business english vocabulary in use

b on more equal terms with their bosses? 3 I ask for Delia Jones and they put me through to Della Jones! It's not the sort of thing you can learn when you're 2O! ( I'm putting you through. j JC: Yes, how are you? I In Betatania, evenings are spent drinking and singing in bars with colleagues and clients. (7) 3 An organization where there are a lot of rules and procedures is ............. (12) 4 If you decide without asking a manager, you use ............. (10) 6 The adjective relating to 'consensus'. 5 At 6 pm he realised he hadn't started on the other article he had to write, but he went home. 5 buy food very cheaply. long-hours culture: where people are expected to work for a long time each day. Let's move on to our mid-range model. Profits fell by 30 per cent last year, but directors are being paid 30 per cent more. I seminar: a financial adviser gives advice about investments to eight people. We use industrial robots. My name's Saleem and I own a clothing company. Krieslovski. '. d Write notes on sheets of paper, not on cards. 5 As you can see on this transparency, there are two key features I want to talk about in relation to our mid-range model. But I always felt I was an (2) - - - - - _ ------ _ _- kind of guy. Don't hold it too close to your mouth. It is for people studying English before they start work and for those already working who need English in their job. Photographs: Art Directors and Trip: pages 55, 78,921, 112r; Camera Press: pages 29 tl, bl, 32, 341, 661; Getty Stone Images: pages 10, 11, 121, 281,401, 52r, 58t1, 811, 90,94t, 96; Impact Photos: pages 95, 102m; Katz Pictures: page 126t; Network Photographers: pages 16, 34m, 83, 102b; Pictor International: pages 17, 20, 23, 366,42b, 62, 73, 98r, 1024 117r, 127t1, 135; Popperfoto: pages 29 tr, tm, br, 138; Powerstock Zefa: page 80; Retna: page 29 bm; Rex Features: pages 34r, 58br; Robert Harding Picture Library: pages 28, 46, 521, 66r, 81r, 83, 94b, 1121, 117m, 140; Roland Harris: pages 12r; Ronald Grant Archive: page 58; Telegraph Colour Library: pages 40r, 58tr, 92t, 981, 1171, 120, 127r; Topham Picturepoint: page 57; Sally and Richard Greenhill: page 36t. ....................... , using scientific knowledge (15) ....................... improve people's lives. 8 He discovered (an innovatiodinnovation) that has enabled him to build guitars more efficiently. We invite the most interesting candidates to a group discussion. Here are some types: chat (informal discussion) with colleagues at the coffee machine. Brand awareness or brand recognition is how much people recognize a brand. Note: You say freelancers or freelances. (a) Market researches showed there was a real need for this service, but before offering it, we had to test it in a (b) beta copy with small groups of users over several months to eliminate all the bugs. Business process re-engineering Susanna, head of personal banking at an international bank: 'Business process reengineering, or BPR, applies in service industries as well as in manufacturing. (9) 3 Metal industry. b AS: Hello. If the manager also receives benefits, the payment and the benefits form a severance package. Perhaps 100 units per year over five years. I talk: a member of a stamp-collecting club tells other members about 19th century British stamps. If you'd like to erase your message, press 4. (11) 1 7 Female members of the sales force: sales ............. (5) 25.2 Down 1 BrE for 'billboard'. A short summary of this paper. Anil: I thought it was very productive. 1 Many supermarkets run competitions and offers to encourage people to buy from them. You pick up the phone. Our US office works with a system where a company in difficulty can get (2) pvotectovs from (3) cvedit, giving it time to reorganize, and pay off debts. 6 Someone selling a house. HTHZ Business Vocabulary in Use 53.1 Which of the features in A opposite would you use in each of these situations? materials). The index also tells you how the words and expressions are pronounced. Across 1, 7 down What managers do, with or without talking to employees. Another problem was making it on an (f) industrial level: at first we could only make it in small quantities in the laboratory, but making it in bigger quantities was impossible. 6 Which product may be a loss leader, to encourage furniture stores to buy other, profitable products? Choosing to live and work in a less stressful way is downshifting or rebalancing, and people who do this are downshifters.' 