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They are asking to attack and making plans of all kinds, but as soon as one gets to business nothing is ready, and the enemy, forewarned, takes measures accordingly. If you need to brush up on these parts of speech, read up on Understanding Subjects, Predicates, and Objects. Example: "If there is a price war, we won't win because we don't have deep enough pockets. For example, it is evident that the benefits in business class are only minor compared to those in other passenger categories. The run a business list of example sentences with run a business. I mean, I could still have my business in town. 2. Randy, Martha, Fitzgerald, the Dawkins business.... Then he added, "I should know, being as I'm in the business, so to speak.". He was certainly mysterious, even a little eccentric, but... what did she know about the business? In other words, it's none of my business. There is on one to connect me to New Hampshire though this little group who thought they were so clever hiding in that silly business in Keene might suspect that the one they hunted is now hunting them! Example: "If we want the lion's share of the profit, we'll have to do the lion's share of the work. examples "Build an airtight business case for new IT investments" "Writes the business case for the board level contacts" "Build a business case for your company" "Here is the business case for … How to use business community in a sentence. They do not represent the opinions of Dean felt equally acrimonious toward the overbearing state official whom he hadn't seen since the winter and who, in Dean's mind, had no business being back in Ouray. He had only said that because he was trying to discourage her from prying into his business. Take my word for it, there was no business reason for Jeff to be having lunch with Cece Baldwin—just monkey business. - the biggest, most powerful group or company, ncluding from the 800 pound gorilla, Microsoft. How to use run a business in a sentence. Opening paragraph 5. This business about Annie is killing me so much I can't think straight. CAN Ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, Polite request Example Sentences; I can play the football. Or maybe he'll find Cleary, learn he isn't Byrne, and put this whole business to rest. But forming compound sentences can be quite tricky, so its important for one to be familiar with the basic components of a compound sentence as well as the prop… He can kill himself if he's fool enough to want to but the boy has no business up there. "Writes the business case for the board level contacts". At first her intervention in the business of packing was received skeptically. In this business it don't pay to have a good memory, even if I did have one. Well, Rapp, do you think we shall do good business today? An effective letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. Try to carve out a niche and be number one in that are. It was his suggestion about the newspaper subscription that started the whole business rolling— even if it was blind luck. As you may have learned from school, an oxymoron is a compres… ", 6. bring to the table - whatever you can possibly offer ", 31. flying by the seat of your pants - intuitively (flying an airplane with no instruments) "The business communityis certainly listening". The dress is business casual and the atmosphere is romantic, whether you enjoy indoor or outdoor dining. This fact impressed Alpatych, but in thinking about his own business he soon forgot it. For example in the sentence, ... Again, if the appositive is very specific, then there may not be a need to use commas. Katie looked to the fridge, where a small business card was stuck beneath a cartoon magnet. You'll have to develop some skill in reading people if you want to make this a business. Date 2. It will never fly. antonyms. A refined version of the product was marketed to consumers in 1994 by BellSouth under the name Simon Personal Communicator. Here are three examples of business process automation projects that demonstrate how it can improve your business’s efficiency. Dean had been concentrating on his business at hand, driving, and hadn't even glanced at the two cars. This is not to say that businesses are so materialistic they will favor a war to get a government contract. business case in a sentence - 7 Lists. You may also see fused sentence examples and corrections. I think what I feel is none of your business. Example: "The WTO agreement helps to level the playing field, which gives us the chance to compete anywhere in the world. Example: "Do you think a new company can survise without a unique product? First, it's none of his business and second, he's all wet; there is no connection. Certainly. It struck her that his way of doing business was strange. Everyone will be on Facebook, as will be every business, every idea, every brand, and all the people who were once members but have since passed away. Still, what business could survive without a person with final authority on decisions? I determined to go into business at once, and not wait to acquire the usual capital, using such slender means as I had already got. Example sentences: " I would go with you, but I don't have a car. Oh, I think you can trust her—on this business. They'd never trusted one another enough to share, and their father made things worse by compartmentalizing the Council's business and pitting the sons against one another long before he was killed. This is the family business, as they say. Example: "He's a tough boss. ", - something that helps all people or all groups, - a person who has long experience, especially in one place, - find a special market that you can control, - when equipment of facilities are not available, so you cannot work, - make final conditions that cannot be changed, - have a small opportunity that can become a big opportunity in the future, if you do good work, - an informal way to say it is needed immediately, - both people or both groups can contribute or benefit from the situation, - it's a difficult market with many, tough competitors, - trying very hard (like a dog doing tricks! 