help advanced legal writers polish their work. marsh – marshes. English nouns are inflected for grammatical number, meaning that if they are of the countable type, they generally have different forms for singular and plural.This article discusses the variety of ways in which English plural nouns are formed from the corresponding singular forms, as well as various issues concerning the usage of singulars and plurals in English. It was open on the index page. Traditional ones such as the S&P 500 are collections of securities weighted by market value, and index funds mimic them as a low-cost way to deliver the market’s performance. What does indexes mean? In Legal Writing in Plain English, Bryan Garner provides legal professionals sound advice and practical tools for improving their written work. If you’re talking about several of the sort in books, for example, that’s the right one to use. Female with short dark hair: Well, a plural's more than one, so sometimes if you're writing it, you just need to add an S on the end. The indexes at the back of my psychology textbooks are filled with the names of dead practitioners. I would argue that it isn't simple enough, and using the plural is more effective. The noun legal can be countable or uncountable.. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be writings e.g. Yet ancient homosexuality and erotic pedagogy were problematic to the educational establishment, which expurgated classical texts with sexual content. This article will shed some light on these confusing terms. Often, there is no hard and fast rule, so writers must rely on context to determine the best word to use. A term used in grammar, which signifies more than one. Know More Buy Online Buy via WA. Incident vs. You can use the plural staffs to refer to more than one body of staff. I offer, set before 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 23.263: ἱππεῦσιν μ� in reference to various types of legals or a collection of legals. Legal writing can be challenging for both novice and experienced writers. Is it indexes or indices? Share this activity. I forbid my students from using it, but professionals all around me continue to use it as do my students. house – houses. index/indices The Latin plural is used in academic contexts, ... legal documents and reports). I bury. The plural morphological suffix for English nouns ending in -o is either -s or -es, which is added to the end of the singular form, depending on the specific noun. (pronounced mayDAM).For the plural of the abbreviation Ms.,either Mses. 53 full bare acts + 100 notes on 100 important topics + 300 short Q&A + 121 legal maxims + list of important sections of 10 essential bare acts + explanation of 7 important recent amendments. Its reputation for obscurity and needless legalese is widespread. Check your tone in emails Online writing blog, Resources, Writing resources. Many people aren’t sure whether to use indices or indexes, or even if they mean the same thing. Incidence – What’s the Difference? The index only gives the main towns. Legal Writing Manuals. Singular or plural. Check every plural noun and make sure that it’s really necessary. 4 plural usually indices: a number or symbol or expression (such as an exponent) associated with another to indicate a mathematical operation to be performed or to indicate use or position in an arrangement 3 is the index of the expression {latex}\sqrt[3]{5}{/latex} to indicate the cube root of 5 It's a general index to the whole work. Singular Plural appendix appendices index indices Singular Plural matrix matrices vertex vertices Some nouns ending in eau are made plural by changing the eau to eaux. Online writing blog, Resources, Writing resources. I will also provide a mnemonic device that will allow us to differentiate indexes vs. indices. You’ll enhance the clarity and readability of your documents. Nouns with No Plural Forms. 2 is the index in the expression 62. Prove your English skills . Sometimes, simply adding -es may be acceptable, particularly in casual contexts. The legal writing process is not “one size fits all” and “people need to find the one that fits them best," David Howard Spratt, professor of legal rhetoric at American University Washington College of Law, said in the recent “Landslide Webinar Series: Take Your Legal Writing from Good to … bus – buses. Use of (s) might be necessary in legal documents, which have to be very precise and cover all the possible meanings. The active voice eliminates confusion by forcing you to name the actor in a sentence. Messrs., Mmes., Mses., Mss. All of those s’s can be a little overwhelming. Law Journal Writing; Case Documents; EXAMPLES – CITATIONS OF ... Electronic Resources; Judicial Opinions; Constitutions & Statutes; Agency & Exec. But the rules are pretty clear on this issue. Since my indexes are that sort — a list of pointers to show where relevant content may be found — that’s the right spelling. It teaches legal writers how to organize ideas, create and refine prose, and improve editing skills. Plural: grammar exercises. Should you use a singular or plural pronoun when referring to an entity? Since the singular form is index, you can easily link the singular and plural forms of this noun to remember which version to use. 1 To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end.. cat – cats. or Mss. Who is responsible is much less obvious. The above charts tell a somewhat mixed story. ). There are two main meanings of index (plural indices):: One meaning is power or exponent. o. Technically, the correct plural of the abbreviated form “Mr.” is “Messrs.”(pronounced “messers” or mɛsərz), according to the Canadian Translation Bureau. 1.1. If a Markov chain is something referred to as a single entity, then index it as a single item. By using indices as a noun and indexes as a verb, you will never confuse the two. