#NCW2021 Pledge Campaign. Unfortunately, this area is also one that has the most potential for scams and other fraudulent activities. Our experts come from a variety of backgrounds but have one thing in common: they are authorities on the job market. See networking and cold calling. A career academy includes at least one and possibly more CTE programs. Freelancer/Consultant/Independent Contractor -- Where you work for yourself and bid for temporary jobs and projects with one or more employers. Many organizations require you to complete an application (either to get an interview or prior to an interview). Read more. It puts in writing how an employer will handle any alleged shortcomings. Follow-Up -- An often overlooked and critical part of job-hunting. Career Research -- See Career Exploration. U.S. green-collar jobs could grow to as many as 40 million by 2030, according to a commissioned report by the American Solar Energy Society. Terms in this set (30) Cooperative Learning Programs. Job Skills -- The skills you need to do a particular job. Hidden Job Market -- Only about 5-20 percent of all job openings are ever publicly known, which results in about four-fifths of the job market being "closed," meaning you can't find out about any new openings unless you do some digging. Background checks are screenings that employers conduct of a job applicant's or recent employee's criminal record, credit history, references and more. A great tool for job-hunting, and job-seekers can either join an existing club or start your own! Franchising -- A legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, brand name, or advertising symbol (the franchisor) and an individual or organization (the franchisee) wishing to use that identification in a business. It's the process of spending time with one of your network contacts in a highly focused conversation that provides you with key information you need to launch or boost your career. Contract Employee -- Where you work for one organization (and its salary and benefit structure) that sells your services to another company on a project or time basis. This is a brief subtitle on a resume that tells the potential employee what an applicant is—or wants to be—known for. Company Research -- See Researching Companies. Career Change -- Changing your occupation by devising a strategy to find new career choices. Experience refers to a candidate's prior work history, including past jobs, volunteer work, skills, training and responsibilities. Read more. A business plan may also contain background information about the organization and management team attempting to start and run the business. Glossary of Military Terms. It regulates the terms and conditions of employees at work. Related: The Value of Increasing Your Business Vocabulary, Related: Accounting Terms; Accrued Expenses vs. Accounts Payable. Read more. A career activist has an enduring interest in understanding and achieving his or her full career potential, while maximizing career marketability. Boomlets. The glossary is primarily intended to serve as a resource to those working or studying in the field of career development, though it will also be of value to Canadians more broadly who are looking for definitions of terms in relation to their own careers. panel/group interviews -- uses a committee of people, usually around a table, asking questions. Glossary of Career Planning Terms. Holland mapped these types into a hexagon which he then broke down into the RIASEC job environments (see RIASEC).See also Assessments. For many people, career means the part of life that is concerned with employment. Instead, begin each descriptive section with an action verb. Background Check -- Used by employers to verify the accuracy of the information you provide on your resume or job application -- and beyond. It helps them to come up with effective action plans. Read more. Career Activist -- Someone who is proactive in planning, evaluating, directing, and controlling his or her career rather than simply reacting as situations arise. Read more. A freelancer is a professional who is self-employed and works independently for one or multiple companies or clients. series of activities or the on-going/lifelong process of developing one’s career Business Plan -- A complete overview for a busines, from development of a vision and mission of the business to the setting of business goals to the reasons why organization (or person) is in business to the detailed plan for reaching those goals. These useful active listening examples will help address these questions and more. Degrees & Certifications -- Recognition bestowed on students upon completion of a unified program of study, including high school, trade schools, colleges and universities, and other agencies. You may have to take jobs as a dog walker, cat groomer, and fish feeder before you complete school for a career as a veterinarian. These benefits may include paid vacations, company holidays, personal days, sick leave, life insurance, medical insurance, retirement and pension plans, tuition assistance, child care, stock options, and more. ABILITY: The power to perform a task. Read more. Small jobs in the short term give you experience for a long-term career. In this article, we share 50 job terms professionals should know, along with their meanings. Freelancers generally set their own payment rates and work schedules. Items checked include: employment verification, educational background/degrees, references, credit history, medical records, driving record, court records, criminal records, and more. Mary Lorenz | June 14, 2017. See more. It's important for job-seekers to understand the culture of an organization before accepting a job. Or maybe you can't progress further in your career. Dress for Success -- First coined by author John Malloy in the 1970s, the term Dress for Success signifies tailoring one's attire, grooming, and overall appearance toward making a great first impression in a job interview -- as well as maintaining a professional look while on the job to aid career advancement. The Birkman Method™ combines motivational, behavioral and interest evaluation into one single assessment, which provides a multi-dimensional and comprehensive analysis, thus reducing the need for multiple assessments. Benefits refer to additional help an employer offers outside of compensation. Learn terms that are commonly used in career education. These key points really help sell you to an employer -- much more so than everyday job duties or responsibilities. They typically are the new employee's direct manager. Almost all elements of a job offer are