46 sentence examples using Business. Each man in the hunt knew his business, his place, what he had to do. "She already said yes," Janet answered, gesturing toward Cynthia as if to say, the boss has spoken, mind your own business. ", 2. There's time for recreation before my business in Omaha. Not everyone fully understands how oxymorons function in a sentence. Then, as soon as it was quite a while, she'd start the whole business over again! Example: "I will meet with Teacher Joe's new company to show him what we can bring to the table. I have thought that Walden Pond would be a good place for business, not solely on account of the railroad and the ice trade; it offers advantages which it may not be good policy to divulge; it is a good port and a good foundation. Is this situation really preferable from a business standpoint? He regarded the whole business of the war not with his intelligence or his reason but by something else. My dad brought it home from a business trip. Review the list for small … Do you remember any of the business names? We'd sure all be near the top on anyone else's list—anyone who was looking at this business objectively. "Strictly business," Dean answered, automatically. She packed, repacked, pressed, made the butler's assistant and Petya--whom she had drawn into the business of packing--press on the lid, and made desperate efforts herself. Example: "By tweaking the economy, the government hopes to avoid a recession. These examples should get your creative juices flowing as you begin to create your business model. In its most basic idea, the opposite of a periodic sentence is a loose sentence. The Simon was the first device which could be properly referred to as a “smartphone”, even though the term was … If we had known more about their culture, negotiating (be) easier. The students are smart. What's the problem with this jury business? I was the one who spotted the suitcases while Byrne was around the corner doing his business so I pitched them in his trunk without opening them. Admittedly, the identification elevated the entire business to a higher, more serious level of concern. What's this negative-positive business and electrostatic field? ", 21. level playing field - equal conditions for all people or groups From the Cambridge English Corpus The message to industry, to reduce unnecessary packaging, was answered by three initiatives: two general codes of practice and one ill-funded and narrow business plan. "This whole business is a damn shame," Mayer repeated. In this article, we will review how to end a letter professionally with proper final sentences and closings. Parallel Sentence Examples. Low-cost business websites hosted around the world. Prince Andrew, depressed and preoccupied with the business about which he had to speak to the Marshal, was driving up the avenue in the grounds of the Rostovs' house at Otradnoe. " My dad would know how to fix this. " Skype allows a business to have a personal touch. He would leave the next day, after taking care of some business. More 'do good' business by the reverend's wife, all the way back to 1896. 18. 15 sentence examples using Business Meeting. He was worried by the impending necessity of interfering in the stupid business matters for which his mother had called him home. Those who don't change will end up sinking! We may report the words of a speaker in two ways. got some business to attend to with the other Immortals. May I go to the bathroom? All of his subordinates have to jump through hoops to prove their loyalty to the company. "Business," his second-in-command and current lover said, seating herself. I don't have any business asking you anything personal...about your friends. The easier a letter is to read, the better. He's been working in China for many years and speaks Chinese fluently. I'm going to buy a car; however, I'll have to use all of my savings. " The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years. Examples of business plan It is difficult to imagine that electroacoustic music could generate a business plan through pay-per-listen access! He believes he's hurting our marriage, threatened to move back to California and tank the whole business. This is not the case. Unless she stood up to him, she would never learn to run the business. From Cambridge English Corpus The first business-oriented model, which is easy to comprehend by the layman. Unsolicited business proposals will often be generic, one size fits all approach to business proposals and lacks any understanding of the buyer or their requirements. If Alex wanted her to know the financial details, he would have told her, and it wasn't any of Katie's business. Local, because stimulating the local economy is good for you, good for me and good for the other members of your community. It is a literary device, that comes after (or sometimes before) a noun. She included among her enemies the creditors and all who had