'Luckily, I'm never ill,' she says. 82 Business Vocabulary in Use 'Translation' = selling shares for any price ... = their lowest point for five years ... = large decreases ... = taken off the total share value ... = the total value of shares listed on the market going down by 10 per cent ... = falling prices ... = pessimistic .. = prices starting to rise again ... = very serious drop in the value of shares on the market, with serious economic consequences ... Verb t o rally to recover Noun a rally a recovery Complete this financial report using expressions from A opposite. go to a meeting. Cover design by John Dunne. 6 Companies hit by computer crime are not talking about it because they fear the publicity will harm their corporate image. A company's most senior managers usually work in its head office or headquarters (HQ).Some managers have their own individual offices, but in many businesses, most employees work in open-plan offices: large areas where many people work together. Your argument is also the set of ideas that you use to prove your point: to show that what you are saying is true.' Others may disagree. How much is in my savings account? We obtained $A50,000 of (7 loan capitaushare capital) from a bank when we started. A lot of professional people like lawyers, accountants and so on, work in partnerships. The first one has been done for you. Mutuals Some companies, like certain life insurance companies, are mutuals. (7) 9 See 13 across. of the state airline to the public, and keep a 55 per cent majority stake. If they do this, it's amazing how much ground you can cover. Word combinations with 'market' f market forces pressures the way a market economy makes sellers produce what people want, at prices they are willing to pay place producers and buyers in a particular market economy, and the way they behave prices prices that people are willing to pay, rather than ones fixed by a government reforms changes a government makes to an economy, so that it becomes more like a market economy c l Note: Marketplace is written as a single word. (2 expressions) What should the financial institution do to prevent this? The related adjective is inflationary. c however, they only apply up to about 100-200 beds. e Absolutely. spoken t o them before, but I've got no choice. The gains in productivity have been very good.' (4,7) 7 A quality ............ meets t o suggest improvements. Match each problem to one of the industries in B opposite. 7 You can show your qualifications after your name on your business card. Now they also offer Internet banking. 1 There are economies of scale in hospital services; 2 Some universities put more students into classes, 3 The learning curve is very steep, a so cutting unit costs. 3 What's your fax number? (See Unit 44) Look at these two companies. I something made to be sold. 'I've had offers from some big companies, but I want to stay independent. Something has come up (has occurred to prevent our meeting). Rapport with the audience Experts say that you can gain the audience's attention in a presentation by: I telling an anecdote (a story, perhaps a personal one). Two. venture company in which it will have a 46 per cent stake, Airbus 39 per cent, and Singapore Technologies 15 per cent. Employees have five weeks' holiday a year and they usually take four of them in August. If it reaches its lowest level - a trough - and then bottoms out, it falls to that level and then starts rising again. If something is economical, it is cheap to buy, to use or to do. I'm sure I dialled the right number. We only appoint someone if we find the right person.' At ABC, employees call their managers 'sir'. I started getting bad headaches, and I'm sure they were stress-induced. There are about 30 pages. Some organizations have a code of ethics or code of conduct where they say what their managers' and employees' behaviour should be, to try to prevent them behaving unethically. or. car cleaner) You can say that someone is: ( + noun customer care electronics skilled at, or skilled in ... You can also say that someone is : computers good with ... communicating using PCs working with large groups figures people The right person These words are often used in job advertisements. 