negotiable, including the salary, non-salary compensation, moving expenses, benefits, and job-specific issues. Career Objective/Job Objective -- An optional part of your resume, but something you should contemplate whether you place it on your resume or not. Branding Statement -- A punchy "ad-like" statement placed at the top of a job-seeker's resume that tells immediately what he/she can bring to an employer. Read more. All rights reserved. Job-Hunting Etiquette -- There are certain rules or protocols that should guide a job-seeker's conduct while job-hunting. Includes numerous formats of resumes linked by their mode of delivery. Usually part of a direct mail campaign in which the job-seeker is trying to uncover hidden jobs. Career Portfolio -- See Job Skills Portfolio. Some people call these rules good manners, but more refer to them as business etiquette. Strategies for uncovering the hidden job market include networking and cold calling. © 2021, Bold Limited. Home-Based (Work-at-Home) Careers -- Numerous opportunities exist for job-seekers who want more control over time and work, who want job flexibility to spend more time with family -- by working from home. From farming to financial, they match the job title with the definitions. What is active listening, why is it important and how can you improve this critical skill? Academies integrate classroom instruction with work-based learning to equip students with skills for both workforce entry and postsecondary education. It complements other lexicons such as the NISTIR 7298 Glossary of Key Information Security Terms. Dismissal is when an employee is terminated against their will. These definitions have been developed and refined through research, stakeholder engagement, and benefits. It is also referred to as a "contract of indefinite duration.". Read more. Find assessments using this method. A dismissal can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from performance-related issues to economic problems. Terms and Conditions. On the rise as prices fall on these services. Job Interviewing -- All about making the best matches. It usually is considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).A job is defined as anything a person is expected or obliged to do; a piece of work, especially … Read more. The key to this type of interview is to balance eye contact with both the person who asked the question and the remainder of the group. A fixed-term contract is when an employment contract has an agreed-upon end date. In this job title definitions activity, students get familiar with the various types of jobs. Email Cover Letter -- A cover letter (see Cover Letter) that is sent to the employer electronically via email. See also Salary and Benefits. Cold Call -- When a job-seeker approaches an employer (usually through an uninvited cover letter) who has not publicly announced any job openings. An employee is someone who works for a company in return for payment. Dedicated to helping job seekers find work during the pandemic. Glossary of 50 Jobs Terms You Need to Know March 12, 2020. Job Boards -- Also referred to as Job Sites. The information you need to choose or refine a career path, learn how to break in and find out if you have what it takes to succeed. Read more. Case interviews measure problem-solving ability, tolerance for ambiguity, and communication skills along several dimensions. Career Vision Statement -- A set of career goals that a job-seeker sets for the long-term, typically five years or more. eight definitions of college and career readiness.3 For example, among other knowledge, skills, and behaviors, Ohio’s definition emphasizes “the acquisition of readiness behaviors such as goal-setting, persistence, and resourcefulness” (U.S. Department of Education, 2013b). See also, Career Branding. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word "career" as a person 's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". Job Application -- Sometimes also referred to as an Application for Employment. Business Building Bonus (BBB): A 3% commission paid to a Senior Wine Consultant or higher on the monthly PV of a Personally Sponsored IWC or greater provided the SWC or higher is Bonus Qualified at $300 for the month. Comparable to "full time" as used in reference to a civilian job. These concrete, descriptive verbs express your skills, assets, experience, and accomplishments. Have questions about college lingo or other terminology? This document includes the overarching Illinois State definition for Career Pathways. A compensation package refers to all of the benefits that a company is providing its employees. Read more. They are essential for building relationships, successfully leading teams and creating opportunities for advancement. Job-Search Domino Effect -- States that five key phases comprise any good job search, and if you ignore any one of them or conduct one poorly, the likelihood of a successful job search decreases dramatically -- just as if you pulled a domino out of a row of dominos. Created by. Not by itself, but it will give you a competitive edge and help you make a positive first impression. Change may occur because you don't enjoy the work as much as you used to. Read more. Onboarding is the process through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be effective members of the organization. Outsourcing is the process of hiring another person or organization to perform a service that is or could be done internally. Diversity Job-Seekers -- Numerous disadvantaged groups -- women and minorities -- often face extra challenges in the job-search. “Job” is defined as 1. a piece of work, esp. Even though many of the questions duplicate information from your resume, it is extremely important to complete the application neatly, completely, and accurately. Business planning should include both short-term (1-year) and long-term (3-5 years) goals and plans.Read more. Indeed is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers. Your branding statement should sum up your value proposition, encapsulate your reputation, showcase what sets you apart from other job-seekers, and describe the added value you bring to a situation. Read more. Gravity. In your cover letters, resumes, and job interviews, focus on key career accomplishments -- especially ones that you can quantify. College: a school, sometimes but not always a university, offering special instruction in professional or A good cover letter opens a window to your personality (and describes specific strengths and skills you offer the employer). referral cover letter -- An extremely effective type of cover letter that springs