what to expect when raising a puppy

As soon as he's old enough, consider enrolling him in an obedience class. Raising a puppy takes work and often a lot of patience, but in the end it’s 100% worth it. The proper quantity of food depends on factors like age, size, and breed. Dec 05, 2018. DePaul University. Use this growth timeline to learn which stage of development he's in. Finally, brushing his teeth may seem strange to a lot of pet owners, but it can go a long way to protecting your dog's mouth. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. It’s easy to become frustrated when your puppy does something wrong, but remember it’s still learning. Either your vet or the veterinary assistant can also advise you on aspects of puppy care such as tooth brushing and nail trimming, and can even show you how it's properly done. You'll need to be ready to start house training your pup as soon as you bring him home. This will allow you to let him out to do his business frequently, as well as monitor behaviors that he might try to engage in when you're away from the home. Grooming includes trimmings, brushing his coat, his teeth, trimming his nails and bathing him. 4. We encourage you to look at dogs of any age, and this guide will be helpful regardless if it’s a puppy or an older dog! THE FIRST 4 TO 7 WEEKS AFTER BIRTH This time is usually spent with the mother and siblings, mostly curled up in an indescribably cute pile of sleeping puppies. What to Expect in Terms of Training Puppies are very fun and very sweet, but they’re also not very knowledgeable when it comes to what’s appropriate and what isn’t. Just as you would a child, your job is to take your new golden retriever puppies and … Life with a puppy is not that different from life with a human toddler—you'll need a lot of patience as you watch over your pup to keep him out of trouble, instruct him in appropriate behavior and safely teach him about the world. Puppies may become territorial about their food bowls, toys or favorite people. Puppies are little bundles of energy who are often intensely curious about their surroundings. A structured feeding schedule for your larger breed pup could look something like this: You'll want to begin house training right away. First, decide if you’re ready for a dog, explain the steps to getting a dog, and teach you to build a great relationship with your new pup! When he engages in negative behavior try and direct him back to something positive. This puppy guide will help you with all the steps to raising a puppy. Dana Scott is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Dogs Naturally Magazine and CEO of Four Leaf Rover, a high end natural supplement company. Let your puppy spend a short amount of time in his crate. Sit on the floor with your puppy and simply observe it while it explores, making sure it is out of harm's way at all times. This vet will use this visit to check on the growth and progress of your pup to make sure everything looks good from a health perspective. [Related: Simple Tips For Potty Training A Puppy] Dana Scott. Day one with your new puppy is very exciting, but you’ll want to be careful that you don’t overwhelm it. Both when they are still very small, and then as they grow bigger. Regular play sessions and walks are great for wearing puppies out but you also want to mentally stimulate them as well. When puppy-proofing your house, think like a puppy. This guide to the first six months of puppy parenthood will walk you through your puppy’s development month by month, from the day they open their eyes to the day they get so big, you’ll wonder why you ever let them sleep in your bed in the first place. This means taking time out of your busy schedule to tend to his needs. 2 Week Old Puppies. Expect your new puppy to chew on anything they can get their mouth on to help with teething discomfort. Not only will this help keep him safe, it will also ease your anxiety that your new pup is lost. Keep a close eye … While you should wait until he's had all his vaccinations before taking him out in public or letting him get close to other animals, you can start socializing your pup right away by simply playing with him … This will allow a more gradual change for the household to adapt to. Stage one: Newborn to 3 weeks old — Silent senses; Yo Never hit or yell at your pup—this will only confuse him and cause him to feel anxious and fearful. Check to see if the breeder socializes the puppies from an early age, which exposes them to a wide range of sights and sounds. Raising a puppy can be among the most rewarding experiences of your life, but it can also be a challenge at times… especially during the first year. For starters, you can simplify your puppy’s first day by showing him his free-play zone, the room he’ll call home until he’s grounded and potty trained. Dogs instinctively try to avoid soiling their bed and the area around it, so keeping him confined to a small area or crate as he gets used to going outside will be key, says Dog Star Daily. Depending on the age, breed, and health of your puppy, your veterinarian may have specific recommendations for these items. Don't just leave them in a bag until the puppy gets there. Understanding a puppy's stages of development during the first 12 months can help you create a stronger, richer relationship with your new companion. A lot of patience and a little extra effort will turn your rambunctious pupper into a fun-loving gentleman that will make all the effort that goes into his development worthwhile. Raising a puppy is a bigger challenge than I ever expected. In just 40 minutes you’ll learn the fundamental steps to puppy-raising success including: What to expect from your new puppy and tips for bringing puppy home - saving you months of frustration and buyer’s remorse. Continue to praise it when it does the right thing or deter it from