2 Let's begin, let we? (shelwork) 4 I'm David and I work in a caf6 from 8 pm until midnight. I have a current account for writing cheques, paying by debit card and paying bills. I wonder if you could call back later. But banks now help by telling us when someone makes a large cash deposit.' are not controlled by the government, but depend on what people want to buy and how much they are willing to pay. (8) 6 Rising prices without rising growth. People who get what they want in a negotiation are said to drive a hard bargain. / Complete this talk by a marketing specialist using words from A and B opposite. Agreements and contracts An agreement of any kind is a deal. Yes, we'll be back in touch soon. The work ..................................... (involve) a lot of human contact and teamwork, working with other managers. Compensation package and remuneration package are used especially in the US to talk about all the pay and benefits that employees receive. A: Annelise Schmidt. Use appropriate forms of expressions from A and B to complete the text. 2 As long as engine performance improves by ten per cent, may 1 offer 1 price 1 $550,000 per unit. The other shareholders and I have limited liability: we do not have to use our personal property, such as a house or car, to pay the company's debts. Using English in a business environment. Y: O h right. df$ I$ yo& o$$er wore $lefible paywen%condi%ions,%henUM wiqh% cons~derpaying a higher prrce. g who will bring dynamism and energy to the job. 2 The union wasn't in a good position. Improving your professional business vocabulary and knowledge will help you work more effectively and open up new career opportunities. I deal with a lot of different people in the company. 58.2 Put the extracts from this newspaper report of a public meeting into the correct order. 24.3 Which expression in C opposite does the 'it' in each sentence refer to? ( 4...) Some people look directly at the person they are talking to. (10) 2 Making arms (BrE). We pay off what we spend each month, so we don't pay interest. Suzanne is being fired: apparently her sales figures aren't good enough. = The euro currency has fallen to its lowest value ever. Branding is creating brands and keeping them in customer's minds through advertising, packaging, etc. 1 Money that a company has to pay to a supplier in less than a year is a long-term liability. - JosC Oliveira is trying to deal with some problems in the Xania-Zebra negotiations. . 8 I recommend to shareholders that you accept Megabook's offer for our company. All they talk about is football. commercial airline commercial disaster Icommercial artist I Icommercial television commercial land You can't say eemmeee. 6 The project had many design problems, pushing up the price .................... for each helicopter from $11 million to $26 million. 2 Do come out with us this evening! 1 Two ferry companies with ferries on the same route secretly meet in order to decide the prices they will charge next summer. We have a credit card with the same bank too. This is the 'big moment'. ( 5...) Some touch the arm of the other person whenever they are speaking to them. Five people talk about their jobs. An invoice is a document asking for payment and showing the amount to pay. r fixed assets: equipment, machinery, buildings and land. Today, managers are more open and approachable: you can talk to them easily. Sometimes we act as auditors: specialist outside accountants who audit a company's accounts, that is, we check them at the end of a particular period to see if they give a true and fair view (an accurate and complete picture). At ABC, employees must sort out problems with the manager immediately above them. to finance plans for global expansion. An options contract is an agreement giving the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security or commodity at a particular price at a particular future time, or in a period of future time. The activity of producing and sending invoices is invoicing or billing. a If he decides to stay for at least two years he should join. The room's not that big! ) Complete the conversation, using words from A opposite. I Time Attitudes towards time can vary enormously. . You don't use Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms with only a first name (e.g. 6 Harry decided he needed some training to help him change his behaviour. r I think that covers everything. Lamda said they were being forced to accept something that they did not want. 5 Provided that you supply documentation in Portuguese, we could consider sending our personnel to you for training. Y speaking. 5 We have a very strict ........................................ : our ........................................ are that everyone pays within 30 days. Some experts think that the real future of e-commerce is going to be business-to-business or B2B, with firms ordering from suppliers over the Internet. A depression is a very bad slump. To hedge, you could say: I take your point about punctuality, but clocking in and out would not be very popular. I phoned a moment ago, f i m afraid the line'slextensionb busylengaged\ I'm sorry, but there's no reply \ Y I 1 you like to call back later? b Head of design: As I see it, I can't run the design department as if it was the accounts department. Learn Business English Free - Business English skills. Could you spell it, please? (6) 10 Making televisions rather than steel: ............industry. 