Note … In 1987, Eventoff was the recipient of the prestigious international IR 100 award for the development of the FSR… Backed by Interlink's Price Match Gaurantee. This sensor is a Interlink model 406 FSR with a 38mm square sensing region. The Original Force Sensing Resistor® Interlink Electronics FSR™ 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor™ family. Here are just a few of our specialties: hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, '1e98087b-01f7-4415-93be-0398aedc53e3', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, '68dde2df-032f-4456-bb3a-f3979479fe6e', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, '307614e9-6e84-489f-8c79-c06ec164893b', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, 'bf26c35c-b5c2-474d-8687-48a8cb93ec86', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, '6f67aa51-56af-40ef-8820-d547475e4ebe', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, 'afd980a4-3649-4746-9fa5-9581643b2d7a', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, 'ae8c9718-d25d-4b4f-a310-3cfbf784d07d', {}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3899023, '46ae4b19-d2e9-4927-b5d9-33ece06db265', {}); Specifications are derived from measurements obtained at 2,500 grams force, unless otherwise Measurements are dependent on actuation interface, mechanism and measurement electronics. Force Sensing Resistor® technology from Interlink Electronics is the most versatile force-sensing technology on the market today—and we should know. FSR 406 43.69 mm square force sensor from Interlink Interlink Electronics' FSR™ 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor™ family. This force sensitivity is optimized for use in human touch control of electronic devices such as automotive, electronics, medical systems, and in industrial and robotics applications. FSR 402 18.28 mm round force sensors from Interlink are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices Interlink Electronics' FSR™ 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor™ family. Force Sensing Resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) … ¥2,228, 通常価格: 税込: They are simple to use and low cost. Launched in 1985, Interlink Electronics is the world's leading innovator of cost effective polymeric force sensors. A dependable workhorse, the robust sensor can withstand millions of … Interlink Electronics FSR™ 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor™ family. Launched in 1985, Interlink Electronics is the world's leading innovator of cost effective polymeric force sensors. The Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) was invented by the founder of Interlink Electronics, which spearheaded the technology’s adoption in a large and diverse range of … データ番号 1678 区 分 部品 分 類 センサ 品 名 圧力センサーFSR402 (P-04002) 発売元 製造元 Interlink Electronics Inc.(インターリンク) 販売元 秋月電子通商 価 格 500円(8%税込) Interlink Electronics - Sensor Technologies FSR 400 Series Square Force Sensing Resistor Description Interlink Electronics FSRTM 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing ResistorTM family. Our host of in-house competencies—including materials science, hardware engineering, software and firmware engineering, and manufacturing—gives us the ability to assist and advise from design to delivery. FSR402を搭載した円型の感圧センサモジュールです。円型部分に加えられる圧力が大きいほど抵抗値が小さくなります。1 kg、4 Hz / -10%の平均的な抵抗値変化の状況下で、10万回の動作検査済みの高 … Work with our team of experts to customize Interlink's FSR sensors for almost any application you can imagine. インターリンクFSLPセンサーは、コンパクトなアプリケーションで、 位置と圧力を同時に取り込むための、インターリンクの解決策です。 This sensor is a Interlink model 402 FSR with 1/2 diameter sensing region. Specifications are derived from average measurements obtained at 1,000 grams and are given as (one standard deviation/mean), unless otherwise noted. Note that this sensor can't detect where on the square you pressed (for that, check out our ribbon soft pots or capacitive touch … Our R&D team has developed a spectrum of technologies for “touch” and user interfaces … With 35 years of innovation we have developed some of the best Pressure Sensors and other multi-platform sensor solutions available on the market today. FSR 402 18.28 mm round force sensors from Interlink are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices Interlink Electronics' FSR™ 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor™ family. They are simple to use and low cost. FSR's are … They are robust polymer thick film (PTF) sensors that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. このサイトをご覧いただくにはJavaScriptを有効にしていただく必要があります。, * ロボショップ株式会社が発送する商品に限り送料無料でお届けいたします。マーケットプレイスでの販売者は、異なる配送オプションを提供する場合があります。, 価格合わせでは、ロボショップが販売および発送する商品の価格を他社サイトの価格に合わせることができます!見つけた他社サイトの価格とURLを入力してください。当社は他社の価格と同額で提供できるよう最善を尽くします。, セール: We brought the first FSRs to market 35 years … Heat generated during the soldering of components can damage the FSR. Each zone interpenetrates into the two zones on either … 今回は秋月電商で購入したInterlink社製FSR402という感圧センサーを使ってみたいと思います。 押した力(重さ)を電圧に変換してArduinoのアナログピンに入れてみたいと思います。 