business dealings with her father, and always at the thought of enemies and those who hated her she remembered Anatole who had done her so much harm--and though he did not hate her she gladly prayed for him as for an enemy. First, Byrne's strange day at the Whitney Motel and the date of his business in Scranton. The students are able to attain this level of … The lodge was in the next block and once again mirrored the others he'd visited since this business began. More importantly, Cynthia Byrne was dead right in saying he had no business being chauvinistic in trying to protect this woman from his suspicions. Has there ever before been a time when business opportunity was more blind to color, gender, or creed? Who could argue there was ever a better time to start a business any time in the world? "Haste in every business brings failures". Negative Sentence Examples For example, "She does not speak Spanish." If I had more time, I (do) a course in business English. The space business doesn't seem to work but she might have used a character for a period. Martha confirmed my suspicions Quinn was mad as hell, convinced the whole business was down the flusher. "Well," he commented nonchalantly, "It's none of my business.". Between that Westlake guy checking his stocks and his Internet auctions and now Joseph and his brother, I hardly get time to do my own business. The neighbors are noisy. Dean had given Fred the business the entire trip from Parkside but the old man remained undeterred. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today. Example: "If he tries to block this deal in any way, we'll just have to start playing hardball. He wasn't opposed to having it, but he insisted on sharing it in fair business - and with his wife, more or less. Example: "We don't have to worry about their idea competing with ours. You ain't never poked around in my past and I've sort of kept my business close to the vest. "I wish the whole business would just go away," she muttered. "Let's be smart for once and mind our own business," Cynthia said as she stepped into the Jeep. This new device is so good that it finally puts them on the map. Anyway," Rhyn said. Whatever their connection, it was none of his business. While not privy to the Council's business, he assessed the appearance of their father at a time when Rhyn was struggling for control did not bode well for any of them. When has starting a business been so easy? I figured that if Giddon was using a pseudonym, he would have to either do his banking with his own name or fill out some kind of paperwork to do business under another name. It can turn a simple narrative into something rich and colorful. We'd discussed the possibility of conducting our business at other sites, should the need arise. Men of business, even farmers, thought only of solitude and employment, and of the great distance at which I dwelt from something or other; and though they said that they loved a ramble in the woods occasionally, it was obvious that they did not. This method is called Direct Speech. Image description. Legally, we had no business going in there in the first place. It was a real power lunch!" "Build a business case for your company". You may also see balanced sentences usage and examples. ", 28. put on the map - make well-known 1. I have to take care of some... business and then I'll meet you there. Many people with English as a second language worry that their writing is not advanced enough for business writing. ", 15. a two-way street - both people or both groups can contribute or benefit from the situation The whole troubling business snarled up his mind through the otherwise pleasant afternoon. A commander-in-chief's business, it would seem, is simply to choose one of these projects. Businesses. What do you mean; it isn't any of my business? Sir William Keith (1680-1749), governor of the province, urged him to start in business for himself, and when Franklin had unsuccessfully appealed to his father for the means to do so, Keith promised to furnish him with what he needed for the equipment of a new printing office and sent him to England to buy the materials. In a way, you could say that they are “equal.” The same is true for what is … Julia is studying law and Rachel is majoring in business. ", 39. unwind a deal - take apart or undo something ", 8. deep pockets - have a lot of money "It's not my business!" However, these opposite words don’t always have to appear side by side. examples. I was hoping it was back to business as usual. Here are 20 phrases you can use: 1) Thank you for your message/email/phone call. Dean rose and wandered out to the front porch but in spite of his sterling speech, and overwhelming wish that he could forget the Shiptons and all the grief they had brought him, he couldn't quite chase the unfinished business from his churning mind. She found out about his business? prohibition, supposition with doubt sentences..., or originality Example sentences ; I can study in between 'cause they do n't mean he anything... 'S not any of his business, it is Example sentences business rolling— even if Bird Song throughout whole. English Tenses - examples sometimes seeing them again would be minimal, since they were both Mafia in,. Idea is as crazy as the business. `` menu is great for travelers and business.! She paraded up the charges, turned, loaded, and an all-business attitude match! Things about the whole business over to you now that the Annie Quincy is court business, it not. 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