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be legals e.g. Singular Plural beau beaux bureau bureaus or bureaux Singular Plural chateau chateaux tableau tableaux or tableaus Some nouns become plural by changing the ending to en. Other ways we use “it” in a sentence with no plural form include an “empty” or “dummy” subject and object, in cleft sentences, or as the anticipatory “it” . A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc. 6 Jan. 2021. If you discuss several of them at once, or generalize (like saying "black holes have thus-and-such properties"), I'd … To make plural nouns that do not end in s possessive, add ’s. Indexes and indices are two versions of a plural noun that means an indicator or a list of names. a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed, usually included in or constituting the back matter. Grammatical poem Incidence and incident. Although that rule is usually simple enough, it becomes a little tricky when the antecedent is a collective noun — a word that is singular in form but denotes a group of people or things (company, committee, board, faculty, couple, team, etc. Indices is a more technical version of the same plural noun. William C. Burton. The Classics were core to the curriculum and ethos of the intensely homosocial Victorian and Edwardian public schools. The usual plural is indexes, which first appeared in the seventeenth century. Choose the correct ending for different groups of people in this vocabulary and grammar exercise. It cannot be used as a verb. Plural and possessive forms of English words often confuse beginning writers. Home | Previous | Next Principles of Clear Writing 1. Since indices is generally used in technical or formal contexts, it would make sense that it is used less frequently in everyday English than indexes. Glamor or Glamour – What’s the Difference? While some readers will find indices to be pretentious outside of an academic study or published journal, it does enjoy one benefit that indexes does not. Let style and flow be your guide with these two words. 6. writings. Indexes or Indices – What’s the Difference? The number of market indexes now exceeds the number of U.S. stocks. This unique book examines the role non-doctrinal research methods play in international legal research: what do they add to the traditional doctrinal analysis of law and what do they neglect? An Exception to the Rule For a number of nouns, the rule needs slight revision. 2011). in reference to various types of writings or a collection of writings. index (plural indexes or indices) 1. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. It’s now more important than ever to develop a powerful writing style. English copied the original Latin plural at first, making indices. Both of these forms are accepted plural forms for this word. The detailed index lists all the historical characters referred to in the book. Hi Maeve, What a timely posting – I was just grappling with some of these issues recently, particularly the forum/fora issue that Bree raises. Of the three formulations presented below, the first most clearly and concisely indicates a plural possessive. For names that end in ch, s, sh, x, and z, add -es to make them plural. How to Use Plurals and Possessives in Writing. This construction makes clear to the reader who is to perform the duty. Making plural words possessive can be confusing at times because we so often add an s to a noun to make it plural. His novels were put on the index of banned books. This version more closely approximates the original Latin … Addressing people with a plural prefix is usually reserved for written communication, but it can also take place verbally. Both of these indexes predate the index to Alexander Cruden's Concordance (1737), which is erroneously held to be the earliest index found in an English book. Here are a few more ways to conjugate this verb. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be legal.. The Rule From the definitions of mass and count given above you may have already guessed the rule for pluralizing them: 1. most count nouns pluralize with -s 2. noncount nouns don't pluralize at all This rule works for all of the nouns in the lists of examples in the first section. Legal Writing in Plain English includes. ‘Precision and vitality of thought are often at odds in works of legal philosophy. Instillation or Installation – What’s the Difference? blitz – blitzes. We truly appreciate your support. But the occasional plural nouns that don’t end in s need ‘s to form the possessive: The children’s center opens at 9 a.m. 2. It is a great exam to take if you're new to learning English. tax – taxes. 2 If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the end to make it plural.. truss – trusses. Check your text and writing for style, spelling and grammar problems everywhere on the web! It is a fully accepted variant, and, indeed, it enjoys an advantage in overall usage in published English. HENRY CAMPBELL BLACK, M. A.. 1990. writing; writing obligatory; Look at other dictionaries: writings — index correspondence (communication by letters) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. LAW MCQ TESTS: ₹750. Further reading: Garner’s Dictionary of Legal Usage 685 (3d ed. Thanks for your vote! If a plural noun ends in an "s," it is preferable to use only an apostrophe -- and not an additional "s" -- to create the possessive. An index ( plural: usually indexes, more rarely indices; see below) is a list of words or phrases ('headings') and associated pointers ('locators') to where useful material relating to that heading can be found in a document or collection of documents.Examples are an index in the back matter of a book and an index that serves as a library catalog.. The indexof a book showing which page a subject… everywhere on the web use spelling! Written communication plural of index legal writing but it can also be writings e.g second meaning comes from sequences or sets! You might see writers or speakers using indice as a single item be... Ending in -ix or -ex, change -ix or -ex, change -ix or -ex to -ices for formal.. Prefix is usually reserved for written communication, but it can also be legals e.g and! Indexes now exceeds the number of nouns, the rule needs slight revision index definition, ( a! Article will shed some light on these confusing terms are two versions of a book showing which a. 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