なお形状の違いによりFSR … FSR 408 is available in a range of active lengths including; 610mm (Standard 408), 500mm, 400mm, 300mm, 200mm, 100mm, 50mm. This sensor is a Interlink model 406 FSR with a 38mm square sensing region. © Copyright 2018, Interlink Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. The FSR UX 406 line of sensors can detect and measure pressure from 0.5N to 150N while operating solo or as part of an array. Investor Presentation & Information Request. If the sensor is being mounted to a PCB, it should be installed after PCB assembly is complete. Interlink designs and manufactures a broad array of sensor types. A dependable workhorse, the robust two-wire sensor can withstand millions of … All of … The basic FSR described in Figure 1 may be made in almost any shape or size and can even made to detect position in addition to force. Interlink Electronics FSR TM 400 series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor TM family. 4-Zone Mouse Sensor Integration Guide The 4-zone FSR is simply a combination of four basic FSRs arranged in a North, South, East, West pattern. STANDARD PRODUCTS Interlink … FSR Model 402 – Interlink Electronics Shop FSR Model 402 $2.99 The FSR 402 is a single-zone Force Sensing Resistor ® optimized for use in human touch control of electronic devices such as automotive … 「ロボット技術のおもてなし」はロボショップ株式会社の商標です。, ロボショップは安全基準を厳守しながらフル稼働で世界中に出荷しています。新型コロナウイルスに負けず共に戦おう!, * ロボショップの承認が必要です。ロボショップのマーケットプレイスから他社が発送する商品にはご利用になれません。. When laminating the sensor, be … Interlink designs and manufactures a broad array of sensor types. They are low-cost and easy-to-use … Interlink Electronics FSR 400 Series is part of the single zone Force Sensing Resistor family. Interlink ElectronicsはForce Sensing Resistor®(FSR)薄膜技術のイノベーターです。この技術は、ロボット工学、スマートフォン、ユーザーインターフェース、機械制御などさまざまな用途で力を測定 … Our R&D team has developed a spectrum of technologies for “touch” and user interfaces … FSRs are sensors that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. The FSR X 400 line of force sensors can detect and measure pressure from 0.3N to 50N while operating solo or as part of an array. Force Sensing Resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. Interlink Electronics 0.2"円形感圧センサ(FSR) すべてのロボット関連商品はロボショップ株式会社で見つかります! 日本から出荷します! ロボット掃除機やその他の家庭用ロボット、専門的なロボッ … ¥2,475, Interlink 感圧センサは、1.5"の正方形パッドで、加えられた力を感知します。 感圧抵抗(FSR)は非常に薄く、堅固な、ポリマー厚膜(PTF)の装置で、センサの表面に加えられる圧力が増加したときに抵抗を低下させます。 類似した特性がありますが、FSRは、ロードセルや歪みゲージではありません。 精密測定よりも定性的な測定に適しています。, 営業時間:月曜日から金曜日 10-12時と14-17時(日本時間) ※土日祝日を除く 088-660-7277(お電話は販売に関するお問い合わせのみとなります。商品仕様等、技術に関するご質問はお電話ではお受けできません。お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。), ロボショップは個人用から専門家用まで、幅広いロボット技術を扱う世界有数のオンラインショップです。ロボット掃除機やその他の家庭用ロボット、専門家用ロボット,、ロボットおもちゃ、ロボットキット、そして独自のロボットを構築するロボット部品 など、多彩で豊富な品揃えの中から最高の一品を見つけ出すことができるでしょう。また、ロボショップはロボット教育・研究 の分野でもリーダーシップを発揮しています。当社は多様な商品の品揃え、教育、数量割引、および有用な援助と専門的なサポートを提供しています。, © 2020 ロボショップ株式会社 当サイトのコンテンツの無断転載・複製を一切禁じます。 インターリンク エレクトロニクス社は1985年カリフォルニア州で設立され、薄膜感圧センサ技術 「FSR」の開発元としてコンシューマ、産業/医療機器、その他幅広い分野において入力インター … ¥2,025 Visit our website for more! The basic FSR described above may be made in almost any shape or size and can even made to detect position in addition to force. FSRs are sensors that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. Force sensing resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. Dynamic sensing range spans from ∼0.2N to 20N, Customizable for a wide range of applications. All are available with solder tabs as standard and any of the other … Force Sensing Resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in … In 1985 Eventoff founded Interlink Electronics, a company based on his force-sensing-resistor (FSR). Force sensing resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. All … FSRs are sensors that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. JavaScriptがお使いのブラウザで無効になっているようです。 This sensor is a Interlink model 408 FSR with a massive 1/4-inch x 24-inch sensing … Interlink Electronics 1.5”正方形感圧センサ(FSR) すべてのロボット関連商品はロボショップ株式会社で見つかります! 日本から出荷します! ロボット掃除機やその他の家庭用ロボット、専門的なロ … … Force Sensing Resistors, or FSR's, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. Force Sensing Resistors, or FSR's, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in … Interlink Electronics FSR (Force Sensing Resistor)センサは、薄いフレキシブルポリマー基板とPTF(ポリマー厚膜)材料で構成される感圧センサです。過度の熱にさらされると、これらの材料が溶けて、このセンサ構造が損傷するおそれがあります。 では、どのようにFSRセンサ … Measurement is dependent on actuation interface, mechanics, and measurement electronics. Force sensing resistors, or FSRs, are robust polymer thick film (PTF) devices that exhibit a decrease in resistance with increase in force applied to the surface of the sensor. Interfacing Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) with Arduino Force Sensing Resistors are also known as Force Sensitive Resistors or Force Sensors or just FSRs. They are simple to use and low cost. Interlink Pressure sensor 1 pc(s) FSR400 0.2 N up to 20 N (Ø x H) 7.62 mm x 0.3 mm Pressure sensors are like membrane switches, but in contrast to conventional switches their resistance changes when … What Is a Force Sensing Resistor? Its active area is 14.7mm in diameter, and the sensor is … 税別: Derived from average measurements obtained at 1,000 grams and are given as ( one standard )! Model 406 FSR with a 38mm square sensing region and measurement Electronics …... Resistor™ family experts to customize Interlink 's FSR sensors for almost any application you can imagine square sensing.... And are given as ( one standard deviation/mean ), unless otherwise noted that allow to... Sensors for almost any application you can imagine generated during the soldering of components damage. 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