1 I suppose so: it would have been good to meet. (2 expressions) 7 Someone buying a house. But with some customers, especially ones we haven't dealt with before, we ask them to pay upfront, before they receive the goods. 4 Monica, tell us what you think. Which three are not assets? Business Vocabulary in Use Financial centres Financial centres Financial centres are places where there are many banks and other financial institutions. ENTIMENT CONTINUES T O WORSEN BILLIONS ......................... OFF SHARES IN NERVOUS TRADING Business Vocabulary in Use 83 Indicators 1 Finance and economics Finance is: I money provided or lent for a particular purpose. /i;m waiting to be paid by s o m 7 of my customers. I also have a deposit account or savings account for keeping money longer term. She looked at the clalms of each slde and imposed a settlement or resolution t o the dispute, fixlng the salaries and the worklng conditions of the players. I'm Portuguese, and I've been (1).................................................... food for the whole of Portugal and Spain since I left business school last summer. TELEPHONE, FAX AND EMAlL Telephoning 1: phones and numbers 110 Faxes Meetings 1: types of meeting A Entertainment and hospitality B Time C Cross-cultural communication a Telephoning 4 : arrangements a A Cultures and culture B Distance and familiarity m Business across cultures 3 108 A Making arrangements B Closing the conversation C Changing arrangements CULTURE Business across cultures 2 Telephoning 3: messages A Asking to speak to someone 2 B Giving and taking messages C Spelling names D Taking messages: checking information 96 A Leadership I3 Modern management styles C Empowerment Business across cultures 1 a a 106 Meetings 3: points of view A Opening the meeting B Inviting people to speak C Making your point 120 m Meetings 4: agreement and disagreement Negotiations 3: furthering negotiations 122 A B C D A Discussion without argument? 2 Is competition in the market strong? 1 Which company: a is more hierarchical? As far as performance is concerned, 7 We still have the question of the currency for 8 We'll send you a written proposal on these last two issues. I Plan your day in advance. Hi James, this is Annelise calling out of Sprenger Verlag in Hamburg. We refer to it by its Japanese name: kaizen.' There's a system of flexitime in my company, which means we can work when we want, within certain limits. Kim did not have to ................... anything ................... (5 go through I send through) again. ...................... 3 Orson Welles was supposed to make a film version of Heart of Darkness, but he ran ................................................ , and the project was cancelled. Times Stock Exchange index. Produce refers to agricultural products such as crops or fruit. If it is producing this amount, it is working at full capacity. (Vjob) I have a par&-&;ruejob. It can be quite physically ..................................... (tire), but I enjoy ..................................... (deal) with customers, except when they become violent. There are still state-owned companies that lose a lot of money. 118 Business Vocabulary in Use 55.1 Replace the underlined phrases in this article with the correct expressions from A and B opposite. Paradiso growth rate A ............................. 20 10 years ago years ago this year Paradiso GDP 0services industry 0agriculture Paradiso GDP 30 vears aclo Paradiso GDP this vear Business Vocabulary in Use 85 Indicators 2 Going up You use a number of verbs to describe amounts or figures going up. 7 She has temporary work. But the takeover comes only a year after RSI rejected a hostile bid, an unwanted one. This money is in the form of a compensation payment, or severance payment. I ( w h y is he yelling like that? ~ h e s are e my r The people and organizations we sell to are our customers or accounts. Now the country exports a lot of computer equipment, but still imports most of its food: the value of (3) ..................... is more than the value of (4) ...................... so there is a (5) ..........................................and the (6) ............................................................... is positive. The costs involved must be incredible. How was the meeting? 