doing the wrong thing by distracting it with a toy. If it does its business, be sure to reward it immediately with verbal praise, a small treat, and some petting. There are a few key things you can purchase and have ready for your puppy ahead of time. Jean Marie Bauhaus is fiction author and freelance writer and editor living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you're forgoing a crate, prepare a small area, such as a powder room or a corner of a kitchen or laundry room, where he can be confined and kept away from other pets and small children. Puppies will have accidents in the house while they are still being house-trained. It's impossible to provide constant supervision for your energetic, curious pup, so it's important to prepare your home before letting him loose in it. Toy and small breed dogs reach physical maturity faster than larger breeds, and can be switched over to adult dog food and adult-sized portions between nine and twelve months of age. This process can take time and 30 days may not be enough for your older dog to adapt to a young, energetic puppy. It will probably be pushing the limits and chewing things it shouldn't be chewing, barking, playing, and having potty accidents in the house. When do puppies start eating solid food? “If the puppy isn’t doing what you want, it’s because the puppy doesn’t understand. You've probably been planning the arrival of your new furry friend for months (or even years!) Proper socialization is a key element of successfully raising a puppy. for your puppy. Contrary to what you may think, crates are not “doggie jail.” Dogs prefer the security and safety of a den, and this crate will become his safe place, with some encouragement. They need to be taken outside immediately after eating or drinking so they can eliminate appropriately and become house trained. Establish a potty routine, keeping in mind that young puppies will typically need to go out once every couple of hours. Even dogs that don't require a trim every few weeks need some sort of grooming. Secure electrical cords and move potentially toxic plants or substances, such as cleaning supplies and insecticides, out of reach. Zoey would sleep for 3 hours after a 30 minute session with her trainer. If your dog seems to be having a hard time with the youngster, try rewarding your dog with a treat every time the puppy is near. Cookie Consent Tool, Dominican Republic - República Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR – (English). Learn more about the benefits and things to consider when it comes to adopting a large or giant breed dog. Your New Puppy at 3-4 Months When puppies reach the 3-4-month mark, they start losing their baby teeth and sprouting their adult chompers. When your puppy is little, train it to associate you and other family members with good things when you approach the guarded object. Purchase a brush that is appropriate for your new puppy's specific type of fur. Place these new puppy items in your home for other people and any other pets you may already have to start adjusting to them. Make sure to take 15-30 minutes every day to play with him in addition to walking him or letting him in your backyard to run around. Your puppy is not dominant. You'll need to stock up on a number of supplies to keep your puppy happy and healthy. Here are some helpful tips to get through the puppy development stage and ensure your new four-legged baby grows up into a happy, healthy, well-adjusted dog. Bathing your puppy can be a chore in itself, so come in prepared with plenty of towels (and clothes you're not afraid to get wet in) and slowly introduce him to the shampoo and water. If the mother dog is straining to deliver, or the interval lasts much more than two hours, call the veterinarian. On November 3, 2018, I spent nearly two and a half hours in the car on the way to a Starbucks in Indiana so that I could pick up my brand new pup. 36 Gina Brennan After spending nearly three years trying to find the perfect Pomeranian puppy, my search came to a miraculous close. The Labrador puppies in this picture are two weeks olds. If you want to get a puppy, contact a few breeders and ask about upcoming litters. So remember, physical AND mental stimulation. This is how kids get bit. If you don't have other dogs, let your puppy safely explore your home. If you just got a puppy or are getting ready to go pick up your little bundle of joy, you need to be prepared for the new responsibility that is another life. We expect that puppies will enjoy being cuddled. Until he's had all his vaccinations, take him to a section of the yard where he won't be exposed to other animals. The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, 7 Things to Know Before Getting Your First Puppy, How to Train Your Puppy to Go on Potty Pads, What to Expect in the First 24 Hours With Your New Dog, How to Disinfect Your Home After Parvovirus, Quarantine a New Puppy to Protect Healthy Dogs, How to Train an Older Dog to Do New Tricks, How to Train Your Dog to Accept a New Baby. If you don't have other dogs, let your puppy safely explore your home. Take your puppy out to potty after 15 to 20 minutes of play, as well as after every meal. or you might have fallen in love with an unsuspecting stray pup who is suddenly joining your household. This may be its crate, bed, or under the coffee table but wherever it is, this spot makes them feel secure and comfortable. In order for him to grow up into a well-adjusted dog, he needs to be exposed to as many new people, places, experiences and situations as possible. It's generally best to ignore unwanted behavior, or correct your pup with a simple but firm "no." While you're at the vet you can try and schedule his 6-month vet visit. It wiped her out! If you have children, don’t let them rush up to pet the dog. When he successfully relieves himself outdoors, be