from networking efforts. Career Passion -- One of the most important elements of personal happiness is being passionate about your career and your job. People may set up informational interviews with industry professionals to learn more about different career paths and experiences. Career Fair -- There are many types of job and career fairs -- from those scheduled during Spring Break for college students to industry-specific fairs for professionals -- but they all have a common theme: a chance for a company to meet and screen a large volume of potential job candidates while simultaneously an opportunity for job-seekers to meet and screen a large number of employers. Career Branding -- Helps define who you are, how you are great, and why you should be sought out. As job-seekers and workers, this cohort has very different views on hiring, perks, promotions, and managing -- and are expected to transform all aspects of employment as they age and move up the corporate ladder. Together, they perform a job that's normally held by one person full-time. Education programs that enable (allow) students to receive school credit for part-time, on the job work experience. Read more. Baby Boomer Job-Seeker/Worker -- The generation of people born between 1946 and 1964 -- and about 78 million strong. We often use the word "career" as a synonym for occupation, trade, profession, or vocation. Career Definitions. Career Coach -- Also called career consultant, career adviser, work-life coach, personal career trainer, and life management facilitator. A cover letter is a letter candidates provide along with their resume when applying for a job. Also known as constructive termination or constructive discharge, a constructive dismissal occurs when an employee resigns as a result of the employer creating a hostile work environment. There are thousands of careers. Description: Involved in quality improvement projects but not necessarily full time. See also cover letters. Employer expects -- and even welcomes the cover letters. Read more. Continuity of employment is the length of time that an employee has worked for their employer without a break. After students finish the first part of the worksheet, can they think of other job titles and create a definition for the jobs they brainstorm? White-collar describes mid- to high-level jobs where employees work in an office environment. phone interviews -- have only one purpose: to decide if there is a good enough match to justify a site visit. The NICCS Portal’s cybersecurity lexicon is intended to serve the cybersecurity communities of practice and interest for both the public and private sectors. A trade union is an organized group of employees that negotiates with an employer for better pay and working conditions. Benefits -- An important part of your compensation package, and part of the salary negotiation process. Setting goals can help you gain both short- and long-term achievements. Read more. Detailed analysis and information about the product or service, marketing and branding strategies, and key competiton should all be included. References are a list of people who can speak to a candidate's credentials and qualifications for a role. Find assessments using this method. Birkman Method -- A 298-question personality assessment and a series of related report sets that facilitate team building, executive coaching leadership development, career counseling and interpersonal conflict resolution. Think of career exploration and planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career. Electronic Resume (or E-Resume) -- A resume (see resume) that is sent to the employer electronically, either via email, by submitting to Internet job boards, or residing on their on Web page. Read more. Return to Starting Your Career; Glossary of Terms. Job Skills Portfolio -- Also referred to as a Career Portfolio, a job-hunting tool a job-seeker develops to give employers a complete picture of who you are, including samples of your work -- your experience, your education, your accomplishments, your skill sets -- and what you have the potential to become -- much more than just a cover letter and resume can provide. screening interviews -- usually conducted by a member of the human resources department, the screening interview is designed to weed out unqualified candidates. Compensation Package -- The combination of salary and fringe benefits an employer provides to an employee. Read more. STAR stands for situation, task, action and result. While once very common, it has now fallen from favor. Accomplishments -- These are the achievements you have had in your career -- including work, job, and life successes. Values. a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price. From an occupational standpoint, it means the sum total of the various jobs you may hold during your lifetime. used by employers to make sure you were telling the truth on your resume. Career Glossary of Terms ACT Scores Subject-specific sub scores and one composite score on a comprehensive achievement test for college-bound high school students, administered by the American College Testing Program. The referral letter uses a name-dropping tactic as early as possible in the letter to attract the reader's attention and prompt an interview. Follow-up is also important after the job interview, first with a thank-you letter, but then also with contact expressing your interest and fit for the position. Career guidance is the term used to refer to the combination of services that help people navigate the process. Providing facts about your skills is more important than establishing rapport. An ATS is the software that companies use to quickly scan resumes for information relevant to open positions, identifying the resumes that best match the job description and filtering out applicants who are unqualified. There are different rules that apply to writing these kind of cover letters, though the fundamental principles remain the same. Read more. For example, to imagine. Read more. College and Career Terms A ... Career: a chosen pursuit, a profession or occupation; the general course or progression of one’s working life or one’s professional achievements. Around a table, asking questions to writing these kind of cover letters return for payment the ``! Determine if the fit is right between them and information about the product or service, marketing and strategies! And work style indefinite duration. `` you should be able to answer questions about the organization impact. From work key ( see `` dress for success '' ), and key competiton all... 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