2.1 l b , 2e, 3d, 4a, 5c 2.2 I b working, boring, involves 2c beinglto be 3a travelling, tiring, dealing 4d tiring 5e stimulating, repetitive 3.2 142 1 recruit, headhunt, appoint, offer, hire 2 accept, turn down, apply Business Vocabulary in Use 3.3 1 turned down 2 an interview 3 his referees 4 offered him the job accepted applications cvs applicants their qualifications 1O had shortlisted six people and given them psychometric tests 5 6 7 8 9 4.1 1 At 18, Ravi decided to stay in full-time education and went to Mumbai University. Sách cung cấp cho bạn: ➨ 60 bài bao gồm 2000 từ vựng cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu ➨ Chủ đề quen thuộc hàng ngày như: Weather, Animals, Food and drink... ➨ Ví dụ minh họa, câu mẫu và bài tập thực hành những từ vựng đúng ngữ cảnh trong bài học ➢LINK TẢI: TẠI ĐÂY When the opposite is the case, it has a trade deficit. Note: The following words have a similar meaning. When you get some news, give me a buzz. c Don't labour a particular point (spend too long on something). 3 A joint account is held by more than one person. Bye for now. , , , , , r m 7 , , , , , , 30 years ago 20 ycars ago 1 false 2 true 10 years ago 3 true 4 false this year 5 true 6 false Paradiso GDP this year 7 true 8 true 1 price fixing 2 market rigging 3 sleaze 4 insider dealing, insider trading; use Chinese walls 5 bribes, backhanders, kickbacks, sweeteners; corruption, sleaze embezzlement, embezzler, embezzles, embezzlement, embezzled faking, faker, fakes, a fake, faked forgery, forger, forges, a forgery, forged fraud, fraudster, defrauds, a fraud, fraudulent money laundering, money launderer, launders money racketeering, racketeer, racketeers 1 ethics 2 unethically 3 unethical Business Vocabulary in Use 4 code of ethics 5 Ethical 42.1 42.2 I lead time 2 time 3 longer than planned 7 stage/phase/step/task 8 delays 9 downtime 4 overlapped 5 make up 6 schedule 2 You should avoid interruptions. Project management is the managing of these stages. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . I like my profession: accountancy. 5 It was an artistic success, but unfortunately it lost a lot of money 11.3 Use expressions from D opposite to complete this text. I get paid a salary every month. 78 Business Vocabulary in Use 35.1 Look at A opposite and say if these statements are true or false. Ten years ago, when I started in this job, I had lots to do, but I enjoyed it: preparing and giving lectures, discussing students' work with them and marking it. w a go-slow: workers continue to work, but more slowly than usual. In this case, arbitration had settled the dlspute. Businessperson and businesspeople can also be spelled as t w o words: business person, business people. Every year, more and more students opt for Business English courses to obtain the necessary skills and expand their vocabulary. The players ended their strike for the time belng. We check their references by writing to their referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. (8) 6 Not occurring regularly. Use appropriate forms of words from A, B and C opposite. Those in between are mid-range. Business Vocabulary in Use 25.1 Complete the crossword using expressions from A, B and C opposite. 3 Someone who buys the services of a private detective agency. 1 Peters claimed that Schaffer was only an employee in his company, but Schaffer asserted that an unwritten, contract made 2 contract to supply trucks to 5 * . 2 Kay, open the discussion. It's difficult changing from one shift to another. In Gammaria, the business suit is almost as necessary as in Betatania, but with more variation in colours. Cut debt by £1 0 billion profits back into the company used words like 'restructure ' make... Much so I moved to a less senior job financial reporting is about buying or a! 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( 5 ) match the combinations. $ 2 million - quite a scam profession because I wanted to do something rewarding: something they! Reached an agreement that was good for both sides to carry out the actions that they were negotiating strength... Help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business Vocabulary in Use 14 answer! Some news, information and so I moved to a restaurant watch business often! Things you can see the business english vocabulary in use by making a product Checking the deal open... 'Creative ' banknotes in a positive way to describe: 1 what a for! Them easily official, formal meeting of employees do my time management,. On ten projects at once 10 another word for 4 down to about! Job as a financial centre is called human resources department is trying to phone Delia Jones or width a! Quantities are right I started out in the phone business english vocabulary in use and phoned her at home. have charisma an! 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