sure to lavish him with praise and reward him with a treat. What to expect when getting a new puppy. Before you bring your puppy home or expose him to other dogs, make sure he's up to date with his vaccinations and de-worming treatments. Here are some things you can expect from your 10-week-old puppy. Ears open at this point too, so your puppy will begin to hear. He'll be all grown up by his first birthday, and he'll leave most of his puppy tendencies behind as he settles into adulthood. Sometimes they do, mostly they are just being polite. We sometimes expect a puppy to turn into a well behaved, mature dog in an instant. You can absolutely hire a professional groomer for haircuts or the vet for nail trimming, but you'll want to get your dog used to having to sit still while you primp and preen him. The good news is that puppies sleep a lot, although they don't always sleep through the night, and your pup may wake the household whining and barking to express his displeasure at being left alone. So at that point, punishing the puppy might promote some anxiety and stress for the puppy. After a week or so, your puppy will be comfortable in its new home. So the best way to set the puppy up for success is, if you know the puppy is going to bite you, play with something else, not with your hand.” After these initial life-saving vaccines are given, you can begin socializing your puppy outside the immediate household. Trademarks owned by Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. As used herein, denotes registered trademark status in the U.S. only; registration status in other geographies may be different. Raising a puppy is not an easy task, but it's an adventure that's full of rewards as you develop a deep bond with your pup that will last throughout his life. You should discuss spaying or neutering your puppy, microchipping, and pet insurance with your veterinarian as well. Sit on the floor with your puppy and simply observe it while it explores, making sure it is out of harm's way at all times. If you are planning on bringing a new puppy into your home, then you should take some time to prepare for the puppy’s arrival. Outside of training and general health, puppies need attention and exercise. Gina Brennan. She also breeds award winning Labrador Retrievers under the Fallriver prefix. Larger breeds can take a full two years to reach physical maturity, and should stick with a puppy formula during that time. The more comfortable he is with going into the crate, the easier it will be on both of you during training. For instance, if he is chewing on something he shouldn't be, direct him back to one of his toys. Puppies are beyond adorable, but let's face it — raising a puppy is fraught with challenges. It's a good idea to crawl through your home to get a puppy's-eye view of his surroundings. What we expect from an 8 week old puppy. The most challenging time of raising a puppy is the adolescent period. Just … Dogs become “teenagers” and seem to forget everything they have ever been … You can help tempt him to go in by throwing in a toy or a couple of pieces of food. Be sure to provide some puppy training pads to catch any accidents, and include a dog bed, his food and water dishes and a toy or two. ). Supports controlled bone & joint growth. Choose a leash, collar or harness, and name tag for your new puppy. As he starts to get more comfortable, this process will become easier. For some small breeds, it can be best to free feed young pups to ensure they receive adequate nutrition. Get your puppy vaccinated and de-wormed. If you plan to crate train him, have the crate ready. A potty run should be the first thing you do with him in the morning and the last thing you do with him at night. Your new puppy should have been to the vet at least once for vaccinations but depending on the age of your puppy, multiple future visits may be necessary to complete its vaccinations. Vaccinations need to be completed in specific, timed intervals in order for them to be effective, so you won't want to let your puppy get off schedule! Working with your puppy to eliminate even mild resource guarding behaviors will protect everyone, puppy included. About our Ads. There's a lot to consider when you first bring your new puppy home, including feeding, walking, training, vaccination, socialisation and child safety. One of the first steps to take after getting your new puppy is to schedule a wellness visit with a veterinarian. When do puppies need to be vaccinated? Slowly introduce him to the crate by leaving the door open and letting him explore it on his own. A 10-week-old puppy is going through a critical fear period. Day one with your new puppy is very exciting, but you’ll want to be careful that you don’t overwhelm it. So, if you are planning on getting a puppy, it is a good idea to do so when you can take time off work, or work from home, to spend with him. Attach the leash to your puppy's collar and let it drag the leash around behind it while it sniffs out its new territory. This will not only teach him how to behave, but will also help promote socialization and provide you with the skills to properly train him. Puppies are also driven to chew a lot as their adult teeth come in, and may see the doggie version of a teething ring in the living room rug, the couch, your favorite pair of shoes and even your hand. Just Leave them in a toy or a couple of pieces of food week... That do n't have other dogs, let your puppy, contact a few and. They can get their mouth on to help with Housetraining expect as pup!, direct him back to something positive and learns to truly be caring for a high quality puppy that! Pups, or the interval lasts much more than two hours, call veterinarian... An obedience class month of changes for everyone involved before getting a dog ’ s is. 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